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I get bitched at by my dentist for not doing it enough, but I can't be the only one with a problem right?


edit: There was supposed to be a poll. Oh well.

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I can't get into flossing, I can't. People who smoke say you don't know how hard it is to stop smoking. Yes I do. It's as hard as it is to start flossing.

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I used to never floss, then I visited a dentist and found out how fucked up my gums got, so now I floss once or twice a day. The gums are getting a lot better because of it.

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Guest Queen Leelee

I occasionally try to floss, but my teeth are so bunched and fucked up that I can get between like a 1/3 of my teeth. And, of course, the dentist bitches about it every time. Then, he flosses them and realizes how tough it is.

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I brush my teeth twice everyday, and use a mouthwash to strengthen my gums, if that isn't enough then fuck it. I refuse to floss, do all of you fuckers hear that. I fucking refuse.

Yeah, where does mouthwash fit in with all this? I do the same thing, figuring that mouthwash (being a liquid that can get into every crack and crevice) is slightly more effective than flossing.

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Guest Queen Leelee

I find mouthwash only worsens gum health. Because it dries your mouth out. And lack of saliva can lead to lots of infections and evil canker sores.

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I find mouthwash only worsens gum health. Because it dries your mouth out. And lack of saliva can lead to lots of infections and evil canker sores.

Hm. Strange, I don't have that problem. Besides, if advertising has taught me anything it's that the sizzle in your mouth means it's working.

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I floss each day now. Like Scroby, my gums and teeth were so screwed up when I went to the dentist last June that I had to go through the "deep cleaning". Since then, I've been using an electric toothbrush, that Reach Access thingy to floss, and Crest ProHealth for mouthwash each day and my teeth are MUCH better. I even got told when I went for my checkup in January that I'd be on their wall of fame, if they had one.

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The Crest Pro-Health mouthwash is stellar.


I will concur. Iwas a listerine person (the citrus stuff is awesome) but I got a deal at Wal Mart on the crest stuff and I love it. I dont really have a favorite toothpaste per se, whatevers on sale. I have an Oral B rechargable toothbrush but the replacement heads for it are too expensive..


As for flossing, my teeth are all screwed up in that they all grew way to close together so theres no room to get a thin piece of floss through even, which also means no room for food to get stuck either so I dont have to worry.


I havent been to the dentist in forever either. I have to take anti-biotics for like..a week before even just for a regular cleaning since theres bacteria in your teeth that get knocked loose durring the procedure that can go straight to your heart and could cause a heart attack, and Im at a higher risk for that.


Bacteria lurking in dental plaque and on diseased gums could trigger a heart attack, suggests a new study in rabbits. The organisms found in the plaque have been shown to promote clumping of platelets, one of the first steps in clot formation that could cause a heart attack. The bacteria also cause abnormalities in heart function, according to a report presented last week at the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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You know Marvin, if you leave the house a small asteroid could tear through the sky and bonk you on the head.


My teeth have always been in good shape. I needed a crown when I was little, but no work's been necessary on my adult teeth. I wish I didn't have a fucked up jawbone (when I grit my incisors one side of my teeth line up flush but there's space on the other side) and a slight overbite though.

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Due to an accident as a child... I can dislocate the bottom half of my jaw as I please... not that I do, as it's painful.


I envy you people with the teeth that grew in too close together... all my shit is spaced a little too much, so I have to floss twice a day.

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I floss each day now. Like Scroby, my gums and teeth were so screwed up when I went to the dentist last June that I had to go through the "deep cleaning". Since then, I've been using an electric toothbrush, that Reach Access thingy to floss, and Crest ProHealth for mouthwash each day and my teeth are MUCH better. I even got told when I went for my checkup in January that I'd be on their wall of fame, if they had one.

The deep cleanings are ok. I got the bottom row done and it didn't hurt...then again the dentist used quite a few shots of the novacaine, so thats pretty much why. I'm going to have the top row deep cleaned on Thursday. It should only take 45 minutes but I'm going to be all novacained up again so I think I'm going to miss wrestling training because of it, but working on getting my gums back to normal will be worth it.


Man, last night I got a wake up call about my teeth...well it wasn't my teeth that gave me the wake up call. Last night I Ref'ed a wrestling show and for the last match I Ref'ed I got powerslamed and powerbombed on a bunch of thumbtacks that were in the ring (yeah that didn't feel to good), after the match I walked to this patio that was in the back (show was at a bar) and this girl asked if I was ok. I told her I was and in my mind I was thinking she was pretty cute...then she smiled, all I saw was green. Her gums were fucking GREEN, her mouth was rotting and while she had her teeth! It freaked me out, I'm so glad I'm going to the dentist now and actually taking care of my mouth. I would have no clue what I would do if my gums or teeth became that bad. Her fucking gums were a bright green man. It was disgusting.

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Yeah, deep cleaning was overhyped by the dentist. He made it sound like it was going to be the worst experience of my life and it ended up not being bad at all. I'd do it again if I had to, but that won't be a problem.


That green teeth and gums thing is pretty disgusting. How could she let herself get that way? Ugh...


On a somewhat related note though, last year, about a week before I went for the dental check-up that led to my own deep cleaning, my now-wife and I were having dinner with a friend of hers. The subject of my upcoming dental visit came up and Sonya (her friend) started telling me about how her sister-in-law, at 33 years of age, had to have ALL of her teeth pulled and replaced with fake ones because her mouth was literally rotting away--the teeth that hadn't already fallen out were BLACK and full of holes, her gums bled constantly, and Sonya said you could stand 20 feet away from her and smell the foul breath she had from all the decay. Scared the bejeezus out of me, for sure.

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Guest Richard McBeef

The people Scroby meets as a referee for a regional independent wrestling promotion.

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Guest Queen Leelee

Green gums are really, really bad. Banned poster MikeSC can tell you about that.


I think not being able to floss is a bad thing, as I get cavities more often than most.

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Green gums? Holy shit.


I've never had to have any dental work done besides the requisite cleaning...flouride in the water FTW?


I probably SHOULD floss more.

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I like how everyone mentioned the green gums girl (triple G!) but not the fact that I got a running powerslam and powerbombed into thumbtacks on Sunday. :lol:

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