snuffbox 0 Report post Posted October 16, 2006 Maybe it's time for Czech to grab hold of some of that old Jack Kerouac vibe, drop out of school, and travel about the country. Just be an asshole and forget about your teachers & other supporting cast. Hit the damn road, man! Hitchhike, guzzle wine, and fuck girls you meet at Greyhound stations. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Felonies! Report post Posted October 16, 2006 Anyway, crimson moons? Yeesh. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snuffbox 0 Report post Posted October 16, 2006 Walworth County isn't known for it's educational system. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Felonies! Report post Posted October 16, 2006 Walworth County isn't known for it's educational system. Tell me everything you know about this, please. I will ascertain. Edit: I love how District 23 and District 210 (or 212?) have become very good schools, according to whoever judges this, since I moved. Aside from the Ritalin, I think I had a positive experience in Arlington Hts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Felonies! Report post Posted October 16, 2006 I can say what I want, Spoon. Thread has my name on it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snuffbox 0 Report post Posted October 16, 2006 Everytime I visit Lake Geneva/Delevan/etc I feel like I'm in some kind of time-warp. The fundamental Christian bloc seems to have it's filthy grip clenched tight on alot of people there. It seems like a really twisted episode of Leave it to Beaver. I dread every visit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Art Sandusky 0 Report post Posted October 16, 2006 How vain. Not all posts are directed at you as well. You're only half the problem, much like all of the moping you're doing here about life stuff. Just chill the fuck out, get off your ass, and go make something happen if you're feeling that directionless. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snuffbox 0 Report post Posted October 16, 2006 I know of one teacher at the Williams Bay high school that has been arrested twice for spousal abuse & after verbally attacking a student there repeatedly (the student, of course, was his own son) this was all brough to the attention of the adminstrator. He promptly took the information and tucked it, nice and neat, under the rug. The teacher is an active fundamentalist. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Felonies! Report post Posted October 16, 2006 Delavan is a shithole and the people I know there were the ones in viva's writing class.* Lake Geneva is a redneck shithole disguised as a resort town for rich Chicagoans. Abortion protests all the damn time. Ridiculously tacky gift shops. Generally low-class people all around. I need to move back. *Not indicative of the population as a whole, just the theater people there that I became friends with by association. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vivalaultra 0 Report post Posted October 16, 2006 This entire thread proves that reading=bad times. Ha ha, Czech liked wrestling...were you a....big Lex Luger fan? Yeah, I totally wasted my prime years watching wrestling, too. And I was in the gifted classes...and I now go to a state university...and I like baseball. This is starting to get weird. If I wasn't so much more attractive than you, presumably, I'd think that you like...did some Kurt Vonnegut stuff or something. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Felonies! Report post Posted October 16, 2006 God, I wish. I'm gonna fabricate a rough past. I was more of a Bret Hart/Triple H fan, but man, let's not travel down this road. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snuffbox 0 Report post Posted October 16, 2006 Delavan is a shithole and the people I know there were the ones in viva's writing class.* *Not indicative of the population as a whole, just the theater people there that I became friends with by association. Did you meet very many non-theatre folk that were much better? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Felonies! Report post Posted October 16, 2006 No, never had a reason to. I feel for them, as Delavan might be even more miserable than Lake Geneva. At least we have a pretty lake. There's NOTHING out there. Hey, did you get down to Pell Lake? Mississippi North, baby. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snuffbox 0 Report post Posted October 16, 2006 Ugh. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BUTT 0 Report post Posted October 16, 2006 Czech is 19 and he thinks he's wasted his life. Ha. It's not like you've done significantly less than most others your age have done. Most of your peers (well, our peers, I guess I should say considering we're in the same age range) can boast of life experience roughly consisting of getting piss drunk every Friday and Saturday night from ages 15-19 and playing Madden and GTA the rest of the time. Pull yourself up, Felonies! Don't blame pro rasslin' for yer troubles! Not everyone's gonna go to freakin' Harvard. You have enough biting wit and condescension towards lower forms of culture that you could make it as a music reviewer on some Pitchfork-lite site. Do you write songs Czech? Do it! You seem to have very high standards as far as the music you like so I imagine your own compositions would be unmatched by anything short of those created by Moz and Marr themselves! But don't do the drugs, Czech, Pat Spoon may recommend otherwise but there are some dudes who get high and then go on and on about it on this board and then some who just keep it to themselves and try as I might I don't like your chances of falling into the latter group. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Felonies! Report post Posted October 16, 2006 Hey, thanks for the encouragement, SJK. I've done some writing, but scrapped 90% of it, which is certainly below the Mendoza Line. I just haven't had ideas lately, though. I'll sit at the piano and can't do shit. I need to worry less about football and more about music. Didn't think I'd say that! Damn Chicago Bears. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BUTT 0 Report post Posted October 16, 2006 I have no musical talent but I have created some passable compositions on the computer using FL Studio. It makes me feel happy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snuffbox 0 Report post Posted October 16, 2006 I recorded 3 original songs one afternoon...if I can/anyone can. