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This Week in College Football 10/31 - 11/5

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One thing that really impressed me was when Erin Andrews was down on the field trying to suck off Brian Brohm for the win and he kept saying "next week against Rutgers is the biggest game in Louisville history". "We haven't done anything to get into the BCS title game until we beat Rutgers".


Just the way Louisville's been the last couple years, a road letdown loss against RU would be completely typical, but it sounds like they've got their heads on straight, and might not let it happen this year. I'd been planning a big moneyline bet on Rutgers for next week every since the RU/Navy game, but now I'm starting to cool on the idea a little. Right now, I'd say it looks like the Cardinals will face Ohio State in the BCS championship game.


Also, if that game does come to pass, don't sell Louisville too short. As good as the Buckeyes have looked this year, they haven't really faced even an above average passing game. Their run defense is as good as it gets, but I'm not sure they could handle the Louisville passing attack if it's firing on all cylinders.

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Anyone else go for 2 there?


I would've. You don't make it you haven't really lost anything, since you're still only 2 scores down. You make it, you're only a TD and 2 down. As long as that last touchdown drive was, I'm not sure WV has enough time for 2 scoring drives if Louisville can run off some clock.

A wise man once told me, "Don't chase the points." Anyways I wish WV would've won b/c I really enjoy watching them play plus a possible WV/Michigan matchup would've been interesting to watch considering WV's run O and Michigan's run D being the best in the country.

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Honestly, this might sound like a Sportscenter cliche, but you can't really stop WVU. You can only hope to contain them. That's what U of L did last night...held them down just enough to win.


Iggy, I dunno so much if U of L has a recent history of bizarre road letdowns aside from the obvious USF fiasco last year. Thing is, nobody thought that would be any kind of game, so our guys weren't focused. I'd almost be worried about the letdown more if Rutgers was 6-2 rather than 8-0.


Besides, last year U of L just stomped the shit out of Rutgers 56-5. Who exactly does Rutgers have now that they didn't have then? I figure U of L can put 8 in the box to stop Ray Rice, and I can't see them passing for all that much. It'll certainly be closer than last year's game, but has Rutgers really gotten 50 points better?

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Actually I dont think Ohio State or any team can move the ball consistently on Michigan's defense so im not assming at all...it is what you call a hypothetical....its just that you are not making any sense...you are saying a team that lost to Oregon State belongs there whereas a team that dominated all year then loses to the number 1 team wouldnt because they played the number 1 team already....that stupid....and I guess Notre Dame is crap too...thats just delusional

The only thing remotely related to USC that I've posted to you is that I was encouraged by Booty's fourth quarter. My expectations are winning out in the Pac-10 and going to the Rose Bowl. Now, I think Michigan is BETTER than Ohio State... the Wolverines are going to win. Take a moment and let that sink in. If, and it's a gigantic if because I haven't seen anything to indicate it will be possible, but if the Trojans run the table and beat Oregon, Cal, Notre Dame, and UCLA, AND Auburn & Florida lose, then yes... USC should deserve to play Michigan in the national championship. Realistically speaking, they would also need Louisville, Rutgers, and Texas to lose as well. That sounds pretty unlikely, and the Trojans are the last thing you should be worried about. Notre Dame was not a crap OOC opponent, if you've paid any attention to this board you would know the Irish are my second favorite team (although the arrogance of many of their fans is starting to change that). The rest of Michigan's OOC schedule has been horrible. That being said, I still think they're the best team in the country.


Now, Louisville/West Virginia. That was a very exciting game, I really enjoyed it. Whoever's reading this, please read that sentence at least five times. That was a very exciting game, I really enjoyed it. Ohio State/Michigan/almost any top 10 team would crush them. Their defenses were weak, and I mean softer than a down comforter. Since I think Michigan will be number one I'll start with them. Michigan would destroy Louisville, no question. They'd toss it to Manningham a few times for scores, shut down Louisville's offense completely, and run out the clock with Hart... game over. Rinse and repeat with Ginn and the Ohio State running game, even with their depleted defense.


