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JaMarcus Russell's #1 Caucasian Fan

Most Annoying Sportswriter

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Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Probably all the Packer writers, but Michael Hunt is the worst. He makes that guy from LA look like a fucking a regular sports fan. After week one he talks about Thompson is a horrible GM, but after a few games he's praising him for putting a young team together and making it work. They really got worse this year after Sherman got canned.


His name says it all, although I'm sure he's heard that a million times.

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Guest Smues

Anchorage doesn't have much in the way of sports writers. We get a shitload of syndicated AP articles, which sadly usually means Bill Plasche. But I'll stick with the off-topic theme and note that I had a vice principal named Les Johnson.

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I always found T.J. Simers stupid but funny. It was a hoot to read the reactions of all the retards writing in to Viewpoint on Saturday mornings. He is like the Phil Hendrie of news print. He was really bad about 6 or 7 years ago, but he has toned down a little. Plascke has really secured his role as most hated journalist in Los Angeles.


BTW- to you LA Times readers, dont you think the quality of the paper has gone down since Tribune bought the Times Mirror Company. Tribune has cut a lot of things out. It seems the quality of the paper has gone down.

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People still EFA? Lame.


I like the Sun sportswriters for the most part. I think Strachan is horrible and Simmons is alright, but I like that they are pro-Leafs and generally they have well written articles. They don't treat every Leafs loss like it is a crisis. I always enjoy reading anything Mike Zeisberger, Mike Ulmer or George Gross

Well written? Bob, your SNL column is already 20x better than his best column.


For example, in Sunday's column he notes that the Argos are 5-2 without Ricky Williams in the lineup, and 5-6 with him in the lineup. Later he mentions that the Dolphins are 7-20 without Ricky, and 26-18 with him. The point? Well, there is none.


He also talks about how Andrew Raycroft ranks 25th in GAA and 28th in Save %. And later he berates Mike O'Connell for trading away Raycroft because they traded away their starter. Again, no real point.


I don't hate Simmons, but I can see why someone would. McKenzie, though? Maybe it's because I'm used to seeing him with far inferior panelists (Domi, McGuire, Healy), but I like Mckenzie.

McKenzie is a much better TV analyst than he is columnist. You'll have to trust us on that.

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Ron Borges, who has become a complete prick since his best buddy Drew Bledsoe left New England. He actually claims Drew called him for advice during the 2001 season.
Dammit, PK, I'm pissed that you said him before I could. He's brutal.


Ron Borges is up there too, but I find his little feud with the Big Show hosts to be funny with the occasional back and forth.
While none of them are writers per-se, I'd add every person affiliated to the Big Show to my list of Most Annoying Sportspersonalities if we expanded the topic to radio folks. That show is unlistenable ... which, I guess, could be said about pretty much everything on EEI.


The old dude that is on ESPN sometimes is awful as well. Bob Ryan?
Ryan is better in print than he is on TV, IMHO. He's atrocious on PTI or ATH, though, I'll more than give you that.


Does Neumeier write anywhere, or is he TV-only at this point? Because he sucks as well.


EDIT: I got so quote-happy that I forgot to reference the person that made me want to re-respond: the bostonsportsguy. He's a-fucking-trocious.

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Bill is more of a humorist/everyfan than a serious sportswriter, though. He has fallen off some since he moved out west, I'll give you that.

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Guest Felonies!

Did Bob Ryan get some work done? It looks like his face has been pulled taut. I caught The Sports Reporters a few Sunday mornings ago and it was ghastly.

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Who are you referring to starvenger? If it's Simmons, then I agree- he's not that good.


But I like a lot of the other columnists.

Sorry - Steve Simmons.

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I always found T.J. Simers stupid but funny. It was a hoot to read the reactions of all the retards writing in to Viewpoint on Saturday mornings. He is like the Phil Hendrie of news print. He was really bad about 6 or 7 years ago, but he has toned down a little. Plascke has really secured his role as most hated journalist in Los Angeles.


BTW- to you LA Times readers, dont you think the quality of the paper has gone down since Tribune bought the Times Mirror Company. Tribune has cut a lot of things out. It seems the quality of the paper has gone down.


I was just talking about this with my history professor the other day. Aside from the fact that the re-design looks horrible, the story quality is just in the shitter, and they've canned a lot of good reporters due to the cost cutting they've done.


They just spent the last three days doing a fuckin' three part series on this gay couple that have been trying to have a baby. I'm no homophobe, but who fuckin' cares? There's a lot more important issues in California than whether or not these two can have a kid.


But yeah, Plaschke blows.

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I like Bob Ryan. Especially when he's on PTI. Probably the same reason i like Whitlock and Lebatard.


In my Town? I have to say Jerry Greene. That Fat fuck is just annoying.

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Bob Ryan is generally better on Sports Reporters than on the other shows. It is more of a conversational show, whereas the other times he's trying to rant at the top of his lungs in a finite amount of time.


As far as my area, it used to be Pat Forde but he left the Courier Journal a long while ago. He still lives in Louisville (or at least the general metro), but writes for ESPN. There are people here who still dislike him for his constant U of L bashing and his unethical behavior in trying to get some sort of dirt on the hoops program. I forgot what the details were, it's been a while ago.

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