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Guest Marvel Man X

Did Sid ever return from this?

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To answer your question, NO, he's hasn't been back in any major federation since that incident.


As far as a recovery, I'm not clear on that. A couple of years back I heard rumblings of him being back on two feet and pitching a comeback to the WWE, but that never came around. I can't say if he's done any work since then.

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Like the others said, he wrestled a one shot in IWS. But after reading an interview he did a year back, he seems to have an inflated ego about what his drawing power and spot in history really is. I'm not denying he had his moments, but he doesn't belong in the top ten in terms of drawing power. From what I gathered he thinks he's just right below Hogan as a draw.

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I still think SID was something of a huge missed opportunity in the business. He couldn't wrestle for shit nor cut a good promo that wasn't unintentional comedy but the man just had that "IT" that Paul Heyman often puts over.


I'm really shocked WWE or TNA never jumped to this guy considering all the other old timers that pop up.

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I agree with you on that one. Sid always had something that made you watch him even when you didn't want to.

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Yeah, other than a few indy spots, Sid has never returned after that injury. I remember he supposedly had some big ideas for returning to WWE, but that never materialized.

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Guest Mos_Def
I still think SID was something of a huge missed opportunity in the business. He couldn't wrestle for shit nor cut a good promo that wasn't unintentional comedy but the man just had that "IT" that Paul Heyman often puts over.


I'm really shocked WWE or TNA never jumped to this guy considering all the other old timers that pop up.



I am curious as to how you define "missed opportunity"...He received obscene pushes in pretty much every spot he was in, only to be met with dwindling receipts and his own lapses in judgement.

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One could argue that Sid's title win over Michaels was the prologue to the "Attitude Era", fans choosing who they LIKE to cheer for over the oushed babyfaces.


It's also because of this win that we got face/face feuds over who was the #1 contender between Bret/Michaels, more face/face matches HBK/Sid rematch, Taker/Bret at Final Four, and a face/face main event at WrestleMania with the fans once again picking a heel (Austin) over the baby (Bret) in the semimain.


Because of Sid, Bret couldn't win the title from him, leading Bret to begin his sour attitude angle, and eventually snapping after Bret lost to him for the THIRD TIME in 3 months on Raw (cage).

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I know many will disagree, but I think that era was Sid's peak as a worker...he had great wrestlers to work with, and I really enjoyed his matches against Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. Heck, even a lot of the squashes he did were entertaining.

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While the IWC seems to hate Sid, I always liked him. In 88-90 he had the "IT" factor like few others. The broken rib and punctured lung (thanks Scott Steiner) began the endless series of injuries that, along with poor personal decisions, tainted a career of unrealized potential.

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One thing that I find annoying, looking back at his run in the Skyscrapers...Dan Spivey was clearly a _much_ better worker, did cool moves, and was just slightly less physically imposing than Sid Vicious...yet Sid got all the attention. Kind of weird.





(thinks Dan Spivey is one of the most underrated wrestlers of all time)

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One could argue that Sid's title win over Michaels was the prologue to the "Attitude Era", fans choosing who they LIKE to cheer for over the oushed babyfaces.


It's also because of this win that we got face/face feuds over who was the #1 contender between Bret/Michaels, more face/face matches HBK/Sid rematch, Taker/Bret at Final Four, and a face/face main event at WrestleMania with the fans once again picking a heel (Austin) over the baby (Bret) in the semimain.


Because of Sid, Bret couldn't win the title from him, leading Bret to begin his sour attitude angle, and eventually snapping after Bret lost to him for the THIRD TIME in 3 months on Raw (cage).

I thought that was a REALLY fun time period for WWF which often gets overlooked due to Nitro.


All I wanted to say. Bye now.

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One thing that I find annoying, looking back at his run in the Skyscrapers...Dan Spivey was clearly a _much_ better worker, did cool moves, and was just slightly less physically imposing than Sid Vicious...yet Sid got all the attention. Kind of weird.





(thinks Dan Spivey is one of the most underrated wrestlers of all time)

I think injuries hurt Spivey. Remember he did have that mid-90s run as Waylon Mercy. But Sid had something that you just can't put your finger on.

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Yes, Spivey was eventually derailed by injuries, but I'm referring to his late '80s/early '90s NWA run. Waylon Mercy didn't come around 'til '94 or so.


Sid isn't hard to figure out...he was tall, ripped, and had long blonde hair. He was like a tougher looking version of Hulk Hogan, without the balding and yellow trunks.

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Even as 9-year old mark in 1991 I could see the "SID IS GONNA BE THE NEW TOP BABYFACE, COOL!" thing being pushed by WWE.


Then we get: Sid as a ref on the 2nd biggest show of the year. Sid not ON the Survivor Series and being hurt. And Sid losing at the Rumble. Then Sid being Hogan's tag partner at SNME. Then Sid being the latest guy who can't put Hulk away at Mania. Talk about a shitty run.

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I don't understand why they couldn't put Sid over Hogan, in what was supposed to be Hogan's last match, but I'm sure Hogan's ego was the reason there.

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I don't understand why they couldn't put Sid over Hogan, in what was supposed to be Hogan's last match, but I'm sure Hogan's ego was the reason there.


Thank god they didn't, considering Sid walked out 3 weeks later and was suspended / fired as a result.


Now did he walk out of the Boston Garden BECAUSE he didn't beat Hogan? I can't answer that. The guy was just starting a run against the Ultimate Warrior and fared well against Taker on the UK tour.

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The nastiest was the Wargames where he powerbombed Brian Pittman.


The cage is too high! *nasty-ass powerbomb on the head*


That didn't work! *second nasty-ass ganso bomb right on his head*


He did have that 'It' factor, but I wish I had a video of when he got chokeslammed and shat his pants.

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The nastiest was the Wargames where he powerbombed Brian Pittman.


The cage is too high! *nasty-ass powerbomb on the head*


That didn't work! *second nasty-ass ganso bomb right on his head*


He did have that 'It' factor, but I wish I had a video of when he got chokeslammed and shat his pants.


The cage was too low.

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I don't understand why they couldn't put Sid over Hogan, in what was supposed to be Hogan's last match, but I'm sure Hogan's ego was the reason there.

Now did he walk out of the Boston Garden BECAUSE he didn't beat Hogan? I can't answer that. The guy was just starting a run against the Ultimate Warrior and fared well against Taker on the UK tour.

It's not the most credible of sources, but in Sid's shoot interview with RF in 1998, he said the reason he walked out that night was because they wanted Warrior to kick out of his finisher. Sid said he was against it completely, but told them he'd do it if they wanted him to but if they did then he'd quit the promtion.

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