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Guest Smues

Sex Education

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Never had a really good sex ed class, but I do remember the incredibly masculine Ms. Mosson answering a question in 8th grade about "Pre-Cum" she even used that term and how uncomfortable I felt. The funny thing is, I went back to my school's website, and check out the woman who is teaching health, and thus, sex-ed now: rosetti.jpg

I wouldn't be able to control myself as a 9th grade male.

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just to show how old I am, sex ed wasn't taught until 10TH GRADE and it was only for one semester...my how times have changed.


The only thing I really remember was pictures of STD riddled cocks and vaginas and watching some Degrassi episodes.

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I don't even remember all that stuff, aside from one guy asking, "Why is it that guys get so tired after sex?" and me being faintly jealous of him. 7th grade.


Sex ed in highschool? I don't think we did that. It was 5th grade and 7th grade.

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They should have taught better sex ed. You can't get mouth-herpes in highschool and not just have... the worst social problems ever. That poor girl :(

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Sex Ed was taught AS Sex Ed in 9th grade here, but the puberty lesson was 5th grade (free Old Spice, and I've been hooked ever since), and we had a lesson on childbirth in 8th grade. Didn't teach me anything I didn't already know, actually. I knew about sex when I was 9 or so, and knew about STDs when I was 12. The guy who taught sex ed in high school, though, was a short angry fuck - Mr. Verrochi - who coached a lot of the teams (you name it, he coached it at some point) and favored those with vaginas and knockers. Funny how a guy with 3 or 4 kids who used to tell jokes about women he used to date in high school and college preached abstinence and we had to drag out of him what to look for in a condom (ie. spermicidal lubricant vs. regular lube, etc.). We always suspected he was diddling a few of the girls, too.

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Guest Eagle Man
I have only one anecdote regarding any sex education courses in grade school or high school. In the 9th grade my health teacher, a young beautiful recent graduate prompted the horny young men in the class that none of the required material was remotely relevant and tossed it in the garbage. Instead of showing the intended gross material, she simply showed amateur footage to illustrate that sex was hardly glamorous as porno made it out it to be. She rejected abstinence wholeheartedly. Regrettably, she only taught for a couple of years but she remained on the minds of all us young men.

Yeah, did you watch porn with her lesbian cousin, too?

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5th grade - Separation of the boys and girls into different rooms. The school's one male teacher then showed us the "boy video" while the girls watched the "girl video", then they swapped the tapes. The tapes only covered the biological aspects, i.e. boys have a penis and get hair, girls have a vagina and get boobs and periods and also hair, etc. They didn't let us ask any questions though. "There, we've taught them everything they need to know for now."


6th grade - From here on out they kept us all together and showed us more tapes about biological differences, and then went into all the psychological aspects (bo-ring). They let us ask questions this time, and thanks to a line of questions about gay people, we learned about the concept of anal sex.


7th grade - For some reason they went over this in Home Ec class (which was part of a six week rotation with other electives like art and music). The only thing I remember was this superhero comicbook video they showed us about STDs, where each of the STDs was a supervillain of some sort (the evil Dr Syphillis, or something like that) and could only be defeated by the likes of Captain Condom and Admiral Abstinence. This video was the source of much amusement for a good while after.


8th grade - General science class. The teacher had a kleenex box for anonymous question submission. I wrote several absurd/dirty questions, but only got one read in front of the class. This was also the closest we ever got to seeing real images of genitals and intercourse (as I'd find out from a younger friend of mine, when he went through a few years later they showed real pics of everything) as they showed us infrared images of penis becoming erect as well as a girl getting aroused, then they finally showed real sex!


...from the inside that is, as we got to see what ejaculation looked like from inside the vagina (someone posted an anigif of something similar in the Pictures I Like thread awhile back), finally culminating in a live shot of childbirth, which naturally drew a lot of "ews" from the class, as well as exclamations "I'm never having kids!" by the 13-14 y/o girls.


I don't remember doing anything in high school... I guess by then we knew everything we needed to!

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Guest Eagle Man

5th grade, the girls watched a video and the boys played dodgeball.


7th grade, we watched a lot of Degrassi Junior High and some really clinical and boring video about genitals. No good teacher-class discourse for me, because my health teacher was a gym teacher at the elementary school next door, who only mumbled that day's video and left to go supervise recess for 3rd graders. He wore Zubaz pants every day.


8th grade, few more Degrassis, watched a birth. Not in person!


10th grade, I don't even remember what we learned in health class. That was the week or two my friends and I all watched Airplane!, so we just kept asking "have you ever seen a grown man naked?" and "do you like gladiator movies?" at inappropriate times.

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I remember very little but what I do remember was scare tactics being used like this is a sexual disease and be shown some slides or a video or boring lectures of how the body works like testerone is produced in the testicles and girls have ovaries etc etc. It didn't help that the Health class was taught by one of the gym teachers who had nothing else to do. And then there are the classic "no adult allowed" sessions when an older student would do Q&A one boy asked the question "why do girls like to get fingered?" and "Can you get pregnant from anal?"

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Guest Danny Dubya v 2.0

In 6th grade, one of my teachers started going on about her breastfeeding her baby. I don't have a problem with women doing that in public, but it was one of those slightly-creepy TMI moments.


In high school, I saw a video that went from some couple having sex to the point of birth... from cameras inside both persons. I could just barely contain myself when the Jaws music started playing during the dude ejaculating. It played it up like some evil alien slime slowly came out of the man and infected the woman.

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In 5th grade it was the usual puberty talk with everyone gathered together in the auditorium. We had a bit in 6th which was the precursor to 8th where we were all split up by sex and got the diseased vaginas and penii and pregnancy image treatment. It was all open-minded overall with them teaching us about birth control in addition to abstinence. Altogether unremarkable.

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