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster Report post Posted October 16, 2006 I picked up a girl at a Greyhound Station, once. I didn't want to, and she was kinda chubby, but just looked so...lonely. I'm pretty sure that night was a turnaround in her life. To this day I like to think I had something to with it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BUTT 0 Report post Posted October 16, 2006 Good for you, Hotbutter! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snuffbox 0 Report post Posted October 16, 2006 I've seen at least one really good looking lady on every Greyhound trip I've taken. Of course, there's also a couple dozen total weirdos every time as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Annabelle 0 Report post Posted October 16, 2006 I know I'm partly responsible for my downfall, but Lake Geneva's public schools were and likely still are ridiculously bad. My first day of 4th grade in Lake Geneva, right as I walk in the classroom, we are lectured about how we set new lows on state writing tests and would now have to practice writing in every class, including gym. Boy, what a kick in the pre-pubescent balls that was. depressed by that in grade 4? whoa, man. whoa. most kids that age would hate it but not get depressed & pin their failures on it. maybe in like grade 10 or 11. maybe. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slayer 0 Report post Posted October 16, 2006 Czech is 19 and he thinks he's wasted his life. Ha. It's not like you've done significantly less than most others your age have done. Most of your peers (well, our peers, I guess I should say considering we're in the same age range) can boast of life experience roughly consisting of getting piss drunk every Friday and Saturday night from ages 15-19 and playing Madden and GTA the rest of the time. Pull yourself up, Felonies! Don't blame pro rasslin' for yer troubles! Not everyone's gonna go to freakin' Harvard. You have enough biting wit and condescension towards lower forms of culture that you could make it as a music reviewer on some Pitchfork-lite site. Do you write songs Czech? Do it! You seem to have very high standards as far as the music you like so I imagine your own compositions would be unmatched by anything short of those created by Moz and Marr themselves! But don't do the drugs, Czech, Pat Spoon may recommend otherwise but there are some dudes who get high and then go on and on about it on this board and then some who just keep it to themselves and try as I might I don't like your chances of falling into the latter group. Did Tommy Lasorda break into SJK's account? "Watch the postseason! And don't kill yourself!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Edwin MacPhisto 0 Report post Posted October 16, 2006 I'm sad I missed this thread while I was rockin' to TV on the Radio. At least the beginning parts when you were discussing books and Incandenza's boner. I didn't realize that the copy of Gravity's Rainbow I ordered a couple weeks back was a pre-order. It has a really cool cover drawn by Frank Miller, but I won't get it for another two weeks. Ho-hum. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slayer 0 Report post Posted October 16, 2006 This thread only further reminds me of my hatred for my lit classes... making me think of all those stupid questions about interpreting the world of some guy (or girl) that I had to waste my time on "What was the significance and metaphoric symbolism of the bible on the nightstand of Herman Melville's Billy Bob and Me. Even if you can answer this question in a sentence or two, we demand you expand on this for 2-3 pages." And it turns out every symbolism in any lit work I had to read for those classes represented God. It was always about God. Except when God was actually involved, in which case, he represented man. Give me my numbers anyday. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slayer 0 Report post Posted October 16, 2006 BTW, I know you guys are reading all these works for fun (I think), but school totally sapped any enjoyment of fictional reading for me Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Black Lushus 0 Report post Posted October 16, 2006 BTW, I know you guys are reading all these works for fun (I think), but school totally sapped any enjoyment of fictional reading for me aye Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Edwin MacPhisto 0 Report post Posted October 16, 2006 This thread only further reminds me of my hatred for my lit classes... making me think of all those stupid questions about interpreting the world of some guy (or girl) that I had to waste my time on "What was the significance and metaphoric symbolism of the bible on the nightstand of Herman Melville's Billy Bob and Me. Even if you can answer this question in a sentence or two, we demand you expand on this for 2-3 pages." And it turns out every symbolism in any lit work I had to read for those classes represented God. It was always about God. Except when God was actually involved, in which case, he represented man. Give me my numbers anyday. I hate that stuff too. Classes or questions that rely on asking you about "symbolism" of a particular object are flat-out retarded. There's a place for it in context, but there are a lot of better ways to teach close reading than saying "TELL ME WHAT THE NIGHTSTAND MEANS." Teachers who rely on that crutch are dopes, because questions like that take such a narrow approach that anything you get out of there is worthless. It's no better than a multiple choice question. There was a lot of that junk in my AP Lit class, but once I got to college things opened up considerably. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vivalaultra 0 Report post Posted October 16, 2006 This thread only further reminds me of my hatred for my lit classes... making me think of all those stupid questions about interpreting the world of some guy (or girl) that I had to waste my time on "What was the significance and metaphoric symbolism of the bible on the nightstand of Herman Melville's Billy Bob and Me. Even if you can answer this question in a sentence or two, we demand you expand on this for 2-3 pages." And it turns out every symbolism in any lit work I had to read for those classes represented God. It was always about God. Except when God was actually involved, in which case, he represented man. Give me my numbers anyday. It's not ALWAYS God...sometimes it's sex...or the lack thereof...or death...but, God, and death are the big three. But yeah, in Melville, Hawthorne (When I am voted king of the world, all books by Nathaniel Hawthorne will be destroyed), Daniel Defoe, etc. it's usually God. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites