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Child Arrested After Opening Holiday Gift Early

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Guest Legalise Drugs and Murder

I never got kicked around or beat up or anything, but I caught an ass-whippin' once or twice for shit like playing with matches and calling my dad an asshole when I was six. Dad was more a master of the art of yelling, though. Guy could grow two feet, turn red, and conjure thunderclouds and lightning bolts behind him to make his point when I was young.

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A little extreme, but the kid does seem like he's a problem.


The correct response, in a situation like this, is to make the kid give you the toy back, and then smash the fucking thing to pieces right before his eyes. There you go, you little shit. Hope you enjoyed it while you could.


That's exactly what I would have done.

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I'm about fourteen hours behind conversation on this, but:


Am I the only kid on the planet who didn't have any desire to open his presents or try and hide his parent's hiding spots beforehand?

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My dad kept some of the bigger presents in the wine cellar.


I remember the one day I got goalie equipment and my hockey equipment smelled like wine.


I'd beat the kid though if he opened a present early. What is he, Jewish?

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You know what's funny?


A bunch of 20-something internet nerds giving each other parenting advice.


And spare me this "you know what's wrong with this generation" crap. I grew up in the 80s and we were WORSE than kids nowadays.

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"

The correct response, in a situation like this, is to make the kid give you the toy back, and then smash the fucking thing to pieces right before his eyes. There you go, you little shit. Hope you enjoyed it while you could.


That's exactly what I would have done.

Then neither of you should reproduce. You're taking the toy away from the kid, that you paid for, and permanently rendering it useless, thus denying your child any enjoyment and denying you the hundredsome dollars that you paid to buy it for him, just because you were too lazy, or he too industrious, to keep it hidden for another three weeks. Isn't this short-sighted and irresponsible? I think your mere use of "there you go, you little shit" indicates that you're not really the right man for the job here anyway. Do you think he's learning a lesson there? The only lesson being taught here is that you're a hot-tempered moron with no respect for personal property.


Personally, I don't see a problem with hitting your kids.

That's a pretty stupid thing to say. Violence breeds violence, that's plain to see. Furthermore, punishment is less effective than reinforcement because it produces undesirable ancillary behaviors that can outlast and overpower any behavioral modification. That's 100-level psychology, guys. Come on.

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The correct response, in a situation like this, is to make the kid give you the toy back, and then smash the fucking thing to pieces right before his eyes. There you go, you little shit. Hope you enjoyed it while you could.


That's exactly what I would have done.

Then neither of you should reproduce. You're taking the toy away from the kid, that you paid for, and permanently rendering it useless, thus denying your child any enjoyment and denying you the hundredsome dollars that you paid to buy it for him, just because you were too lazy, or he too industrious, to keep it hidden for another three weeks. Isn't this short-sighted and irresponsible? I think your mere use of "there you go, you little shit" indicates that you're not really the right man for the job here anyway. Do you think he's learning a lesson there? The only lesson being taught here is that you're a hot-tempered moron with no respect for personal property.


Personally, I don't see a problem with hitting your kids.
That's a pretty stupid thing to say. Violence breeds violence, that's plain to see. Furthermore, punishment is less effective than reinforcement because it produces undesirable ancillary behaviors that can outlast and overpower any behavioral modification. That's 100-level psychology, guys. Come on.


As long as we don't get him a replacement for the destroyed gift, it doesn't really affect us. Who gives a shit if the little brat has his enjoyment? He should have waited like he was told, and yes, it would teach him a lesson in patience and obedience. Plus, it was a GBA, not something majorly expensive like a PS3 or something. And..no respect for personal property? It's not the kid's property..he hasn't even been given it yet.


EDIT: btw, I wouldn't actually do that, but I hate little fuckin brats like this kid.


EDIT #2: Reading the original article again, the kid's 12 years old. He should be able to wait a few weeks for a video game. If the kid was say 8, 9, then ok..they can't wait for anything. But the kid's in middle school. He should grow the fuck up.

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"

"As long as we don't get him a replacement for the destroyed gift, it doesn't really affect us."

Yes, because now you've been set back a hundred dollars or whatever these things run for with nothing gained anywhere. It's tantamount to just throwing money away.


"Who gives a shit if the little brat has his enjoyment?"


You, since, hypothetically, you're his dad?


"And..no respect for personal property? It's not the kid's property..he hasn't even been given it yet."


That's my point. You just destroyed a perfectly good piece of electronics because you had a temper tantrum. Sounds like something a kid would do, doesn't it? Remind me again what's being learned here?

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To the people who say "you guys shouldn't be parents":

In my case, I couldn't agree more. I don't like kids at all, I don't want to raise any nor should I. Fortunately, I'm not having any.

