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Guest Smues

I could make an entire thread out of some of the

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Eric and Ripper are the kind of saps I love to tease to no end. Heh.



Whatever. In my mall working days you would have been fucked by months end.

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I assume guys treat hot chicks "special" thinking they can hook up with said girl. It seems a rather geeky and lame thing to do.



Which lets me know you don't have much sex with hot chicks or you have never worked in a boring ass mall.


A: Giving away stuff that cost you nothing

B: Usual result is they stay and talk

C: Talking leads to number exchanging.


Simply put, the entire goal when seeing someone attractive that you want is to be able to have a conversation with them. The free stuff is the catalyst to them stopping and talking for awhile. Which will be the highlight of your day after explaining everything you sell to some old woman who has nothing better to do.


I don't think anyone is expecting some chick to just drop her panties because you gave them a free Mocha Latt, but giving away free stuff is no different than flashing a smile across a room. Now BUYING stuff for a girl you don't know is a rather geeky and lame thing to do.

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I was at GameCrazy today looking for some N64 games to pick up, and talked a while with the clerk there. We were talking about the online gaming, having a friendly chat about how we both disliked World of Warcraft, 12-year-olds on X-Box Live, and hoping that Nintendo's online ends up decent. After mentioning Friends Codes, he started flipping out how he hates Nintendo for delaying games since the Nintendo 64, and creating artificial shortages for the Wii, and delaying games for months after they're completed. Me and my friend just looked at each other waving the "WTF" flag. After he calmed down, I bought Star Wars: Episode I Racer for $1.99, and we both agreed that's the only thing good to come out of that movie. That was the most unusual trip to a store I ever taken, I swear that clerk was bipolar.

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You talked about how much you hated some things, then were shocked when he hated some other things.




Friend codes do suck.

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No, he didn't say he hated Friends Codes. He just started ranting about delays and artificial shortages like a madman. He literally went from calm, to berserk, to calm again in a span of five minutes.

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Guest Queen Leelee
Stores insisting on putting Wii display boxes with price tags out is a huge annoyance. They deserved to be asked by everyone who enters how many they have in stock.

It's not the peon employee's fault, who's making minimum wage.


I understand that, but if they get annoyed enough then they can ask their supervisor why they don't have a "sold out" sign and so on until the chain of command gets to where it needs to be for someone to make a decision that isn't stupid. Just wishful thinking, I guess.

I guess. But, do you see how most supervisors are at these places.

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Guest Queen Leelee
Eric and Ripper are the kind of saps I love to tease to no end. Heh.



Whatever. In my mall working days you would have been fucked by months end.

Lolz. You're sounding like Carnival now.

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Whats with all gamestop employees being complete dicks when people come in and ask for a Wii. Instead of saying that they just don't have one, its like they have a "who can be the biggest dick" contest.


And the funniest thing, is when they do it to ridiculously hot women. Way to keep the video game players stereotype going guys.


I guess it depends on who you end up talking to. I'll tell the customer politely that we're out, offer them a business card and tell them that their best bet would be to phone us every weekday at 10:00, and that we'd tell them if we were getting them in that day. You probably just had crappy luck with the employees you've talked to.


I understand that, but if they get annoyed enough then they can ask their supervisor why they don't have a "sold out" sign and so on until the chain of command gets to where it needs to be for someone to make a decision that isn't stupid. Just wishful thinking, I guess.


I've actually asked my manager why we don't do this. There are two reasons for it:


1) Our Nintendo rep doesn't want us to do that, as he controls our Nintendo display and thinks that it reflects badly on his company if we put those signs up.


2) The average customer just ignores the various signs that we do put up and asks us for the same information that the sign says anyway. For example, we have several big signs that say that the PS3 goes for $659.99; we still end up with hundreds of people who walk right past the signs and ask us how much we're selling the PS3 for.

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Eric and Ripper are the kind of saps I love to tease to no end. Heh.



Whatever. In my mall working days you would have been fucked by months end.

Lolz. You're sounding like Carnival now.



Now that just rude.

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Guest Richard McBeef
If giving a hot girl free jimmies makes her smile, whats so sad about that?

Free what?!?

