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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"

What did you eat today?

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Breakfast: Banana, toast, Silk.


Lunch: Fettuccine Alfredo, Cranberry juice.


Dinner: All-you-can-eat Fried fish and frog legs, domestic beer. I ate lots and lots. It was glorious.

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Guest Vitamin X

Breakfast: 3-egg omelette, side of toast with orange juice

Lunch: PB&J + My special version of ramen (reduce the amount of water used, soften noodles, add fried tofu + green onions + cayenne pepper + teriyaki sauce)

Dinner: Shrimp Pesto Macaroni and Cheese + iced tea.


I'm going to try my hand at making some smoked salmon hash this weekend, also, maybe on Sunday before the Packer game comes on.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic
Ooooh, morels. Possibly my favorite mushroom intended for culinary use.


They're terrific. Living in such a rainy environment, you should really try finding your own mushrooms. We had a really wet early summer, so the woods I frequent were friggin' rife with fungus. I imagine you have a food dehydrator (if not, get one, they're fuckin' great). You can put up a whole season's worth of soup mushrooms if you find a good patch.


I wish truffles would grow around here.


Because of my ability to gather them, as well as their relatively inexpensive and common nature in the store, and ease of preparation, I eat mushrooms almost daily.


By the way, gathering fungus is really dicey business. If you fuck up and eat a Webcap, you'll be dead in a few weeks of wretched kidney failure despite being completely asymptomatic for even two weeks. Harsh.


The coolest-named thing in nature, The Destroying Angel, will tear you up so bad that you may require a liver transplant, and can be fatal. The second coolest-named thing in nature, The Sickener will also fuck up your guts.


I could go on and on, waxing mycological on everyone. Mushrooms are a fascination of mine.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic


Destroying Angel. Lethal.



Champignon. Delicious.


Even when mature, the two are difficult to separate. When young, they're identical, for all intents and purposes.

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Guest Vitamin X

Yeah I've been getting some truffles from my local mushroom folks. I get a big ol' basket of chanterelles for $4 and while I would love to do some gathering, I'm in an urban environment and I'd have to go out a ways to find shit like that. Morels I love just cooking them in a bunch of butter with a bit of salt and a dash of fresh black pepper. Just let them soak up all that goodness and scarf them down- they taste downright meaty and smoky. I'm also really chickenshit about picking a bad shroom, althouh finding chanterelles, morels, shiitakes, and ports wouldn't be that hard. Since I've been all into trying new and different things this year, I haven't had criminis in months. Shiitakes supposedly have a ton of health benefits, and I've found them to be a pretty good substitute anyways, and now with chanterelles, those pretty much just top all of those off especially for the price I'm getting them at. I think it's something like a pound or so that I get; normally folks are paying $8 or so for that.


Anyways, I've had a pretty crappy week and I'm trying to feel good so today I just went all out with the comfort food and kind of felt like I was back in my more carnivorous days. Note I don't still have any non-fish meat at home, but I don't mind eating it when I go out anymore, so long as I know I'm getting high quality stuff. Here goes.


Breakfast- I woke up super early today, so I was down at the farmer's market and had myself some sausage and bacon hash with eggs + some strong black coffee.

Brunch/Lunch: This motherfucker.


That's from a local breakfast place and yes taken moments before I devoured it with my camera phone. It's called the Reggie Deluxe and it contains a piece of fried chicken, bacon, a slice of cheddar cheese, and a fried egg on a creamtop buttermilk biscuit smothered in rich sausage gravy. With some orange juice to drink.


Heaven in my mouth. It's been nearly 12 hours, and I'm still doin pretty well, appetite wise.

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Fucking hell, that looks delicious.


Breakfast: Bowl of Wheaties and two bananas.


Lunch: Egg salad sandwich from Fresh and Easy and a strawberry lemonade.


Dinner: Two Triple Steak Burritos from Taco Bell and a 6-pack of Coors. TASTY.

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Guest Vitamin X

This past weekend has been a pretty amazing week for food. Last night topped it all off, though. I had:


Foie Gras PB&J (yes it's exactly what it sounds like- Foie gras on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and it was actually quite good!)

