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Atticus Chaos

Paris Hilton going to jail (for 3 days)

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You thought that South Park's Stupid Spoiled Whore Playset wasn't real? Heh. Remember, an entire generation of kids now base their entire life views on what Fox and MTV's reality shows have told them.

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Ya know, I kind of wanted to laugh when Paris Hilton was giving her "I found god, I am better now etc etc etc" speech, especially when she referenced, "for all the girls out there that look up to me" as if there is something to look up to Paris about, besides being rich without working for it, however it kind of struck me that it seems a bunch of teenage chicks do look up to her, or at least her lifestyle. See, last week I attended my girlfriend's little sisters high school graduation. The school was an upper-middle class school, filled with kids that have parents wealthy enough to give them more then they could ever need, yet not quite wealthy enough to be classified as "rich" and walking into the school observing things, I was shocked as too how many of these girls modeled their entire look/attitude/well being after these rich ditzy bimbos. At first I figured it was merely a fashion thing, all the way down to the oversized sunglasses covering their foreheads and cheeks, but one listen to the way they talk and talk about things, and it went deeper then that. God help us all........


Mike welcome to my world.


Also, I give the "new leaf" mantra 2-8 weeks before she's caught on TMZ coming out of Hyde or Teddy's trashed.

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