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Atticus Chaos

Paris Hilton going to jail (for 3 days)

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The funniest report was about how she wasn't eating or sleeping since she has been there.


Like she ate when she was out.

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If nothing else, this provided the Sarah Silverman penis/toothcrack joke with Paris sitting right there, which made it all worth it.

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This is all from TMZ.


Paris' Medical Condition -- Mental, Not Physical


Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Paris Hilton's medical condition was purely psychological and that she was in peril of having a nervous breakdown, and that's why she was released early this morning.


Psychiatrist Charles Sophy visited Hilton in jail yesterday and the day before. We're told after Sophy's visit yesterday, word was passed to the Sheriff that Hilton's mental state was fragile and she was at risk.


The reason for releasing her had nothing to do with a rash or other physical issues. It was purely in her head.


Last month, on the eve of a trial in which Hilton was accused of slandering socialite Zeta Graff, Dr. Sophy told the judge that Hilton was "emotionally distraught and traumatized" over her jail sentence, which prevented her from participating in a meaningful defense. That trial was put on hold until August.


Law enforcement sources have just told TMZ the County Jail medical team made the final decision to spring Paris based on Dr. Sophy's psychological evaluation. And we're told, Sheriff Lee Baca gave the final approval.


Law enforcement officials tell TMZ Paris' house arrest does NOT come with any provisions regarding visitors or restrictions on alcohol use.


Paris Speaks!


Richard A. Hutton, attorney for Paris Hilton, today issued the following statement on behalf of Ms. Hilton:


"I want to thank the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and staff of the Century Regional Detention Center for treating me fairly and professionally. I am going to serve the remaining 40 days of my sentence. I have learned a great deal from this ordeal and hope that others have learned from my mistakes."


County Official: Paris "Reassignment" is BS!


The decision to allow Paris Hilton to serve the remainder of her time under house arrest is already under heavy fire from L.A. County officials.


In a sharply-worded statement from L.A. County Supervisor Don Knabe, he claims that Paris' "reassignment" is a load of crap: "This incident with Paris Hilton is just the most recent that highlights the problems our criminal justice system has with making sure sentences stick, whether it is in a County jail or under electronic monitoring."


BS Indeed.

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Law enforcement officials tell TMZ Paris' house arrest does NOT come with any provisions regarding visitors or restrictions on alcohol use.


Jesus Christ, you've got to be kidding me.

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I can't believe this..........



I can. For whatever reason the courts baby celebs. I don't think the country would go to shambles if someone with some fame actually served the same time that anyone else would have gotten

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Now they are going to use Tom Sizemore as an example...


Anyway, they at least should have taken this opportunity to not make a huge mockery of themselves. They probably were tired of paperatzi and the attention it was getting, but fuck, the entire country was watching. I wonder how many short term servers are about to have "nervous breakdowns" and the lawsuits of racial discrimination, sexual discrimination and any other kind they can come up with when they aren't granted release for the exact same thing.

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I guess for every 10 celebs they let get away they have to make an example out of one...like Tommy Chong (they only really throw the book at the ones that don't need it as bad, and aren't as famous)

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I found this on the TMZ message board


Paris' lawyer:


Richard A. Hutton, Criminal Defense law

Bar #: 48044

Address: Hutton & Wlson

1055 E. Colorado blvd. Suite 310

Pasadena, CA 91106


626.397.9700 - phone

626.397.9707 - fax


e-mail: [email protected]

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I'm usually good enough at ignoring Paris stuff all together. It's never an issue for me, but this one is shit.


ok, she has 45 days, less than a slap on the wrist, but whatever

ok, now 20 some days, figured that would happen, I imagined that she'd serve half of that.


HALF of that would have been enough to keep me from ranting about this bitch that isn't worth my time

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I was thinking that her acting like a stupid spoiled whore in prison counts against the "good behavior" deal, and she should be forced to go back to prison for the full 45 days. :D

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Fuck 45 days. I don't understand how violating parole for a 6 month sentence gets you 45 days, let alone 20...let alone TWO.

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Fuck 45 days. I don't understand how violating parole for a 6 month sentence gets you 45 days, let alone 20...let alone TWO.


Be rich and white and you'd understand.

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How many of us would be getting that courtesy if we went to jail for 45 days. I know for me the prison guards would tell me to shut the hell up or they'll crack my skull in.


How many kneepads did Paris wear out to get this done?

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Not to defend Paris Hilton, but most common citizens wouldn't have spent even a minute in jail for committing the same infraction.

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Not to defend Paris Hilton, but most common citizens wouldn't have spent even a minute in jail for committing the same infraction.


By infraction do you mean the probation violation or the original arrest?

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Guest Vitamin X
I guess for every 10 celebs they let get away they have to make an example out of one...like Tommy Chong (they only really throw the book at the ones that don't need it as bad, and aren't as famous)


Christ, isn't that the truth! They should free Tommy and make Paris serve out his sentence.

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She'll screw up and do something stupid enough to land her in jail for more than 3 days.


oh..wait..I might be thinking of someone else..


She was sent home cause the jail and everyone was already tired of the attention.

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Once again from TMZ:


Judge to Paris: Get Back Here!


Posted Jun 7th 2007 8:24PM by TMZ Staff


TMZ has learned that a judge has ordered Paris Hilton back to his Los Angeles courtroom, telling her she must attend tomorrow morning's hearing. She could be sent BACK to the slammer!!


Late today, L.A. City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo filed paperwork demanding a hearing before Judge Michael Sauer to determine why the Sheriff's Department allowed Paris to get out of jail when the judge had expressly ordered her to serve out her entire sentence.


The hearing is scheduled for 9:00 AM PDT on Friday.


TMZ contacted the Sheriff's Department, but they refused to comment on the case.

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Someone on another board put this mess like this:


"I don’t have any love for the ACLU, but if I’m a prisoner in this jail for a relatively similar misdemeanor, guess who I’m calling."

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So stupid fake celeb commits some crime, violates patrol, goes to fake court, gets sentenced to fake jail, has a fake breakdown, but now is going to go back to fake court so they can decide whether to give her "time out" or send her to bed without supper?

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Kudos to Al Sharpton for playing the race card!


Sharpton said, "Though I have nothing but empathy for Ms. Hilton whom I have met and appeared with on Saturday Night Live the night I hosted in 2003, this early release gives all of the appearances of economic and racial favoritism that is constantly cited by poor people and people of color. There are any number of cases of people who handle being incarcerated badly and even have health conditions that are not released."


"I have served several sentences for civil rights and civil disobedience actions and I even fasted which caused health concerns to prison authorities who paid for a doctor to come see me daily rather than release me. This act smacks of the double standards that many of us raise."

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