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Mr. Kennedy Severely Injures His Triceps

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aww man that is a sigh of relief. Looks like we're going to get Edge/Kennedy sometime soon on Smackdown (maybe even a 3-way dance with Hardy?), which is mighty freakin' awesome. Here's to a speedy recovery!













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Great news. I've been a fan of Kennedy since his debut but I don't get to see SmackDown since I work on Friday's. That would be a great feud and Batista can be written out easily. Have Henry cost him the match at JD and he goes after Henry for revenge while Kennedy chases Edge until he is better and they can have their match.

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The whole situation may have worked out better for Kennedy than if he never got injured.


Very true, he might have just been turned into SmackDown's biggest face from this.

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There's something about this whole scenario that I don't get. Shouldn't they have waited to see the official prognosis before panicking and jobbing the MITB off Kennedy? Being out 2 months is nothing with something like MITB. I know SD needed immediate relief with UT being hurt, but they couldn't have just skated by with Batista as champ for a while?


Kennedy may end up with a token title run out of this, but make no mistake he'd just be keeping it warm for a while until UT returns and then they do a big money UT vs. Edge title feud. I still don't know how well Kennedy the Face would work. His act is almost the prototype for bad boy type heat as a cocky heel, but will his ring intro and screaming of his name work as a face? If he can get beyond that and get a bit deeper, then he might work as a face. That and if he feuds with Edge, Edge is such a heel that he can get the crowd to cheer for most anyone. Even Orton.

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Watch some of Kennedy's promo work in OVW. He's much more than him saying his name twice. I hate to bring up the Rock comparisons (and I'm not saying he's "the next Rock") but he has the same cocky heel appeal to him that he can get over as a face with annoying heel antics. And I can see it happening. Austin has even said in interviews that he sees him as a guy he could work a money match against in a couple of years. And not to mention the other news-story on Kennedy, MVP and Cade/Murdoch watching old school tapes. Kennedy has a passion for the business, has a great charisma to him and I feel like he could definitly be the next break out star. On an Austin or Rock or Hogan level, probably not due to the enviornment of the product, but Kennedy can be huge if booked properly and allowed to let his personal charisma carry him (unlike the way in which Cena has been shoved down people's throats as 'the next big thing').

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You know, though, Triple HHH is burying KK right now for thinking he tore his triceps off the bone, when it was no where near as serious. Heck, HHH tears his quad off the bone getting out of bed every morning.


Also, Dr. Ferninad Rios (WWE doctor) is pretty damn bad at diagnosing, it would seem. If a muscle tore off a bone, it would roll up a little (at least) and be easily palpable and visible on extension of the arm, even with considerable swelling.

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Also, Dr. Ferninad Rios (WWE doctor) is pretty damn bad at diagnosing, it would seem. If a muscle tore off a bone, it would roll up a little (at least) and be easily palpable and visible on extension of the arm, even with considerable swelling.

It's ok, he makes up for it with his on-screen prescense (re: ECW One Night Stand II Rey Vs. Sabu)

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I wonder if we'll get Kennedy vs. Finlay for the title down the line. Heck, we might even see Edge teaming up with Finlay here pretty soon.

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There's something about this whole scenario that I don't get. Shouldn't they have waited to see the official prognosis before panicking and jobbing the MITB off Kennedy? Being out 2 months is nothing with something like MITB. I know SD needed immediate relief with UT being hurt, but they couldn't have just skated by with Batista as champ for a while?


That's what I was thinking. It all seemed a bit premature. Like you say, 2 months is nothing for MITB, especially considering Kennedy had already chosen WM24 to cash it in. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of another Edge title run, but WWE should have left Kennedy with the MITB in order to build him up even more. Even if Kennedy goes over Edge and regains the MITB when he returns, It still doesn't make him look as strong as not losing it in the first place.


Anyway, it's great to know Kennedy will be back sooner than expected.

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There's something about this whole scenario that I don't get. Shouldn't they have waited to see the official prognosis before panicking and jobbing the MITB off Kennedy? Being out 2 months is nothing with something like MITB. I know SD needed immediate relief with UT being hurt, but they couldn't have just skated by with Batista as champ for a while?


That's what I was thinking. It all seemed a bit premature. Like you say, 2 months is nothing for MITB, especially considering Kennedy had already chosen WM24 to cash it in. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of another Edge title run, but WWE should have left Kennedy with the MITB in order to build him up even more. Even if Kennedy goes over Edge and regains the MITB when he returns, It still doesn't make him look as strong as not losing it in the first place.


