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Ongoing Smackdown spoilers

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Via PWI:


Dark Match:


*Chuck Palumbo defeated Daivari.




*MVP pinned Matt Hardy with the Playmaker in a good match. After the match, Michael Cole interviewed MVP in the ring and he said he would overcome the odds at Judgment Day and become the new United States champion.


*They are promoting Edge will give his "Inaugural Address" as WWE World champion later tonight.


*Paul London & Brian Kendrick & Jimmy Wang Yang defeated WWE Cruiserweight champion Chavo Guerrero & WWE Tag Team champions Deuce & Domino when Yang pinned Guerrero with a moonsault.


*Mark Henry pinned Funaki.


*WWE United States champion Chris Benoit defeated Finlay by DQ when MVP attacked Benoit as he had Finlay trapped in the Crippler Crossface.


*Backstage, Ozzy Osbourne is walking. Jillian Hall tries to stop him to talk to him but he keeps going.


*Ashley Massaro introduces Ozzy Osbourne, who performs.


*Mike the Miz Mizanin defeated Christian York.


*They aired a video promoting Timbaland's music video would air next week.


*Backstage, Kristal Marshall was talking to Teddy Long about interviewing Vicky Guerrero. Vicky walks in and Long tells her he will give her an interview for the position of his assistant.


*Kane (with Boogeyman and Little Boogey) defeated William Regal (with Dave Taylor).


*Teddy Long comes out and introduces WWE World champion Edge. Edge talks about being champion and says he will defend the title against anyone. Batista comes out and says the World championship is rightfully his and he's coming for it at Judgment Day.

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Much like Raw last night, not the greatest sounding lead-in to the ppv. But we'll see how it turns out.

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Henry's probably going to fued with the likes of Benoit, after JD, as the latter will likely be done with the MVP fued soon.


I wonder how much Christian York will be a regular?

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Batista was there, he came out for the main event interview.


I'd like to see Christian York as a contracted WWE superstar.


Sounds like an alright show. I'm looking forward to MVP/Hardy.

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Hardy/MVP was great. MVP is improving amazingly fast.


Benoit/Finally was also great. I LOVE when these two are put against each other.


Tonight was Edge's night. I liked the video packages WWE put together building to his segment at the end.


Long live the Rated R Superstar!!!


Smackdown kicks ass!

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