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King Cucaracha

HeldDOWN~!, November 30th Booking

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From the New Alhambra/ECW/XPW/CZW/Yournamehere Arena. So, no fireworks please. The doors will be set up where the curtain is usually positioned in the arena and there'll be a screen to the left of it, but besides that there's no fancy set-up like usual. Bare bones stuff.



OAOAST 24/7 Championship

Bohemoth © VS. JINGUS



Plus, your main event, as called right now...


Philadelphia Street Fight

The Hooligans (The Global Party Exchange and Jamie O'Hara) VS. 'Martial Law' (Landon Maddix, Todd Cortez and Bloodshed)

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On November Reign Venom was taken to the hospital after suffering not one but two brutal beatings at the hands of Ramone Gutierrez. With concerns about his health the other Space Cadets have stayed with their comrade since the PPV. Thursday night we will have an update on the condition of Venom – will he be able to return to the wrestling ring?


November Reign Fallout

Ramone Juan Jesus Guterrez (w/El Esperito) Vs Kenji Kawada

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-PRL's got some explaining to do regarding what happened at November Reign. What's he going to say tonight? I call opening segment.


-Could a match possibly result from this? EDIT: Nope. Nevermind.


-Also, there'll be a segment between Colombian Heat, Spanish Fly, and D*LUX, but King Cucaracha's writing that one.

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