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I understand that, but if they get annoyed enough then they can ask their supervisor why they don't have a "sold out" sign and so on until the chain of command gets to where it needs to be for someone to make a decision that isn't stupid. Just wishful thinking, I guess.


I've actually asked my manager why we don't do this. There are two reasons for it:


1) Our Nintendo rep doesn't want us to do that, as he controls our Nintendo display and thinks that it reflects badly on his company if we put those signs up.


2) The average customer just ignores the various signs that we do put up and asks us for the same information that the sign says anyway. For example, we have several big signs that say that the PS3 goes for $659.99; we still end up with hundreds of people who walk right past the signs and ask us how much we're selling the PS3 for.


Working in a building where the general public ignores signs all the time, I totally understand that logic. The Nintendo rep thing is weird but I guess it's a half empty / half full thing - while some might think it's a great sign the systems are prepetually not available, I can see others getting uppity. Thanks for clearing it up.

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Maybe it's just me but I find most employees at video game retailers to be a group of self-important, condesending little shits. On second thought, I've realized that it's only the guys working there and the women I've dealt with in making a video game purchase have been a delight. Case in point, a couple months ago when CC had a sale on activision games, I went to Best Buy (because I had a gift certificate and I got points and they price matched), since I for all intensive purposes haven't owned a console since the N64, my gaming knowledge had atrophied and for the most part was utterly clueless on what to buy. I was stuck between Marvel: Ultimate Alliance and Call of Duty 3, so I asked the girl (who was fairly attractive btw) which one she recomended and she gave me an honest answer as opposed to going into a Gamestop where I'd probably be given a look of disdain and traitorism by the kid behind the counter. Maybe game stores should be like lingerie shops and staffed by women.

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I agree. Every girl that has helped me in Gamestop(all attractive by the way....hmph... except for this one who had the hottest body known to man, but had a gap in between every tooth. Like you could put your pinky in gap in between EVERY tooth. And had on braces which means the gaps were probably bigger but they were working them down) have been pleasant and cool. they also seem to not be liked by their coworkers. Probably for not being dicks.

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Guest Queen Leelee

Ripper would be fuckin' all of 'em in 3 seconds if he not held down by some bitch.


I agree that female employees are usually much better at these places. And more knowledgeable. Which makes sense... if you're a girl trying to get a job there, you must REALLY like gaming. I'm biased though because I have a good friend at one store. Everyone likes her there, though.

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Guest Smues

I've had just as bad of experiences with female video game employees as male. I wouldn't say worse, but certainly no better.

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Ripper would be fuckin' all of 'em in 3 seconds if he not held down by some bitch.


I agree that female employees are usually much better at these places. And more knowledgeable. Which makes sense... if you're a girl trying to get a job there, you must REALLY like gaming. I'm biased though because I have a good friend at one store. Everyone likes her there, though.



LOL. You are just mad that i would have fucked you in my mall days and it all would have stemmed from a free smoothie.


This all assuming you are a woman. change that to COULD have if you are a man.


I will say this, video game employees are almost always cool if you are buying some obscure game that they like also. You are officially cool then apparently.

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I understand that, but if they get annoyed enough then they can ask their supervisor why they don't have a "sold out" sign and so on until the chain of command gets to where it needs to be for someone to make a decision that isn't stupid. Just wishful thinking, I guess.


I've actually asked my manager why we don't do this. There are two reasons for it:


1) Our Nintendo rep doesn't want us to do that, as he controls our Nintendo display and thinks that it reflects badly on his company if we put those signs up.


2) The average customer just ignores the various signs that we do put up and asks us for the same information that the sign says anyway. For example, we have several big signs that say that the PS3 goes for $659.99; we still end up with hundreds of people who walk right past the signs and ask us how much we're selling the PS3 for.


Working in a building where the general public ignores signs all the time, I totally understand that logic. The Nintendo rep thing is weird but I guess it's a half empty / half full thing - while some might think it's a great sign the systems are prepetually not available, I can see others getting uppity. Thanks for clearing it up.

yea I totally feel your pain. But with the wiis you gotta think, its mostly parents coming in to ask for it at my Circuit City. so they have no ide about the shortages. The problem is they dont tell us about the wii coming in till the day before. But it will usually be in the weekly ad if we're gonna have it, and we always sell it on sunday (save for one week when we suddenly had 10 in and got an email telling us such, after we had already told people we dont have it)


the ps3 is another story we have so many of them its crazy

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I actually might go back and work for Gamecrazy as a 2nd job. The job I have now is starting slow down..damn real estate market, which means I'm going to start loosing hours or actual days. I went and picked up a copy of C&C for the 360 at the Gamecrazy near me and I ended up talking to the manager for a little while and said he might be able to get me something to where i'm only 15 to 20 hours a week.


