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Guest Smues

I could make an entire thread out of some of the

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Guest Smues

Relucantly I went to Gamestop again today to take advantage of the buy 2 get 1 free used sale. When I went to the register it went like this.


"Do you have our game informer card?"




"Would you like..."


"No thank you."


"Are you sure?"


"I'm absolutely sure."




"I'm absolutely sure."


"If you got"


"I'm absolutely sure."


"it today I think"


"I'm absolutely sure I don't want it"


"it would be almost free"


"I'm absolutely sure I don't want it."


"Let me guess. Don't like magazines? Or don't like saving money?"


"A little of A, and a little of B, and a little of C, I don't like shopping here."


Fuck I hate Gamestop, and yet I still shop there. Damn paradox.

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I was at the local Gamestop which changed its sign to EB I over heard the manager go over the "repeat buyer game card" policies. As you probably already know Gamestop/EB is like a Starbucks where if you walk around the block you will see another one. Well the manager was telling one of the employees who was working the counter to push the used games and repeat buyer subscriptions not because they want more business or that it will save the costumer 10% on the next purchase no but push the products because the other Gamestop/EB around the corner is making them look bad.

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Yeah, aside from wanting used games, I'm not sure what advantage going to Gamestop instead of a Circuit City or Best Buy has for you guys. If you hate it so much, don't keep encouraging them with business.

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I hate when FYE pushes me to reserve movies. I've never seen a DVD sell out before, especially at FYE where they charge wayyy too much.

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Guest Queen Leelee
Relucantly I went to Gamestop again today to take advantage of the buy 2 get 1 free used sale. When I went to the register it went like this.


"Do you have our game informer card?"

Often, they're helping you on that one, though.


If you're buying 3 Wii games, that's probably $80. So, you're saving $8 right away.


Also, the employees who care will usually cut out a coupon from a Game Informer for another 10% off for signing up... thus, you're getting more than your money back already.


And Game Informer is a decent read.

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I disagree on Game Informer. I think their reviews are utter trash, and the magazine's only worth are the coupons, and the fact that they get exclusive previews (which are usually because GI's incestual relationship with Gamestop makes them an indirect avenue for game publishers to hock their games well in advance).


Game Informer often amuses me too because you never know what crap/questionable upcoming game will be picked as a golden child that you TOTALLY MUST RESERVE, D00D! You will get tons of bullshots and a lot of fluff on what the game will allegedly play like one day when they've finished building the engine for the game.


See: Conan, Red Steel, Kane and Lynch.


Kane and Lynch might actually be good, but it's apparently the next big thing that nobody knows about or cares about at this point. I think you play as a pair of cops, and you shoot people.


The previews for Superman Returns The Game and Batman Begins are especially hilarious, compared to the final products. But they got massive cover features because EA probably ponied up some fat dough for the coverage. GI's exclusives are typically Ubisoft and EA, regardless of whether the game they are covering is worth a damn.

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My town is a barren wasteland of suck in the middle of nowhereville that had FYE leave town because the poor citizens can not afford to pay $20 for the newest 50 Cent album or $80 for season 5 of X-Files. There is nothing here Game Crazy left town before the PS3, 360 Xbox, Wii craziness began so there is only EB and Walmart. EB is only good when it has a clearance sale on the older games or if the 3 for $20 dvd sale includes some tv season sets.

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You guys should just shop at Circuit City where everything's the same price, except they have more copies.

thanks for the plug LOL hell at least we will only ask you once if you want to apply for a credit card and save 10 percent/

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Circuit City has a nasty habit of putting out juicy coupons for $x off of purchases over 100 bucks...then they specifically exclude game consoles like douches.


Although their markdowns tend to be pretty awesome. I've often gotten tons of great deals on games there, especially portable titles.

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I went to a CC across the street from a Best Buy in Dearborn, MI but was angry they lacked wrestling DVDs and never went back. I hear this might not be an issue now though.


I gradually moved my game shopping from the local EB to the Future Shop across the street from it. I have nothing against the EB here (they seem nice enough and I must have less of a push from corporate than the US version to hock things you don't want) but I get tired of going there and finding that the limited store space (it's kind of a narrow store) is filled with kids whining to their parents.


The biggest reason I would use an EB type store over a big box electronics store was pre-ordering, but since the magic of the internet allows online pre-ordering (and I actually received a DVD a day before street date doing so), that's not a factor now.

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I work at Blockbuster, and some dude calls in today and asks me "Hey, do you have Call of Duty 4 for the 360 in?" I tell him no and let him know that it doesn't have a release date yet, that it was just announced. He tells me "Dude, I just saw the commercial for it, that means it's out already!". I told him I just saw the same commercial this weekend and that it was more of a trailer, not a release. Then he says "Yeah, whatever...you don't know shit." *CLICK*


I work at a small store, only 6 others work with me. I'm the only one that plays video games and keeps up with them regularly, so any stupid questions are directed straight to me when i'm there. I've heard the Mario on Xbox/PS2 question many atimes. My head hurts just thinking about it.

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dbb: that's the point where I'd say, "Sir, I assume you have a computer then. You do? Greeeeeeeeeat. I'd like to open up a browser window...type 'gamefaqs.com' into the address bar....now hit return. See where it says Search? Type Call of Duty 4 in, then click Search. When the results come up, click *right on* the name of the game to the right of where it says X360. NOW, WHAT DOES IT SAY UNDER RELEASE DATE?! REALLY?! *shocked gasp* Then we DON'T HAVE IT and NOBODY ELSE DOES!" *hang up*"


If he doesn't have a computer/isn't next to to one, I'd navigate there myself, telling him what I saw.