Pigeon (like a dark meat duck thing.. very, very delectable)

Foie Gras Profiteroles (Gotta have some more of this shit)


and a ton of wine to drink. I think today I'm going to do some Jewish deli eats.

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Guest Vitamin X

I'd never had foie gras before and I had to have some. The profiteroles were something else, had some caramel sauce and sea salt on them.


My ex/friend/whatever you want to call it maybe did me a bit better. She had sweetbreads, this steak and mushroom thing and creme brulee to finish. Goooood stuff.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic

On Sunday, I shot, skinned, cleaned, and cooked a rabbit over a campfire and ate it with my fingers.

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Guest Vitamin X

How is rabbit meat? I just had pigeon the other day, it's somewhere in between dark meat chicken and duck. I've had rabbit pates, but that's it.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic

Lean, and pleasantly gamy. Not sure what other animal I'd compare it to, it's just...rabbit. It's easy to find; try it.


The organ meats were a little unpleasant (I didn't have any seasonings on me), but the muscle meats of a rabbit offer almost no nutritive value. I think that's interesting.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic

From the wiki entry on Rabbit Starvation:


"The groups that depend on the blubber animals are the most fortunate in the hunting way of life, for they never suffer from fat-hunger. This trouble is worst, so far as North America is concerned, among those forest Indians who depend at times on rabbits, the leanest animal in the North, and who develop the extreme fat-hunger known as rabbit-starvation. Rabbit eaters, if they have no fat from another source--beaver, moose, fish--will develop diarrhoea in about a week, with headache, lassitude and vague discomfort. If there are enough rabbits, the people eat till their stomachs are distended; but no matter how much they eat they feel unsatisfied. Some think a man will die sooner if he eats continually of fat-free meat than if he eats nothing, but this is a belief on which sufficient evidence for a decision has not been gathered in the North. Deaths from rabbit-starvation, or from the eating of other skinny meat, are rare; for everyone understands the principle, and any possible preventive steps are naturally taken."



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Not sure what other animal I'd compare it to, it's just...rabbit.


Tastes a lot like possum. Of course, if you haven't had rabbit, I kinda doubt you've had possum.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic

Continued exploration with my old friend: cheap thin steaks-


This time, in a marinade of olive oil, a little yogurt, dill, and lemon juice. Done on a grill pan with a red onion and some olives, which I chopped up after they were cooked, in a sort of..salsa?

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Guest Vitamin X

Mediocre breakfast and lunch today (Ate some hard boiled eggs with o.j. which gave me really bad gas and I don't even remember eating lunch) but dinner was pretty good. I cut up some andouille sausage I had left, and fried that on a skillet with pancetta (rendering it first for the grease to come out and play on my cast iron), bell pepper and onion. Then I put that into a tomato sauce with the usual stuff- roma tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, basil, etc. then tossed it all with some spaghetti and served with grated brindisi on top. Filled me the hell up.


Oh yeah, and to celebrate the end of finals, I got a 40 of PBR last night and used about 1/3 of it to parboil some bratwurst with garlic, bell pepper, and onion. I've been really feeling these sorts of flavor the last couple days. Served that on a toasted hard roll with this sweet hot mustard I believe that's pretty similar to that one mustard Wisconsinites say is essential for beer brats (it has that musky horseradishy taste to it). Had that with the rest of my PBR last night, although I kind of wish I had the ingredients to make bier cheese soup. That shit would've been bomb.

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Just had some Wendy's for dinner, which reminds me: Does anyone else notice that Wendy's NEVER gets your order right? Four out of the last five times I've been there they have screwed something up, from forgetting to give me a straw to not putting what I want on a burger. Hell, even my roommate went there last week and ordered fries and got those mandarin orange slice things instead.

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Guest Vitamin X

Yeah, it's probably just the store in your area. Taco Bell is the culprit of doing that where I live. Fuck, last week I had a big ol' fiasco with them because they overcharged me a bunch on my debit card and it caused me to go overdraft in my account- getting my money back took days and it was like pulling teeth for a bit there. Really irritating, and they didn't even get the order right then, either.


Oh yeah, thread. I ate a slice of leftover ham steak and some eggs for breakfast this morning.

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