Anyway, it's great to know Kennedy will be back sooner than expected.


I'm with you on all counts. The only thing is, Kennedy can't win the MITB back. Edge used the contract, so it's gone.

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They were going to give Kennedy the belt right now.........he was never going to wait till Mania. That's why they got it off him, the idea to just let it play out would have been fine had Taker not gotten injured.....


They didn't want to give the belt back to Batista.

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I'm with you on all counts. The only thing is, Kennedy can't win the MITB back. Edge used the contract, so it's gone.


I didn't know he cashed it in. I don't read the spoilers. I'm gonna enjoy seeing Edge win it tomorrow night.

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I'm with you on all counts. The only thing is, Kennedy can't win the MITB back. Edge used the contract, so it's gone.


I didn't know he cashed it in. I don't read the spoilers. I'm gonna enjoy seeing Edge win it tomorrow night.


I thought since you said you "love the idea of another Edge title run" that you knew. That, and the fact that it's plastered all over this site and WWE.com. Sorry... Didn't mean to spoil anything.

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Next time, WWE should get a second look at the injury, instead of going into panic mood.

Remember the Undertaker injury already backed them into a corner as far as the World title. They couldn't afford to sit on the title change another week.

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Okay WWE..this is your chance to make a real star out of this guy...he's as hot right now and they need to cash in on this...if Edge can make people cheer Cena I think people will definately get behind Kennedy as a face..and they'll get behind him when Batista and Henry go after him too...the best thing they can do right now is have Edge talk about how he beat him and took everything from him for good month and a half meanwhile we get vignettes ONLY about Kennedy with his theme song playing showing his highlights..and only when Kennedy is fully healed have him suprise Edge and everybody else with the big popped-enterance and beat the hell out of him..SummerSlam main event on a platter.

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Next time, WWE should get a second look at the injury, instead of going into panic mood.

Remember the Undertaker injury already backed them into a corner as far as the World title. They couldn't afford to sit on the title change another week.

Not to mention that it's always better to err on the side of caution. Kennedy's been babying the arm since the initial diagnosis; who knows how fucked up his arm/career/life could have become if they told him "Eh, it's not that bad..."?

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They should still keep Kennedy off TV for a few months. That's the only way he can come back and not look like a total bitch because he got soooo punked by Edge on Monday that having him come back after like three weeks is not a good look for him.

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Yes, let's have one of our brightest stars of the future sit at home for no reason. Great plan.

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It would have looked worse if he would have had that serious injury and had to stay home that long after that "brutal" beating. He should be back no later than the end of August.

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Guest Montresor

Whew. The only thing worse than "Mr. Kennedy's Wrestlemania Countdown" was the prospect of five to seven months of face-Kennedy fantasy booking. I mean, this clown winning a Rumble? Edge–Kennedy for the World Title at 'Mania? I like Edge and he might make it work, but come on.


Okay WWE..this is your chance to make a real star out of this guy...he's as hot right now and they need to cash in on this...if Edge can make people cheer Cena I think people will definately get behind Kennedy as a face..and they'll get behind him when Batista and Henry go after him too...the best thing they can do right now is have Edge talk about how he beat him and took everything from him for good month and a half meanwhile we get vignettes ONLY about Kennedy with his theme song playing showing his highlights..and only when Kennedy is fully healed have him suprise Edge and everybody else with the big popped-enterance and beat the hell out of him..SummerSlam main event on a platter.

He's going to flop as a main-event face like his name was Orton. Dude's midcard-heel 4 life.

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For one thing people who come back to do interviews and the like in the ring tend to come back too early not to mention that they almost get involved in some "beatdown" which may further injure them(see RVD)..so yes they should build him up but keep him away from the ring for a while..do some at home or phone interviews..it sure didn't hurt Angle or HHH to not come back early(I know he's not HHH) and since when did a good worker/good talker become a clown..I'm not saying he's the next Rock either but a lot of his stuff was a bit clown like if you think about it...I'm willing bet he'll be well above "mid-card for life".

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damn now both taker and kennedy wont be at the house show tonight this sucks! Oh well Im still going to try and buy a kennedy shirt if they got one.



anyhow good news for Ken, although the Rumble return would have been fun.


Im still wondering why they just didnt have Batista win back the title and turn heel? but a move to sd is a good choice for Edge on both storyline (Hes an arrogant greedy person of course he would go after a different world title this time, plus if he did this to Cena, hed have to face Khalis wrath at JD) and real life purposes (a fresh set of opponents for the Edgester)

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