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Guest Smues

I could make an entire thread out of some of the

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)"No we don't have any, but if you reserve a Wii Play, you can one with it."


Wait what?

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Guest Smues
)"No we don't have any, but if you reserve a Wii Play, you can one with it."


Wait what?


Most likely he meant "you can get one with it."

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Yeah I've heard alot of nonsensical things while going into the various Gamestop/EB stores. My recent favorite was two clerks having a battle of wits over which is better the 360 or the PS3. So I'm just looking at the various Used Gamecube stuff and the obvious lack of Wii accessories when I hear this nugget:


Clerk 1: The blue ray discs can hold an enormous ammount of space and with the new texture compression technology, so the games on the PS3 are going to be longer! There will be more value in buying a game! The Xbox 360 can't hold nearly enough data to make longer and better games.


Now if anyone has heard Lewis Black's White Album, this comment stuck with me much like that "If it wasn't for that Horse, I never would have made it through that year of college" bit.


Coming up to the counter I decide to interject my opinion into the Nerdfight and play Devil's Advocate.


Me: I'm sorry, but since when have game companies actually used all of the availible storage for data on any video game system? More storage space? All that means that they don't HAVE to compress anything and just chuck it on the disc. It also allows for sloppy programming and redundant code to fill up the disc. You think EA is going to fill Madden 08 with oodles of content and depth just because of the BluRay disc? And the reason you have the slow load times on the PS3 is because THEY DON'T USE compression techniques on the PS3.


Clerk 2 Smiles.


Clerk 1: Who asked you? And besides the PS3 will be the system of choice because of BluRay movies . And besides texture compression technology is brand new!


Me: *Puts a copy of Fzero GX on the counter* Well they had texture compression technology on the N64, so it certainly isn't new. Look, all I'm saying is that you shouldn't expect companies to give you more for the same price they've always been charging. And if you bought the PS3 to play movies, congrats you just bought a 600 dollar Betamax.


Clerk 2: *Trying not to laugh* Have a nice day.


Clerk 1 is just sitting there fuming


I love Nerdfights.

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Isn't the Blu-Ray in the PS3 a mere 1x drive anyway? That's one of the main reasons I've heard for slower loading times--DVDs read faster because of faster DVD read speed capabilities.


"And besides the PS3 will be the system of choice because of BluRay movies."



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1x Blu-Ray is equivalent to just over 3x DVD. 2x Blu Ray would be between a 6x and 8x DVD drive. The drives are slower now, but eventually will be a lot faster. But who knows when that will be, and I seriously doubt Sony will ever put anything more than a 2x drive in the PS3.

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It's too bad the word is that Sony is mandating PS3 games use Blu-Ray, when in reality most games could be put in a DVD and save the publishers a lot of $.


Not that many of them would be passing it on--next gen $60 games hawtness!!

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Looks like the PS3 comes with a 2x drive, not too bad I guess. It's still rather wasteful at this point. What game requires more than say, 2 DVD-R DL discs? Even in 5 years, you can always throw games on 3 or 4 discs. Of course, Sony did this just to get their tech into people's homes. They clearly didn't care about the practicality of it.

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That's why I love the mall I go to... it has a Gamestop (which I avoid at all costs) and an EB games, where I've gone since they put it in, and I know all the guys who work there and they never hassle me to buy insurance or extra crap. They'll even greet me by name and say "so, did you hear about the new [RPG][Wrestling][MMO] game coming out? It's gonna be awesome". Yeah, EB keeps me hooked up.


I do have a funny story about the evil gamestop though. I was standing in line behind a kid about my age a few years back, and he was selling a bunch of Xbox games. He put Splinter Cell (the original) on the counter and the lady said she'd give him 25 cents for it - yes, 25 cents - when it was sitting three feet behind us on the shelf for 9.99.


I told the guy "hey, I'll give you a dollar for it" and he sold it to me. Bitch wasn't very happy, and I really didn't care. It was so worth it.


The funny thing, I've never even played the game once since buying it. Thank you, World of Warcraft and SmackDown game series. >_>

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Blockbuster (it counts!) required you to add your credit card information to your account if you wanted to rent any XBox 360 game as insurance because of the easily exploitable no late fees deal. One night, two kids drove up to the store in their big truck and marched to the 360 section, where I happened to be putting games on the shelf. One of them asked me if the credit card thing was true. I said yes and explained why, since only 360 games required it at the time. I asked if they needed anything else, which they didn't. They continued to browse the 360 games and I went back to the counter. A few minutes later, they came up to me.


"Um, we don't have a credit card. Will this work?" With this, they presented me with a social security card.


"No, it has to be a credit card."


