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Job Searching....

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Working temp jobs over the past few years, has almost always guaranteed me a M-F job. However because of other reasons, such as having no job security what-so-ever, I have decided that I want a full-time job. I don't even necessarily want better pay or some type of FANTASTIC job, but I am just tired of jobs where you give 110% and then are let go for basically no reason other then "well the company decided to cut the budget so all temps leave" And yes, I know even with full-time positions people can be let go, but speaking as a temp, it happens with just about every job you get, and the worst is that a lot of the times it comes out of nowhere, and you have no warning, you mostly get called by the temp agency after you have left for the day. The one positive I was always afforded was that I never had to work weekends, and I guess I am now spoiled about it because I still don't want to work weekends, or more-so Sunday. Saturdays I really don't care about, even though my girlfriend doesn't want me to, but oh well.


So here is the thing. When you are applying for work, and they have you check all the days you are available and stuff, if you don't mark weekends, do they automatically skip your application, or will sometimes try to work within your means, even if it means you will get less hours because of it? Of course I am speaking on jobs that aren't specifically asking to be available certain days.


I wouldn't mind working 28-32 hours upon being hired, if it meant no weekends, because I know eventually with my work ethic and good attendance and reliability, they would start finding me more hours during my available times, however I just don't want to be skipped over because I am being honest from the get-go about not wanting to work Sundays.

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I think it depends on the job and perhaps your situation in life (kids, etc.). What kind of job are you looking for?


There's also a good chance that even if they agree to your scheduling requests at the start of your employment they'll disregard it after your first day of work.

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Guest Princess Leena

Depends on the job. I'm sure some will discard you immediately for saying you won't work weekends, but you probably don't want to work at a place like that anyway. I've been openly refused jobs because I was white once, and I'm sure I was turned down many times for living in an urban area.


You'll find someplace eventually. I'm much like you in that I'm not going to do the 6-7 day weeks with 60-80 hours like some people do.

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My friend is a mailman, he makes 57,200 a year for working 8-6 monday-friday. It's a federal job so I assume the pay is similar where you live (I'm from Cincy). How it works here is you start at 20 an hour, but since you work 50 hours a week it becomes 30 for the last 10. I'm not sure if that's too many hours for you, but he says it's the easiest thing in the world.

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"I can't believe we drove around all day, and there's not a single job in this town. There is nothing, nada, zip!"


"Yeah! Unless you wanna work forty hours a week."

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Mike, I'd try going through the EDD



How exactly does that work though, do they actually act like a temp agency for you, or do they just have listings of jobs?

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Gots me a job, Data Entry. An employer responded to my resume, and sent me the typing tests to me over the net, I took them, scored well and landed a job!!!

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"I can't believe we drove around all day, and there's not a single job in this town. There is nothing, nada, zip!"


"Yeah! Unless you wanna work forty hours a week."


Awesome Dumb and Dumber quote.


I work 4 days a week, 2 of the days are 12 1/2 hour days and the other 2 are 7 1/2 hour days, but I only get every other weekend off and I always work fridays as a 12 1/2 hour day.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

That's not too bad. I worked long shifts a few times and liked it quite a bit. 3 12s was a weird one. Mostly they turned into 14 hour days, but I got 4 days off a week, slept most of one, and then had three off. The four-ten shift at my current employer was nice, too. Only work two days in a row. Two on, two off, two on, one off.

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Gots me a job, Data Entry. An employer responded to my resume, and sent me the typing tests to me over the net, I took them, scored well and landed a job!!!

Four-day job search. Nice. Did you get the weekends off you were looking for? I'm guessing there's a good chance of it, since data entry is the kind of thing you can really do any time.


I work the standard 9-5:30, but my company is run by incompetents. I'm going to try to stick around till they get me my security clearance, but if they're still going downhill in January, I might have to jump ship. Of course, as you can see, I'm afforded plenty of time to fuck around on the internet.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I thought you worked for the CIA or the mafia or something.


Every company is run by incompetents, dude. The ones that aren't will fuck you over like Enron and shit.

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I work for a government contractor. They're incompetent in the sense that they've won four big contracts in the past year or so (that's my job!) and failed to perform on most of them, for totally ridiculous reasons. Like, we won one, and then one of our executives threatened to kill a dude who was president of a teammate company. And he made it very specific that he was going to kill him with his bare hands.


At least it's hilarious and I'll probably be able to write a great book or New Yorker/Atlantic Monthly/some high-falutin' magazine article on it all.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

You should start an Government Contractor: Songs and Stories thread.

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Guest Princess Leena
Gots me a job, Data Entry. An employer responded to my resume, and sent me the typing tests to me over the net, I took them, scored well and landed a job!!!

Good for you.


Data entry jobs are great, too. Every one of them I had were very easy and I could fuck around online whenever I wanted.

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Guest Princess Leena

I wish I could have a consistent 40 hour week with my current job. That's the only thing I dislike here.

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Gots me a job, Data Entry. An employer responded to my resume, and sent me the typing tests to me over the net, I took them, scored well and landed a job!!!

Four-day job search. Nice. Did you get the weekends off you were looking for? I'm guessing there's a good chance of it, since data entry is the kind of thing you can really do any time.


I work the standard 9-5:30, but my company is run by incompetents. I'm going to try to stick around till they get me my security clearance, but if they're still going downhill in January, I might have to jump ship. Of course, as you can see, I'm afforded plenty of time to fuck around on the internet.


It was actually more like a 3-week job search, but I just didn't make this original post until I had been out of work a couple of weeks. Yes I have weekends off, it is M-F, 6AM - 2:30pm....kinda early to start but being off by 2:30pm is fucking great.

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Guest NYankees

What is the best place to look for a job online? I hate Careerbuilder and Monster. How did you find your job Mike? Congrats on your hunt.

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Guest Princess Leena

Try local job sites instead of Monster, CareerBuilder, etc... The only calls I got from posting at national job sites were pathetic staffing places that will offer you some shit $8/hr job and completely forget about you afterwards.

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Guest NYankees

Some guy called me at 11 p.m. on a weekday about a resume he saw on Monster. He was some head hunter and was upset because I told him I was asleep in bed. He told me he was only looking for people with a go getter attitude. I laughed at him and hung up the phone after telling him to never contact me again.

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What is the best place to look for a job online? I hate Careerbuilder and Monster. How did you find your job Mike? Congrats on your hunt.



I used craigslist.....and then you just narrow it down to your state, then city. There are TONs of listings, so I just typed my "introduction paragraph" in MS WORD and would just paste into every email that I attached my resume too, so it made applying to multiple jobs a hell of a lot easier then typing the same paragraph over and over.


The problem with national databases is they have turned into whores for temp agencies. You apply to an ad that sounds like a promising job, and then you get a call from an agency saying "this is a two week assignment" and all they really want is you to sign up with them and be available whenever the hell they happen to find you work.


It wasn't like this so much at first, but now unfortunately more often then not, if you get a call related to monster.com it is coming from a temp agency, for a temporary assignment.

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I wish I could have a consistent 40 hour week with my current job. That's the only thing I dislike here.


What exactly do you do. I have picked up bits & pieces from other posts of yours, but could you explain it to me? :)

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