If you want my thoughts on the meaning of the Louisville/Rutgers game... go back to my previous posts, take out "West Virginia" and paste in "Rutgers". I will say that I'm picking Rutgers, though. I hope people don't get me wrong, I love watching these teams because they're very fun to watch... and I wouldn't have any problem whatsoever if they were all ranked where Boise State is ranked. The rise of Rutgers has been amazing. I just think it's premature and unwarranted to have these Big East teams in the national championship conversation.

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Anyone catch Andrew Siciliano (subbing for Jim Rome) saying that neither West Virginia NOR Louisville deserve to play for the national championship based on last night's game? He framed it in a larger "the system sucks, we need a playoff" rant, but I thought that was pretty harsh. Louisville played a pretty solid game, even if WVU was able to run on them.

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Do people not realize that sometimes talent is so insane that they can't be stopped? In the Texas/USC Rose Bowl people didn't say "Oh, this was a 41-38 ballgame. These teams are both bullshit, they have no D, they don't deserve to be here."


I don't really think U of L could beat OSU, but Michigan? Sure, why not? They dominated ND, but other than that I'm not seeing flat out jawdropping wins.


Whoever beats U of L is going to simply have to outscore them. WVU was the team with the best shot at doing that. Rutgers doesn't have the QB play to put up the 30+ they will need. Rutgers is somewhat better than last year, but this is a team that barely beat NORTH CAROLINA and barely held off a 2 pt. conversion to beat South Florida.

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Well, Rutgers isn't really the same team that played UNC. They've probably improved more over the course of the year than anyone in the country. I agree with the overall sentiment of your post though. The talent isn't that different this year, that it can make up for 51 points.


The only way Rutgers could win is if they caught Louisville napping, and that doesn't look like it's going to happen now. If they actually had lost to USF, I think they'd have a lot better shot. Rutgers will keep it closer this time around, but something like 31-17 Louisville's probably a pretty accurate final.

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Funny but I was just talking to someone and predicted that exact 31-17 score. I think you're right though, if Rutgers was 7-1 or 6-2 they might catch U of L napping. But being 8-0 kinda sends a "Holy shit!" to the Cardinals, like these guys are a highly dangerous Boise St. type team.

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Guest Princess Leena

I'm thinking Louisville wins like 38-10. UConn exposed Rutgers. If you shut down Rice, they cannot move down the field with any consistency. And if UConn, one of the lower teams in 1A, can slow down Rice, Louisville certainly should be able to.


The other question is how good Rutgers' defense is. Other than Pitt, they haven't played an offense worth a darn. And again, UConn ran all over them.


I know teams change from week to week, as Rutgers shut down Pitt who had a prolific offense, but it's hard to see how Rutgers can improve that much over a 2 week span.

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Rivals.com is reporting that Butch Davis will be named the new head coach at North Carolina.



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Anyone else go for 2 there?


I would've. You don't make it you haven't really lost anything, since you're still only 2 scores down. You make it, you're only a TD and 2 down. As long as that last touchdown drive was, I'm not sure WV has enough time for 2 scoring drives if Louisville can run off some clock.

A wise man once told me, "Don't chase the points." Anyways I wish WV would've won b/c I really enjoy watching them play plus a possible WV/Michigan matchup would've been interesting to watch considering WV's run O and Michigan's run D being the best in the country.


Normally I would agree with that wise man, but the wise man said that before he watched WVU/Louisville. At that point in the game WVU was trying to get back in the game with a run-first and second style offense with time starting to become a factor. A successful attempt gets you theoretically within one score, while a PAT gets you basically nothing. I know it's not Madden or NCAA, but in that case I would have seriously thought long and hard about going for 2.