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I honestly fear for the condition our country is going to be in within the next 5-10 years when all these little shits grow up and start running the place. I work in retail and I see all day long the effects of the continued "pussification" of America's parents. All these kids that figured-out growing up that all one has to do to get their way is scream and hit people/things are going to be running our government and teaching in our schools and its a very scary thought. I watched one father get bossed around by his 5 year old a few weeks ago that made me sick to his stomach. The kid was ready to leave the store, and the Dad was still looking. So all I heard was Daddy! Daddy! Then finally when the Dad walked up to his son, the little boy said "DADDY, FOR THE LAST TIME, WHEN I TELL YOU IM READY TO GO, THATS WHEN YOU COME!". The father then proceeded to beg for forgiveness from this little shit in ways that no parent ever should. There is NO excuse for any parent to put up with this kind of talk from their children, and like a previous poster said (responding to the "dont hit your kids, they hit back" post). This is why parents are able to hit their kids harder. It came obvious to me very soon in life, that if you hit your parent back after a spanking, you get the shit knocked out of you. Keep in mind, you are your child's PARENT. You can still be buddies, but in the end, the child has to know that you are the authority figure. Not them.


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The correct response, in a situation like this, is to make the kid give you the toy back, and then smash the fucking thing to pieces right before his eyes. There you go, you little shit. Hope you enjoyed it while you could.


That's exactly what I would have done.

Then neither of you should reproduce. You're taking the toy away from the kid, that you paid for, and permanently rendering it useless, thus denying your child any enjoyment and denying you the hundredsome dollars that you paid to buy it for him, just because you were too lazy, or he too industrious, to keep it hidden for another three weeks. Isn't this short-sighted and irresponsible? I think your mere use of "there you go, you little shit" indicates that you're not really the right man for the job here anyway. Do you think he's learning a lesson there? The only lesson being taught here is that you're a hot-tempered moron with no respect for personal property.


Personally, I don't see a problem with hitting your kids.
That's a pretty stupid thing to say. Violence breeds violence, that's plain to see. Furthermore, punishment is less effective than reinforcement because it produces undesirable ancillary behaviors that can outlast and overpower any behavioral modification. That's 100-level psychology, guys. Come on.


Fuck, Czech posts exactly what I wanted to, but couldn't find the words for it. Bravo, Czech.


Also, I believe most of the people who would indeed act like a child by destroying the gift, are the one's who don't even want any children.

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I"m inclined to agree with the majority of you, that sometimes a kid needs to be spanked and that parents are definitely becoming pussified. I know all of you meant it as well, but I'll again emphasize I don't mean a beating. The way I see it, it's not the pain thats scares the child into thinking twice, it's the embarrassment.


I wholeheartedly agree with the poster who worked in retail. Sickening as it is, the situation you described with the five year old saying to his father seems pretty commonplace nowadays, although that was a more extreme example. I see it almost daily, as I also work in retail (in electronics, no less). Kids will continue to ask if they can have this movie/game/cd etc., will complain and ask and scream enough until the parents give in.


You know what else I'm seeing a lot of? It's not that parents can't necessarily control their kids, its that when a child begins to cry/scream, the parents will say "Go ahead and scream, I'll ignore you until you stop". Is a three-year-old going to understand that? Hell no. I'm even seeing the technique backfire a lot, in which they'll attempt to ignore, but get so annoyed or upset by the screaming they'll spoil them to get them to shut up.


Bottom line in all this: Am I a parent? No. I don't really plan on it, either. So maybe this does seem all kind of easy to me not having done it before, and I'm sure that is the case. But there has to be some middle ground between the framework we've laid out and our actual parenting ability. As much as I didn't realize it at the time, my parents did something right, as they continually tell me and my brother how good we were in stores and at others' houses as children.

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I'm flabbergasted that they actually arrested this kid.


Like, around here, kids cannot get arrested. Doesn't matter what you do, if you're under 18, nothing bad will happen to you. There's been cases of kids stealing cars and joyriding them around the city on five or six different occasions, getting caught, and yet still somehow managing to be on the streets again, to joyride again, only the next time he did it he killed someone's mother. It's fucked up.

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The thing that's being overlooked is that you don't always have to hit your kid to get them to shut up. Sometimes simply choking them a little or covering their mouth with a piece of cloth would work just as well.

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Also, I believe most of the people who would indeed act like a child by destroying the gift, are the one's who don't even want any children.


Oh, no way would I ever destroy the game. Those things are expensive, I'd keep that shit. But I'd be the one playing it.

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I always think it's funny how people think it's OK for an adult male to beat the shit out of a six-year-old kid for doing something stupid when they're at the age where they don't know any better. I don't care if it's your kid, it's still A kid.


That said, I see nothing wrong with furiously yelling at a kid in order to instill fear in them. I would get real scared whenever my dad would get mad and yell at me, and he never hit me.

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Guest netslob

there's a world of difference in spanking a child on the ass to get him to behave and punching him in the face for fun. no one here is advocating the latter. but if a child is misbehaving, yeah, yell at them to stop. if they don't, yell again. if that still doesn't work, spank them. don't HIT them, or PUNCH them, swat them on the ass. but that should be a last resort. if they won't listen to reason, and they won't respond to yelling, a spanking is justifiable. even an open-handed slap in the face if the occasion is extreme. but this "never hit under any circumstnces" crap is what leads to situations like Haws Bah Gawd was referring too. if they know they can walk all over you and get what they want from acting bratty, they will. your the parent, THEY listen to YOU. i wish more parents would realize that and stop coddling them and show some fucking backbone.