It would diffently be intresting going back if I do decide to go back or he can get me back into the company. I was always honest with the customers and told them what I knew about a certain product. If I didn't know anything on that product, I would be honest and tell them I really didn't know anything about the game and would tell them what I heard, and I agree with Darthtiki, a lot of Videogame sales people are dicks. I know the manager who offered me the 2nd job can be a dick to customers.


I worked with him before at the end of 2005, when he first got promoted to a manager. He was given the store I was in as our previous manager quit after being told to come in on a day that she wasn't suppose to have off. Long story short, the DM at the time wanted all the managers to have certain days off, my manager at the time didn't agree with it and took a day off that she was suppose to be working. When she got called in by the DM to come to the store, she quit. Thus giving me him to work with, and man was he shady.


He would do shady things all the time and would tell customers the wrong information when it came to certain products. One example I called him out on in front of a customer was this. I was talking to a customer about pre-ordering a Xbox 360. Myself and this customer were having a pretty lengthly conversation about it because he just wasn't sure if he would want one about it and out of the blue, my new manager (at the time) walks over and says "yeah Halo 3 will come out when the PS3 comes out!" It was his way of "trying to help me get the pre-order."


but I saw it more as butting in and when the customer looked at me for a yes to this statement, I looked at him and said "it's a rumor that is floating around, so I won't confirm it but it can happen."


manager: Well Bill Gates said Halo 3 would come out then.

Myself: I'm sorry, I see it as just a rumor and until Bungie puts something offical out...

Manager: Bill Gates said it, he owns Bungie!

Myself: When Bungie makes the offical statement thats when I'll believe it, till then its just a rumor to me.



Then he stormed off...all in front of the customer I was talking to. He didn't pre-order the 360, but at least he knew where I was coming from and accepted my apology after I told him sorry about that. Later on, my manager at the time ran me down for telling the truth but whatever, thats how I was when I worked for Gamecrazy...honest. And even after all that shit went down, he did offer me a small part time job last week. I might take it but I don't know about working with him again. I might be the only honest one there.

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hey scroby, i live in the bay area, where is this gamecrazy so i can avoid it.

Concord, but you know if I'm working there, you can always pay me a visit.


Oh this one just came to mind as well..and it's a recent one. About a month ago, I pre-ordered Spiderman 3 and C&C with this Gamecrazy. I was asked about pre-ordering Halo 3, I told..I think the manager...that I had the Legendary one already pre-ordered at Gamestop (they were the only store still taking them at the time as Gamecrazy stopped taking them.). The manager then told me "Oh Bungie cancelled all pre-orders so you shouldn't have it pre-ordered there anymore." I just shook my head and said "oh ok" and left. Knowing his history, I just let it go.


So a month goes by and its now the beginning of May, I go in to pick up my copy of Spiderman 3 and this is what I get, this is from another employee by the way.


Gamecrazy employee: You can pre-order Halo 3 the Legendary edition with us.


Me: Thanks, but I already have it pre-ordered with Gamestop.


Gamecrazy employee: That's...that's pretty much impossible. Bungie cancelled all pre-orders on it.


Me: No they didn't, Gamestop gave me a call about a month ago letting me know I have it pre-ordered and that the price went up, so I still have mine pre-ordered with Gamestop, thanks though.


After I left the store, I called that gamestop to make sure and sure enough, my pre-order was still there.