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Anyone catch Andrew Siciliano (subbing for Jim Rome) saying that neither West Virginia NOR Louisville deserve to play for the national championship based on last night's game? He framed it in a larger "the system sucks, we need a playoff" rant, but I thought that was pretty harsh. Louisville played a pretty solid game, even if WVU was able to run on them.


How would a playoff keep Louisville from having a shot at the National championship?

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Anyone else go for 2 there?


I would've. You don't make it you haven't really lost anything, since you're still only 2 scores down. You make it, you're only a TD and 2 down. As long as that last touchdown drive was, I'm not sure WV has enough time for 2 scoring drives if Louisville can run off some clock.

A wise man once told me, "Don't chase the points." Anyways I wish WV would've won b/c I really enjoy watching them play plus a possible WV/Michigan matchup would've been interesting to watch considering WV's run O and Michigan's run D being the best in the country.


Normally I would agree with that wise man, but the wise man said that before he watched WVU/Louisville. At that point in the game WVU was trying to get back in the game with a run-first and second style offense with time starting to become a factor. A successful attempt gets you theoretically within one score, while a PAT gets you basically nothing. I know it's not Madden or NCAA, but in that case I would have seriously thought long and hard about going for 2.

The "wise man" i was referring to is one of ESPN's CFB color commentators. Problem is, I don't remember who it was. I know he said it a year or two ago during a game. But yeah, I would've gone for 2 in that situation.

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Anyone else go for 2 there?


I would've. You don't make it you haven't really lost anything, since you're still only 2 scores down. You make it, you're only a TD and 2 down. As long as that last touchdown drive was, I'm not sure WV has enough time for 2 scoring drives if Louisville can run off some clock.

A wise man once told me, "Don't chase the points." Anyways I wish WV would've won b/c I really enjoy watching them play plus a possible WV/Michigan matchup would've been interesting to watch considering WV's run O and Michigan's run D being the best in the country.


Normally I would agree with that wise man, but the wise man said that before he watched WVU/Louisville. At that point in the game WVU was trying to get back in the game with a run-first and second style offense with time starting to become a factor. A successful attempt gets you theoretically within one score, while a PAT gets you basically nothing. I know it's not Madden or NCAA, but in that case I would have seriously thought long and hard about going for 2.

The "wise man" i was referring to is one of ESPN's CFB color commentators. Problem is, I don't remember who it was. I know he said it a year or two ago during a game. But yeah, I would've gone for 2 in that situation.


Ahh, sarcasm then. Gotchya.

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Anyone catch Andrew Siciliano (subbing for Jim Rome) saying that neither West Virginia NOR Louisville deserve to play for the national championship based on last night's game? He framed it in a larger "the system sucks, we need a playoff" rant, but I thought that was pretty harsh. Louisville played a pretty solid game, even if WVU was able to run on them.


How would a playoff keep Louisville from having a shot at the National championship?

I think he meant they didn't deserve to play for the national championship in the current two-teams-only system.

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Guest Princess Leena

CSTV has a strong 1-AA matchup with UMass at New Hampshire going on now. And they have Coachman and Rix as the announcing team. Watch it.

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Someone's got the mics too close to the field in the FSU/UVA game, because I keep hearing people shouting "fuck! fuck man, fuck!" Gotta love Lincoln Financial production values.

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Ball State has pulled within 8 of Michigan, 34-26.


Indiana has probably killed their bowl chances by getting slaughtered by Minnesota. Northwestern looks like they are going to upset Iowa.

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This will teach Michigan not to ignore the MAC bottom dwellers waiting for the Buckeyes. I mean, Ball State probably won't pull it off but it never should have been questionable this late.

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Guest Princess Leena
This will teach Michigan not to ignore the MAC bottom dwellers waiting for the Buckeyes. I mean, Ball State probably won't pull it off but it never should have been questionable this late.

It won't. Michigan has played down to the level of the jobber teams every time this year.

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