"What about an insurance card?"


"...No. It's not that kind of insurance."


"Well fuck this and fuck you!"


Moments later, their truck squealed out of the parking lot and into the night.

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That's why I love the mall I go to... it has a Gamestop (which I avoid at all costs) and an EB games, where I've gone since they put it in, and I know all the guys who work there and they never hassle me to buy insurance or extra crap. They'll even greet me by name and say "so, did you hear about the new [RPG][Wrestling][MMO] game coming out? It's gonna be awesome". Yeah, EB keeps me hooked up.


I do have a funny story about the evil gamestop though. I was standing in line behind a kid about my age a few years back, and he was selling a bunch of Xbox games. He put Splinter Cell (the original) on the counter and the lady said she'd give him 25 cents for it - yes, 25 cents - when it was sitting three feet behind us on the shelf for 9.99.


I told the guy "hey, I'll give you a dollar for it" and he sold it to me. Bitch wasn't very happy, and I really didn't care. It was so worth it.


The funny thing, I've never even played the game once since buying it. Thank you, World of Warcraft and SmackDown game series. >_>


EB and Gamestop are the same thing.

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Guest NYankees

Yeah but they keep him hooked up plus he rather play Smackdown than Splinter Cell.

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Gamestop and EB are the same thing, but they are sometimes both in the same mall. I thought I was seeing double at the Mall of New Hampshire, but nope, they are both there.

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I still have an EB Games that haven't bothered to change their sign/receipts or anything much. I hardly go there anymore. Either store has an obnoxious habit of charging an extra 5 bucks on new DS/GBA games (games normally priced $29.99 are $34.99).


Today I was in there just looking around--a couple were apparently shopping for one of their kids, and were supposed to get "the new Tomb Raider" for PS2. One of the clerks was actually going to try to sell them Angel of Darkness.


I pointed out the game is several years old, and directed them to Tomb Raider Legend. I told them it's fairly new, although it came out around mid-06. I also told them about the remake coming up, "although this one is great as well, and anyone who likes this one should keep an eye out for that one as well."


To be fair the clerk was a new guy. Maybe he didn't know AoD was a) old and b) dogshit. Although I think their computer system at least tells you the release year.

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Guest Dirty Killingsocks

GameStop has bought out Blockbuster's Rhino Video Game stores. All Rhino stores will change over to GameStop stores on the 14th of this month.


Fuck GameStop. Rhino's "trade-in two old games for a new game" deal was awesome.

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Yep, I work at Rhino and I can 100% confirm this. This is truly sad news, and a gigantic load of bullshit. Say goodbye to going into a fairly hassle-free environment to buy NES, PSX, SNES, etc. games. Say HELLo to being foced into only buying current-gen stuff while being hassled to reserve "That Live" or get that gay-ass gameplay guarantee scam. I've done 2 seperate tours of duty at Gamestop, and I am in no way prepared to put up with their bullshit for a third time. Myself as well as 4 other employees have come to the decision to put in our notices effective on the take-over date.



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Guest Smues
Yep, I work at Rhino and I can 100% confirm this. This is truly sad news, and a gigantic load of bullshit. Say goodbye to going into a fairly hassle-free environment to buy NES, PSX, SNES, etc. games. Say HELLo to being foced into only buying current-gen stuff while being hassled to reserve "That Live" or get that gay-ass gameplay guarantee scam. I've done 2 seperate tours of duty at Gamestop, and I am in no way prepared to put up with their bullshit for a third time. Myself as well as 4 other employees have come to the decision to put in our notices effective on the take-over date.




What % of the total workforce would that end up being quitting at once?

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Yep, I work at Rhino and I can 100% confirm this. This is truly sad news, and a gigantic load of bullshit. Say goodbye to going into a fairly hassle-free environment to buy NES, PSX, SNES, etc. games. Say HELLo to being foced into only buying current-gen stuff while being hassled to reserve "That Live" or get that gay-ass gameplay guarantee scam. I've done 2 seperate tours of duty at Gamestop, and I am in no way prepared to put up with their bullshit for a third time. Myself as well as 4 other employees have come to the decision to put in our notices effective on the take-over date.




What % of the total workforce would that end up being quitting at once?


That would leave 1 other person (who may end up jumping on the bandwagon) and the District Manager (who serves as the manager of our particular store) to run the place. That would be the Assistant Manager (myself), Shift Leader, and 2 (possibly 3) part-timers putting in our notices at the same time. I left Gamestop the first time due to the horrible hours, and I left the second time (I went back due to being hired back as 3rd key) because I was offered the ASM job at Rhino, which pays much better along with providing some overtime every now and then. The no-hassle sales method is also very nice.

