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Lance Storm on the new ECW

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I think the main problem isn't that the new ECW is actively bad. For the most part, the one hour ECW weekly show is pretty good. Decent wrestling, angle advancement, etc. It's all pretty solid.


The main problem is that it's too much like RAW and Smackdown. They should've never played up the fact that this is another WWE venture. They should be portraying it as being completely separate from WWE. It feels too much like a third hour of RAW right now. Big Show shouldn't be showing up on other shows, etc.

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I think they could have made it work. I just don't think that the desire was there to make it work. I still agree with most is that Vince just saw this as a way to make more money and really had no interest in pleasing the ECW crowd.

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I think the main problem isn't that the new ECW is actively bad. For the most part, the one hour ECW weekly show is pretty good. Decent wrestling, angle advancement, etc. It's all pretty solid.


The main problem is that it's too much like RAW and Smackdown. They should've never played up the fact that this is another WWE venture. They should be portraying it as being completely separate from WWE. It feels too much like a third hour of RAW right now. Big Show shouldn't be showing up on other shows, etc.


See I can agree with that. Right now, to me, WWE's Tuesday Night Hour of Power is basically the best hour of WWE Television. It just isn't "ECW"

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One thing I never understood is this: if WWE didn't want to spring for a separate ECW taping, that's fine. But why not tape the ECW matches at live events on the road? After all, the original ECW never had a live TV show; their forte was showcasing matches from a live event the week before. If you're going to run 2-3 ECW/SmackDown! house shows per week, why not tape some matches/angles at them to boost attendance? I'd think the improved attendance would negate the cost of higher-quality lighting and cameras in time.

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And now Vince is ready to make the stupidest decision yet for the new ECW which is putting the belt on Lashley.


No, putting it on Show was stupider.


Wrong. When they put it on Show, that was supposed to be the catalyst for an Originals vs. New Blood feud that would carry ECW through the rest of the year. It wasn't quite successful or even popular, but they did have a game plan in mind when they made the switch. Plus they originally assumed Van Dam would come back to seek revenge and eventually dethrone Big Show as the face of ECW once more. The title switch to Big Show was logical, even if it seemed infuriating at the time.


Now, putting it on Lashley is different all together. They're throwing away a six-month storyline with RVD's revenge for this thrown-together plan. They're pushing a man that does not have the overness to deserve such a push, and they're sending him into an environment that does not support him. Lashley has never been pushed as a hardcore, extreme-type superstar that will do what he has to in order to win. In fact, Lashley really hasn't been pushed as anything. He's as bland as they come. A musclebound guy that some feel is the black version of Goldberg, the black version of Brock Lesnar, WWE's answer to Monty Brown....but not the type of superstar that could stand on his own merits as simply Bobby Lashley. The same guy that they were afraid to place in a Main Event on his own LAST MONTH because they felt it wouldn't draw. They're going to throw away the most established storyline of all three brands for him and hope, once they put the title on him, they can then begin to build him up. It won't work -- that line of thinking almost never works.


Again, keep in mind. With the Big Show title reign, they had a plan. With this proposed Bobby Lashley one, they do not. They are throwing shit to the wall in the hopes of getting Lashley the fan support that has eluded him and subsequently trying to punish RVD for a sin they will never forgive him for. Ultimately, it's going to be the brand that suffers when they book themselves into a corner and have to run with Bobby Lashley vs. Test as the main ECW feud in January. This shit isn't flying on Raw or Smackdown, so why the hell do they think it will work in WWECW? It's pure laziness and it will damage them.

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What it comes down to is that, we as fans need to get more active in letting WWE know how we feel, and then punishing them when they don't follow through.

That hasn't worked so far. Remember, the reaction to the last show at the Hammerstein caused them to move the ECW PPV to fucking GEORGIA! Waaaay out the way of an ECW stronghold. They don't give a fuck about the old ECW fans at all.

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What it comes down to is that, we as fans need to get more active in letting WWE know how we feel, and then punishing them when they don't follow through.

That hasn't worked so far. Remember, the reaction to the last show at the Hammerstein caused them to move the ECW PPV to fucking GEORGIA! Waaaay out the way of an ECW stronghold. They don't give a fuck about the old ECW fans at all.


Georgia isn't "waaayyy" out of the old ECW fanbase. It's not like they put the show in Arizona or Seattle. Georgia ran a few ECW shows and there you get the Florida fanbase that ECW was very active with.

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Since ECW has been back on tv, I've been enjoying it. I only have a few complaints about the show altogether with my main complaint is that the ECW formula has been changed to pretty much a WWE formula. Not a all out WWE formula but its diffenetly there.


The one thing I do give ECW credit for is this, and thats been the booking. There really hasn't been any booking that hasn't made any sense. No storylines have been randomly dropped, and almost all the wrestlers have some part in the ECW and there are no silly fucking gimmicks happening.


Now my other complaint is that there are really no other major feuds happening other than RVD trying to win back his title from the Big Show and Heyman. Everything else is just sorta there, in the backround, hiding in the corner....loosing their reglion (sorry I couldn't resist).


Speaking about the booking, I do like how the "Extreme Elimation Chamber" match has been basically booked as we have no clue who the winner is going to be. Some of our guess has been Test, Lashley, RVD, CM Punk. The chamber in my view has been booked perfectly just because we have no clue who the winner will or won't be. Plus throwing Lashley in there might be a way to push him just as ECW matieral, unless he completely looks lost in the match, then he might just look like a WWE guy just lost in the chaos. Then again Lashly might just be there to fill a slot so the PPV can have some more matches on the card...whenever those matches would be annouced.


So far I think ECW has just been fine and fun to watch, its not perfect and its not a full success but then again, I wasn't expecting it to be, but it has been good enough to watch since being put on Sci-fi.

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He mentioned something about the title being dead when they're put on the show in the midcard. Well it hasnt happened yet but I think it looks bad if Show as the champ has decimated them so much he has to feud with someone from Raw and still lose.


Another thing is all the rosters are pretty thin but ECW being one hour makes them lesser in value and they actually have so little guys they dont look like they could have a 2 hour show, let alone a 3 hour ppv.

When the show was first announced they went on a spending spree for talent and ended up jobbing out 80% of the roster.

They technically dont even have a midcard because it's just the main eventers and a dozen jobbers.

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"The chamber in my view has been booked perfectly"


I'm curious as to why RVD had to face Big Show twice to earn his spot, and then 4 others get spots for beating the likes of Dreamer, Knox, and Thorn.




Explain to me why Test, who is a big roided out monster who can't work, is in a cage match where the fans want to see excitement and guys flying around.


Explain to me why The Big Show, with a serious back injury, is going to look even worse than usual in a big cage match.


Explain to me why Lashley, who has two moves, a powerslam and a sloppy spear, suddenly is in ECW, sticks out like a sore thumb, and took away RVD's heat - as evidence by the current ECW.com poll and the booking of Survivor Series.


Explain to me why this match is even happening? RVD/Show could've drawn big-time if built properly. Instead it's "LETS HAVE A GIMMICK MATCH! HMMM...SOME HEELS, SOME FACES!"


If CM Punk doesn't win the ECW World Title on Sunday, there's a big problem, as Show sucks, Test sucks, Lashley sucks, Sabu's reportedly in hot water, and RVD's just lost any excitement he had.

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