In general, people are morons. Do not try logic on morons, they have a built-in gene resistant to it. Just give them a website like that. If it's on the internet, it must be true.


Anyway, if you manage to nab used games cheap and catch some of the better trade in values you can do quite well. I recently traded in Yoshi's Island DS (crap) and Halo 2, which I'd gotten for about 15 and 10 respectively at pawnshops, and got $17 and $12 in credit. Not bad at all.


Oh, yesterday I got GTA The Trilogy for Xbox (which is...the 3rd, 4th,and 5th game...) for $17 + tax at Circuit City.

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Whats with all gamestop employees being complete dicks when people come in and ask for a Wii. Instead of saying that they just don't have one, its like they have a "who can be the biggest dick" contest.


And the funniest thing, is when they do it to ridiculously hot women. Way to keep the video game players stereotype going guys.

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Guest Smues

I'm sure they get sick of people asking all day everyday. But since they still leave up the boxes everywhere and never bother to put up an out of stock sign, they get no pity from me. That and they STILL put up the "Bring to counter to get item" cards for wii controllers and such when they don't have the controller in stock. So fucking stupid.

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Guest Queen Leelee

1/3 of game store employees are dicks to me as soon as I walk in the store. It's to be expected.


The employees have probably been asked literally tens of thousands of times by now. Why they put so many display boxes up with the price tag on the Wiis, I have no idea.

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I don't understand why they would be dicks to attractive females.


What stereotype? If anything they should be fawning. I thought that was the stereotype...

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Guest Queen Leelee

I assume it's like me posting on a wrestling board. Boys don't like the other sex meddling in their hobbies. The dicks usually assume I'm stupid and talk like idiots.

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Stores insisting on putting Wii display boxes with price tags out is a huge annoyance. They deserved to be asked by everyone who enters how many they have in stock.

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But boys should relish the chance to meet a chick with like interests.


They should be enthused.



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The stereotype is that they would rather be playing video games and jacking off to animated characters than cultivating a meaning relationship with an attractive female.


So when, and I am talking truthfully here, 19 year old c cup breasted girl in tank top comes in and looks good as hell asking if they finally have a Wii comes in the store, 20 year old idiot behind the counter saying "Let me just pull this Wii from under the counter......no...we don't have any." with smart ass face, then not 5 minutes later comments about how hot the girl in the new GTA 4 article of game informer looks (the DRAWING of a girl by the way) when there was a girl with like intrest and the same rack only REAL in the store a few minutes ago, he deserves to be curb stomped.


hell, at least keep her in the store so that I can hit on her. Take every dumb asshole nerdy videogame geek in movie and television show history. That is what they are doing in there. They are so focused on being dicks, they can't see the tits for the forrest. Or something.


Like the girl was that kind of hot that you are walking through the mall, have no reason to go in a store but notice hot girl going into a store and say "What the hell...I need a better look".

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Everyone has walked into a store for that very reason, I think.


Attractive girls coming into my store though, were always a thrill, especially when I was working in Baskin Robbins. Ah yes, the end of highschool.


I gave them free stuff. Thats what you're SUPPOSED to do...

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Everyone has walked into a store for that very reason, I think.


Attractive girls coming into my store though, were always a thrill, especially when I was working in Baskin Robbins. Ah yes, the end of highschool.


I gave them free stuff. Thats what you're SUPPOSED to do...



Goddamned right. And make flirty comments endlessly until you see the slightest smile then POUNCE.


Ripper- Misses working at the mall.

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Guest Queen Leelee
Stores insisting on putting Wii display boxes with price tags out is a huge annoyance. They deserved to be asked by everyone who enters how many they have in stock.

It's not the peon employee's fault, who's making minimum wage.

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Guest Queen Leelee

Eric and Ripper are the kind of saps I love to tease to no end. Heh.

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Give freebies to hot chicks is pretty lame too. Unless they're really, really stupid, they likely understand what's going on and will milk it for all it's worth without giving anything in return.

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Stores insisting on putting Wii display boxes with price tags out is a huge annoyance. They deserved to be asked by everyone who enters how many they have in stock.

It's not the peon employee's fault, who's making minimum wage.


I understand that, but if they get annoyed enough then they can ask their supervisor why they don't have a "sold out" sign and so on until the chain of command gets to where it needs to be for someone to make a decision that isn't stupid. Just wishful thinking, I guess.

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Give freebies to hot chicks is pretty lame too. Unless they're really, really stupid, they likely understand what's going on and will milk it for all it's worth without giving anything in return.


I disagree. Exploiting freebies from gullible guys is practically all really, really stupid hot chicks know.


However, what in the hell would said hypothetical girl be obligated to give "in return" in that situation? I assume you mean actually buying something.


Although what girl would be stopping in regularly just for the sake of getting a free demo disc or junk like that?


My local stores haven't been as dickish. However, I've seen them frequently answer calls to the store with something like "Thank you for calling Gamestop, where you can buy and trade used games. We're currently sold out of the Wii. Is there anything else I can help you with?"


But the display boxes are just asking for it. Still, it's nothing compared to the corporate stupidity that went on during the 360 launch. No, I don't want to place a preorder for the 5th shipment, thanks.


Has anyone managed to be in a store when one of the district managers was in? I've been a few times. Most annoying assholes ever. They're so chipper you want to punch them, and they'll spout out every cliche and scripted company line in the book like a damn robot.

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