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Epic Reine

Undertaker/Kane vs Kronik

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Jesus Christ, today was the first time that I've ever seen this match and it was AWFUL. There's really no other way to explain it.


Seriously, I didn't mind Kronik in WCW and thought they actually put on some pretty entertaining squashes but this match was absolutley atrocious. No one sold for anybody and spots were blown left and right. What was management's thinking for bringing in Kronik in the first place? Weren't they released a little while after the match? If you saw it, you'd know why. What's everyone else's opinion and the net's opinion in general for this match?


Avoid at all costs. I don't know how I got past the entrances.

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I thought I remembered, and I could be wrong, that they immediately released Clark but asked Adams to go to OVW because he was a friend of the Undertaker.

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AWESOME match! I love that match sp much. Go into hysterics everytime I watch it.

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You know its not like Taker and Kane werent also at fault for the match sucking. though personally I never found this match as bad as people say, boring, but not the worst match ever.

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Yeah, I didn't understand why Kane and UT didn't get any blame for that one.


It's too bad Kronik didn't work out. Yes, they sucked in the ring, but they were seen as WCW's version of the Road Warriors, and would have lent some much needed bad ass credibility to the Alliance. Instead they just had Steve Austin burying a bunch of small guys who all used the superkick as a finisher.

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This was mostly a horrendous style clash, as in all the guys in the match worked the same style. Well, maybe not a styles clash, but you know...


It's a crappy match but I don't find it so awful that it's historic. The amusing part is that the next match on that PPV was an awesome RVD/Jericho hardcore match.

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This was mostly a horrendous style clash, as in all the guys in the match worked the same style. Well, maybe not a styles clash, but you know...


It's a crappy match but I don't find it so awful that it's historic. The amusing part is that the next match on that PPV was an awesome RVD/Jericho hardcore match.

It might not be historically bad, but its definitely memorably bad. It was a lot worse than some throw a way boring hoss match you forget a week later. I remember exactly where I was, who I was with, and what the weather was like the day I saw that match. It stands out from a lot of just blah Invasion crap. Unfortuantly I don't even really remember the RVD/Jericho match besides the dueling chants.

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Well, the whole Invasion is pretty much a blur to me, other than the night when ECW came back. The way they blew through that whole angle in about six months is mind numbing to think about.

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Was that the same RVD/Jericho match that Jericho went off on the "smarks" saying it was MOTYC and didn't deserve whatever mediocre rating it got??

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The RVD-Jericho match at Unforgiven was actually pretty awesome, from what I remember. It was their match at KOTR 2002 that he got really defensive about.

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Was that the same RVD/Jericho match that Jericho went off on the "smarks" saying it was MOTYC and didn't deserve whatever mediocre rating it got??


That was King of the Ring '02, if memory serves me correct. The Unforgiven match had a few recycled spots from the Benoit/Jericho IC title match from the '01 rumble, including Jericho's awesome 'tope into a chairshot' bit.

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Yeah, the KOTR 2002 match was the one Jericho bitched about (which is a good match too, not necessarily a MOTYC). The Unforgiven match may well have RVD's best selling ever, as he maintains the shoulder work from Jericho for the entire match.

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