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Big Ol' Smitty

The Biggest Disgrace of the 21st Century

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What do you expect when you call your President the "Leader of the free world"? Your government had been butting into conflicts for decades, it's no wonder other countries think of them as Team America.



And funny how it ends up working out...we end up getting shit on for it. Even when we're asked to help. I remember a few years ago we were asked to intervene down in Haiti...begged practically by the UN and the rest of the world. We get their dictator out of there before he gets killed...and how are we thanked? By him telling the world we kidnapped him and the rest of the world taking a dump on us as well. If we don't get involved...we're the selfish superpower that is only in it for our own welfare and don't care about the underprivileged. If we get involved, we're the selfish superpower that can't mind our own business.


I think the simple solution is if the world doesn't want us involved in other's affairs is we pull out of the UN. End all diplomatic relations and cut off all financial aid to the countries that want nothing to do with us anymore. Let them sort out their own problems.

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Of course, I agree with a lot of BruiserKC's points. I think a lot of this hand wringing about Bush and the US not doing anything to stop the bloodshed in Darfur is designed to bait the US into another conflict, or otherwise just make our government look bad, once again.

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