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bad thing at work, we were supposed to give out a halo 3 wall graphic when you preordered it this week, but we didnt get any in. oddly enough I had no customers come to me while I was at register, but I imagine one or two Halo fans came in and got pissed

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Guest Smues

I went into Gamestop today to check out the $4.99 UMD sale. Nothing really that good but I did pick up Resident Evil 1 and 2 for 9.98. While I was in there some poor employee (you know it's bad when I feel bad for a gamestop employee) was on the phone with a customer. This customer apparantly needed to know EVERY UMD they had on sale. She had the employee go through the bin and read the title of every UMD, and made her do this about 3 times, as if suddenly behind the 100th copy of YOU GOT SERVED~~!! some magically awesome movie would appear. Then she says her husband will be in later today and she wants them to put aside a couple of movies for him to pick up. She gets really pissed when the employee says they can't do that because it's the first day of the sale. This phone call went on for a good 15 minutes. I was done with my shopping but I hung around just to listen to this stupid lady. The employee must have told her a doesn't times that some manager guy wasn't in today but he would be in Monday. and that she could call/come in Monday and there'd still be plenty of movies. And then the lady asks if there are any other movies she didn't list for her. "Well this is all we have right now...no ma'am we put everything we had out...no ma'am there aren't any other movies in the back not out on the floor...no ma'am there aren't any other movies in the back not out on the floor...no ma'am there aren't any other movies in the back not out on the floor...this is all we have right now. It's possible we could get another shipment in a week or two while the sale is still going on but this is it right now...no ma'am there aren't any other movies in the back not out on the floor."


I swear, some people. It's fine if they call and ask "do you have x and y UMDs for sale?" but making the employee go to the bin and read every title is ridiculous. Especially asking 3 times, and not believing that this was all they had.

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I went into Gamestop today to check out the $4.99 UMD sale. Nothing really that good but I did pick up Resident Evil 1 and 2 for 9.98. While I was in there some poor employee (you know it's bad when I feel bad for a gamestop employee) was on the phone with a customer. This customer apparantly needed to know EVERY UMD they had on sale. She had the employee go through the bin and read the title of every UMD, and made her do this about 3 times, as if suddenly behind the 100th copy of YOU GOT SERVED~~!! some magically awesome movie would appear. Then she says her husband will be in later today and she wants them to put aside a couple of movies for him to pick up. She gets really pissed when the employee says they can't do that because it's the first day of the sale. This phone call went on for a good 15 minutes. I was done with my shopping but I hung around just to listen to this stupid lady. The employee must have told her a doesn't times that some manager guy wasn't in today but he would be in Monday. and that she could call/come in Monday and there'd still be plenty of movies. And then the lady asks if there are any other movies she didn't list for her. "Well this is all we have right now...no ma'am we put everything we had out...no ma'am there aren't any other movies in the back not out on the floor...no ma'am there aren't any other movies in the back not out on the floor...no ma'am there aren't any other movies in the back not out on the floor...this is all we have right now. It's possible we could get another shipment in a week or two while the sale is still going on but this is it right now...no ma'am there aren't any other movies in the back not out on the floor."


I swear, some people. It's fine if they call and ask "do you have x and y UMDs for sale?" but making the employee go to the bin and read every title is ridiculous. Especially asking 3 times, and not believing that this was all they had.

sounds like a typical sale day at work. We had a lady freak out on Memorial day, because when she applied for a credit card, they had to make a copy of her ID. (we do that for everyone its not like we hold onto these copies or something and sell them) makes me think she had a fake id or was a crook.


people are always shocked that we dont get shipments in always when there is a sale. and for some reason we always run out of advertisments cuz people take them home with them when they leave (I joked that they probably sleep with them too) they also love to steal the signs on the dvd sale bins for some reason (they must be hot on the streets)


this whole wii mess is annoying, because we only got 3 in sunday due to a shipping problem with nintendo, then we put out a sign saying they would be in tuesday or wednesday, but the truck came in midday so we didnt have them yesterday morning when I opened (but I was told youd have them was the statement many had to say, but they failed to realize we said that they may be in tues or weds, no gurantee)




Thanks to Pierre Bernand, graphic designer on Late Night with Conan, whos on his Recliner of Rage again

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Gamestop needs to stop with the false promises and maybes.


No, we don't have any Wiis, no I don't know when we're getting them. Call back later.



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Gamestop needs to stop with the false promises and maybes.


No, we don't have any Wiis, no I don't know when we're getting them. Call back later.



:D tell em!!!!

Yea I hate the display boxes at stores, we have to have them too and I always get a kick out of people bringing them to the counter thinking there is a console insde the box, despite it being paper-light

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