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Lord of The Curry

Refute this statement and I'll tear you a new asshole

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I'll take the light coming on in the hatch with Locke pounding on it's doors as more of a "HOLY SHIT" moment then anything that happened in season one of 24.


Ah well. I'll take Jack crying to close the season after finding his wife killed by his traitorous second-in-command, who he just had at gunpoint as more of a "HOLY SHIT" moment.

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That was a good ending, but the end of season 1 left me staring at the tv wondering what the fuck just happened.


As long as we can agree that the end of season 2 was the worst.

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Hercules was much better than Xena


Both were awesome, no doubt. "Resurrection" (the one where he goes to Ireland and gets his ass kicked by that red-haired chick) might be my favorite single episode of TV ever. Having watched both recently, however, I'd say Xena holds up better, and the characters still resonate more with me.

Xena was good up until season 4 when the series started to pander to the lesbian fanbase when they made Gabrielle into a peace loving hippie chick and focused more on the relationship between Xena and Gabrielle. The characters were great overall with Calisto stealing the show in season 2 as the #1 arch rival to Xena and guest appearances from Aries (Kevin Smith), Autocus (Bruce Campbell), Joxer to add to the chessy comedy whenever the writers ran out of good ideas and decided to do nothing but parodies in season 4 such as the case of "If the Shoe fits" and "The Play's the Thing". The episodes in India were ok but those episodes started to become too preachy for me when the writers dug themselves in a hole when they portrayed the Hindu gods inaccurately.



Season 1 and 2 = Awesome

Season 4 = half cheesey comedy parodies half hippie lesbian lovefest with preachy messages

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RE: The Wire-Deadwood: Which is a better show debate. On the season finale of The Wire on Sunday (or whenever if you have HBO on Demand like I do), there is what I thought was a subtle jab at Deadwood. When Cutty is laying in the hospital bed, the old guy in the bed next to his is watching Deadwood on TV and he chuckles and is like "Hehe he said cocksucker." and Cutty gives him an annoyed look.

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