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NBA - April 8-18

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That's true Ripper, about Ben having a better cast in Detroit, but I think what the Bulls get from Ben Wallace that they didn't get from Tyson Chandler, is consistency in his defense. Even though I find him overrated a defender, Ben Wallace still rebounds enough baskets and the Bulls lacked that last year against the Heat in the playoffs. Also the Bulls' offense has seemed to get better, not because of Wallace, but because the other guys are shooting better and smarter. Nocioni will definitely be there in the playoffs and if they put him in, he shall resume his Walker killing.

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I wonder if he will be able to turn making Antoine Walker his bitch into a max contract like Kenyon Martin did.

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How does it become 8-on-5?

I'm giving you a technical foul for even asking!


Oh, as for Skiles being gone, Simmons mentioned that the Celtics might go after him after this year. I don't know if that's true or if it's just typical delusional Boston sports fan rambling, but I think Skiles needs to win one stinkin' playoff series or he's in danger of being shown the door.



I am not so sure Skiles and Ainge particularly like each other.

Simmons also mentioned Rick Carlisle who is the coach I wanted them to bring in as soon as Detroit let him go. Let Doc Rivers disappear into obscurity where he can be an NBA analyst for some Fox Sports affiliate somewhere.

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Pistons' Murray, friend uninjured in shooting


April 18, 2007


TROY, Mich. (AP) -- Detroit Pistons guard Flip Murray says gunshots were fired into his home after two people in masks approached a female friend who was returning with him from a nightclub. Police said no one was injured.


There are no suspects and the intent of the masked males was not clear, police said Wednesday.


Murray, who signed with the Pistons last July, told Troy police in suburban Detroit he was not aware of being followed.


He said he had just arrived home from the club early Monday and had left the door open for the 25-year-old woman, who drove separately. The woman told police she was approached from behind by a masked male and ordered to be quiet. The woman screamed and fled into the house, Lt. Gerry Scherlinck said.


Murray emerged to find someone standing on the front porch, pointing a gun toward him and ordering him to approach the door, Scherlinck said. A second man was spotted standing behind the first.


"As soon as he gets there he literally slams the door in his face and locks it and runs into the interior of the house," Scherlinck said.


Murray told police he then heard gunshots fired, and police later determined two shots were fired through the front door, with a third piercing a window next to the door. Both masked males, whose ages were unknown, fled.


Murray told police he saw a tan- or light-colored sedan driving by slowly as he pulled into his driveway. The car then pulled into the parking lot of a nearby landscaping business, and a K-9 dog later led investigators to the same lot, Scherlinck said.


Joe Dumars, the Pistons' president of basketball operations, did not immediately respond to an e-mail Wednesday. Pistons spokesman Kevin Grigg said the team was aware of the situation, adding "everything has been turned over to the proper authorities."

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Rooting for New jersey. Seeing Miami and Chicago battle it in the first round is music to my Piston-loving ears (even if Cleveland gets the "easy" side of the bracket). I'm not completely confident in our ability to beat Miami or Chicago in a 7 game series, though I feel we can take cleveland. So getting one of them out of the way early will be good.

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Guest Richard McBeef

Looks like the Cavaliers are gonna get the 2 spot. So much for this year.

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Guest Richard McBeef

71-70 Nets after three. Bulls can win this, I feel, but I have a bad feeling they boot this one. I really don't want Miami OR Jersey. We can still get Washington, so let's root for a Pacers win.

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Guest Richard McBeef

ESPN made a mistake, then. I guess we need a Washington win. 81-77 Nets. Come the fuck on.


Furthermore, the Bulls in 5th sends them into the Pistons in the second round. Win tonight, and we can hold off the inevitable until the conference finals.

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I think the reason the Bulls aren't playing defense is because of all the pussy fouls being called on them.


Jon Barry's blatant cheerleading for the Nets is pretty disgusting, as well.

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Guest Richard McBeef

"Boštjan Nachbar"?


Knicks win, Cavaliers win, Nets on pace to win. Some end to the year.

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Guest Richard McBeef

Okay, Detroit and Cleveland in the Eastern finals now. Go crazy. Get off the deck.

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When was the last time there was a more underwhelming 2-seed than the Cavs. I don't think they're getting past Toronto.

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Guest Richard McBeef
What the hell? I think Bulls still got a good shot of making the NBA finals.

They won't beat Detroit in a seven-game series. Nobody thinks they can.

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(1) Detroit vs (8) Orlando

(5) Chicago vs (4) Miami

(3) Toronto vs (6) New Jersey

(2) Cleveland vs (7) Washington

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I still think Chicago's going to win the East. 1-5 can win the conference, those teams are pretty even.


Detroit is definitely not unbeatable.

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Guest Richard McBeef

They won't even make it out of the first, if tonight's ref job is a preview of what's to come. FAN-tastic free throw game for the Nets. If they tilt the game for Kidd like that, what will they do for Shaq-Wade?

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It's funny, the Leafs get almost the whole arena for their banners and the Raptors are pushed into a corner.


And Vince Carter saying there were no hard feelings in Toronto was pretty funny.

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How maddening must it be as a Clipper fan to know that you need help to clinch a spot, and watch Golden State play teams who are resting guys, while you're playing Phoenix and the Hornets at full strength.


EDIT: OK, so Chandler's not playing, but still, compared to the teams Dallas and Portland are trotting out there...

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What the hell? I think Bulls still got a good shot of making the NBA finals.

They won't beat Detroit in a seven-game series. Nobody thinks they can.


Except the Bulls, I hope. That's all that would matter.

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I have a funny feeling that the Heat/Bulls series won't be as competative as everyone thinks. I have no idea who's gonna win, but I get the feeling whoever wins might actually steamroll through in like 5 games. dont ask me why.

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