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Guest Smues
Yep, I work at Rhino and I can 100% confirm this. This is truly sad news, and a gigantic load of bullshit. Say goodbye to going into a fairly hassle-free environment to buy NES, PSX, SNES, etc. games. Say HELLo to being foced into only buying current-gen stuff while being hassled to reserve "That Live" or get that gay-ass gameplay guarantee scam. I've done 2 seperate tours of duty at Gamestop, and I am in no way prepared to put up with their bullshit for a third time. Myself as well as 4 other employees have come to the decision to put in our notices effective on the take-over date.




What % of the total workforce would that end up being quitting at once?


That would leave 1 other person (who may end up jumping on the bandwagon) and the District Manager (who serves as the manager of our particular store) to run the place. That would be the Assistant Manager (myself), Shift Leader, and 2 (possibly 3) part-timers putting in our notices at the same time. I left Gamestop the first time due to the horrible hours, and I left the second time (I went back due to being hired back as 3rd key) because I was offered the ASM job at Rhino, which pays much better along with providing some overtime every now and then.


If you do all quit that'll be quite awesome and sort of fuck them over. Of course I can't blame you if you don't.

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Went into EB Games to buy some cheap Xbox games to play on the 360.


I walked in and the girl behind the counter starts our experience with:





*Looks around the store...yep. I'm only one here*


"I'm sure they do."


"Hadn't really planned on it."

"IT'S THE BEST SYSTEM OUT THERE!" *sees that max is looking at 360 games* "MUCH BETTER THAN THAT 360!!"

"I'll make a mental note."


Mercifully, the phone rang and she had to answer it. Upon paying for my purchases, I was barraged with the Game Informer card, was again asked whether or not I wanted to buy a PS3 (I told them I'd call them as soon as I dug up 700+ in cash), and finally was asked if I wanted to reserve Sonic the Hedgehog, which I was less than pleased to hear wasn't even for the 360. I don't think I'm going to shop at EB anymore.

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So you bought a PS3, right?


EB sells Game Informer?


Yeah. You sign up for the Edge card for $15, get the current issue to take home, and a year's subscription. I did it. It's slightly cheaper than a normal subscription, anyway.

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Game Informer ain't so bad. Made me want to buy Bully, though I didn't. It did turn me on to Okami, and that game was swell.


Incidentally, does Gamepro still exist? That shit was hilarious.


!HOTTEST NEW GAME BY SONY! THREEEE Dimensions! Here's our reviewer!


Well in the first level there's a guy with a machine gun. Uh, I guess he;s called Machine Gun Man?


PROTIP: Machine Gun Man fires bullets! You should use the 'dodge' button to dodge bullets!


Protip2, from epicgamer: If you get hit by bullets, your life meter goes down. Don't get hit by bullets.

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Sonic is out on 360, but it's dogshit anyway.


GamePro is still around, and sells well. They have a site at gamepro.com. And they still suck.

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So you bought a PS3, right?


EB sells Game Informer?


Yeah. You sign up for the Edge card for $15, get the current issue to take home, and a year's subscription. I did it. It's slightly cheaper than a normal subscription, anyway.


$15 for the Edge card and a year's subscription to a magazine, eh? Doesn't sound like an awful deal, considering that our Edge cards go for $5 CDN.

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I had some fun with a PS3 a couple of weeks ago. Someone returned an unopened one at the Best Buy I work at. I picked it up from customer service and just walked around carrying it everywhere I went. Within 2-3 minutes I had someone asking me for it. It was some good times.


I'm getting dozens of calls each day looking for a Wii. It has reached a point of being more than obnoxious.


Last Sunday we had an ad out telling people that we would be handing out tickets for a PS3 an hour before the store opened. We had about 30-40 PS3's. I didn't work until Thursday, and when I got there we still had 28 of the PS3's from Sunday left. I'd say the PS3 craze is officially over.

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Guest NYankees

I had to wait on a line for 30 minutes the other day because there were 4 people in front of me. One customer took a full 30 minutes at the counter trading games in because the sales clerk was pimping everything and anything in the store. Several people on the line did walk out and I wish I had been one of them.

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It's weird that I don't get any hard sell from the Gamestop by my house. It's always the same 3 guys in the store and they just give the usual "looking for anything in particular?" when I wander around, ask if I want to subscribe to GI when I first check out, and wish me well when I leave. Nothing about reservations, no screaming about 360 vs. PS3 vs. Wii, nothing. They just sit up at the cash register and debate the relative merits of games and act like a slightly less nerdy Comic Book Guy. It feels more like a local store than a big chain.

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