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Hey dude(s), whatever happened to...

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So, I was thinking about some different things that, at least so far, haven't happened. Instead of making a seperate topic for each item, here's a handy catch-all, yayz!


First hey dudes: Dudes, what happened to the annual "I signed up for NaNoWriMo and I'm totally going to finish this time" followed by the "Shit, I got two hundred words in and gave up" posts? For shame, dudes, for shame (I'm ashamed of myself as well. I didn't even sign up and then no-sell the thing).


Next hey dude: Dude, Toxxic, whassup with the awards? Did I miss them completely, or did your true Britishosity shine through, making you all "Feck those Yanks and their bloody ostritch farms! No awards for them!" or something? Lolzerz. If so, I claim all the awards for myself, yay! Even the ones I wasn't eligible for, like booker of the year and junk, whoaty.


That's all the hey dudes from me, but as I said, feel free to add your own. Le bourte~!


Oh, snap edit: Hey dudes, what's up with chat being super dead? Granted, the times someone other than Apoc-X/leigh/Cap'n Amp comes in, I'm usually idling somewhere, but, still, super dead. Also, Skypeosity has dwindled. Super lame, dudes, super lame. lolz.

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Yeah, the awards... I was going to do them, then went on holiday, then got ill, then my back gave out and I was paralysed for a few days, then i realised that I wanted to get the links for all the promos and the shows and stuff and then...


...well, then to be honest I realised I really didn't have time/couldn't be bothered. Yes, there is a limit to my motivation where the fed is concerned. Sorry.

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Oh, snap edit: Hey dudes, what's up with chat being super dead? Granted, the times someone other than Apoc-X/leigh/Cap'n Amp comes in, I'm usually idling somewhere, but, still, super dead. Also, Skypeosity has dwindled. Super lame, dudes, super lame. lolz.


I was one of the people usually in chat/ on Skype. I got a life (girlfriend, whatevers).

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You know, I might try the NaNoWriMo thing if it were any time of the year but now. November / December is a terrible time for me to try to devote that much time to writing. If it were, like, February (I understand it's a short month) or January I'd be able to at least give it a shot.

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