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I honestly fear for the condition our country is going to be in within the next 5-10 years when all these little shits grow up and start running the place.




Kids today aren't any worse than any other generation. Brats and juvenille deliquents are nothing new.


Usually its the polite, well-behaved kids that grow up to run the country. Kids like this end up working dead end jobs or in jail because they're too irresponsible to become a productive member of society. A lot of kids also mellow out by the time they reach adulthood, and those who don't suffer the consequences.

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Guest CWMwasmurdered
there's a world of difference in spanking a child on the ass to get him to behave and punching him in the face for fun. no one here is advocating the latter. but if a child is misbehaving, yeah, yell at them to stop. if they don't, yell again. if that still doesn't work, spank them. don't HIT them, or PUNCH them, swat them on the ass. but that should be a last resort. if they won't listen to reason, and they won't respond to yelling, a spanking is justifiable. even an open-handed slap in the face if the occasion is extreme. but this "never hit under any circumstnces" crap is what leads to situations like Haws Bah Gawd was referring too. if they know they can walk all over you and get what they want from acting bratty, they will. your the parent, THEY listen to YOU. i wish more parents would realize that and stop coddling them and show some fucking backbone.


How many children do you have?


Hitting a child in the face is NEVER acceptable. Your "techniques" will teach your children that if they don't like how others are acting they should yell at them and then hit them. I have no idea how anyone can be stupid enough to think that just because you don't spank or hit your children means that they won't respect or listen to you and will end up being brats.

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Guest netslob
How many children do you have?


none that i know of. your point?



Hitting a child in the face is NEVER acceptable. Your "techniques" will teach your children that if they don't like how others are acting they should yell at them and then hit them. I have no idea how anyone can be stupid enough to think that just because you don't spank or hit your children means that they won't respect or listen to you and will end up being brats.


your gonna have to point out the part where i said that was the case, i don't seem to recall that. i said as a last resort. and of course situations vary. if the kid is just yelling and screaming, ok, don't hit them. corral them and give them a talking to. if the kids running thru a store and knocking shit off shelves, they yeah, yell at them. if the kids smacks another kid, or you, yeah, hit them back. on the ass, with an open hand. it doesn't hurt them that goddamn bad, and it'll show them you mean business. if you don't agree, fine. maybe you got a better handle on your kids, maybe they're more well-behaved. some other people's children may not be, and may have to resort to spanking. don't assume your kids are like everbody elses.

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Guest CWMwasmurdered

If you don't have children or work with them I don't think you're qualified to make statements about how they should be raised.


but this "never hit under any circumstnces" crap is what leads to situations like Haws Bah Gawd was referring too. if they know they can walk all over you and get what they want from acting bratty, they will. your the parent, THEY listen to YOU. i wish more parents would realize that and stop coddling them and show some fucking backbone.


That statement makes it seem as if you believe that.


Hitting your child for hitting someone else only teaches them that hitting is the right solution.

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Guest netslob
If you don't have children or work with them I don't think you're qualified to make statements about how they should be raised.


and yet, i'll continue to do so, so learn to cope.


and again, i'll repeat, i'm not saying just wantonly smack you child for any reason. only as a last resort when all else has failed.

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You know what's funny?


A bunch of 20-something internet nerds giving each other parenting advice.


And spare me this "you know what's wrong with this generation" crap. I grew up in the 80s and we were WORSE than kids nowadays.


Yeah because we all know that no one in their 20's can have kids. Right.

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You know what's funny?


A bunch of 20-something internet nerds giving each other parenting advice.


And spare me this "you know what's wrong with this generation" crap. I grew up in the 80s and we were WORSE than kids nowadays.


Yeah because we all know that no one in their 20's can have kids. Right.


Its not a question of whether or not people in their 20s can have children (although most people here admit that they do not), it is a question of whether or not those people in their 20s who post on an internet message board (in this case a forum devoted to wrestling and pop culture) actually know enough about child care to argue for or against the merits of various forms of parenting techniques.

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The correct response, in a situation like this, is to make the kid give you the toy back, and then smash the fucking thing to pieces right before his eyes. There you go, you little shit. Hope you enjoyed it while you could.


That's exactly what I would have done.

Then neither of you should reproduce. You're taking the toy away from the kid, that you paid for, and permanently rendering it useless, thus denying your child any enjoyment and denying you the hundredsome dollars that you paid to buy it for him, just because you were too lazy, or he too industrious, to keep it hidden for another three weeks. Isn't this short-sighted and irresponsible? I think your mere use of "there you go, you little shit" indicates that you're not really the right man for the job here anyway.


I have stated repeatedly that I don't like children in the least, nor do I ever want to have one. Can't stand the little bastards. Can't stand most parents, either, really.

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