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The OAO Raw for May 21st Thread

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Shane McMahon main eventing Raw = my two favorite eras, the Attitude Era (McMahon Vs. DX, McMahon Vs. Rock) and the "Invasion" of 2001 (I know they fucked it up, but it was some of the best pure wrestling and freshest, coolest match-ups ever).


Sadly, Shane Vs. Lashley is main eventing during the "Shitty" era of 2002-2007.

I do recall liking Shane in the Survivor Series main event, breaking up every pinfall the WWF team attempted.

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Raw was obviously written tonight to make Shane McMahon appear tougher than Lashley, Masters, Umaga, and Viscera. Nothing short of clamping a car battery to Shane's testicles can actually make him "feel pain".

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Raw was obviously written tonight to make Shane McMahon appear tougher than Lashley, Masters, Umaga, and Viscera. Nothing short of clamping a car battery to Shane's testicles can actually make him "feel pain".


Come on now. It's not like he no-sold getting trapped in his car and getting dropped off a crane. Now THAT would be silly.

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So possibilities for One Night Stand...


Khali/Cena - Falls Count Anywhere

Lashley/Vince - Streetfight




Throw in an ECW tag or RVD/Punk if RVD gets turned tomorrow.

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Raw was obviously written tonight to make Shane McMahon appear tougher than Lashley, Masters, Umaga, and Viscera. Nothing short of clamping a car battery to Shane's testicles can actually make him "feel pain".


did you hear Ross say that Shane was dangerous if even lashley wasn't injured or something like that? i mean lol..shane is no bigger than that referee, which are knocked over like flies but yep....lashley should fear shane. have to laugh at the ego of the mcmahons.


and this marks about the 50th time where there is almost no or very little crowd reaction to anything involving this storyline...so naturally we can expect more of the same

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So possibilities for One Night Stand...


Khali/Cena - Falls Count Anywhere

Lashley/Vince - Streetfight




Throw in an ECW tag or RVD/Punk if RVD gets turned tomorrow.


That show on Friday should get some matches don't you think...

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Can't help but think of Uncensored with ONS 3 being all "EXTREME RULES". Might as well tack on gimmicks for every match. Maybe Flair/Carlito can be first-blood. Not sure about the Women's match or the probable Punk/RVD match since we only have 2 shows to set that up. WGTT/Hardyz is probably too soon for a ladder match but that'd be the obvious route given those involved. Don't forget to tack on a pair of SD matches.

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i wouldn't mind a cruiserweight title match where they throw all the guys in there and they just fly out of the ring somewhere. Then again they might need to end the ppv 40 minutes early like D2D!

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Can't help but think of Uncensored with ONS 3 being all "EXTREME RULES". Might as well tack on gimmicks for every match. Maybe Flair/Carlito can be first-blood. Not sure about the Women's match or the probable Punk/RVD match since we only have 2 shows to set that up. WGTT/Hardyz is probably too soon for a ladder match but that'd be the obvious route given those involved. Don't forget to tack on a pair of SD matches.


WWE will forget.

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In all fairness what is exactly such a heated feud on SD right now that it would require an Extreme bloodbath? Edge/Batista maybe could be on the show, but Benoit vs. MVP has been a pure wrestler type feud and the hardcore stuff is out of place there.


I'm hoping for that RVD/Punk Extreme match at that PPV, even though I would be out of town and likely wouldn't see the PPV.


As far as the Hardys go, I don't see them against Haas/Benjamin at the PPV. It seems like they set up a huge 8 man hardcore brawl tonight with Hardys/Cade/Murdoch vs. WGTT/Nitro/Kenny. That could be quite the epic brawl if they let it happen.


Dare I say this PPV could be surprisingly decent?

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Timbalnd with zany facial expressions, divas, Sin City, and the Hives. That was one of the strangest things I have eevr seen on Raw.

Yet...I enjoyed it.


One quick tidbit on the Cena vs Khali thing....so ummm yeah Cena pretty much killed that feud off. You don't come out, as the champion, and go "yeah sure, I already beat you, I'm not afraid of you, I'll beat you again with no problems", you've pretty killed all heat going into. Then to try and safe it, Khali hits two moves on Cena...and Cena is out. Okie dokie. Odd booking, but what the hell!


If anything, Khali should have either called out Cena or laid him out causing Cena to accept the challange. Done deal! Build up to the match, don't pretty much kill all the heat going into the match.

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Guest lo0p

that lady in the front row marking out for bobby lashley was the most annoying fan ever.

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You know, I used to think Lashley was a stiff, but ever since that cage spot with Umaga on ECW, and the random leap frogs now... he might make a killer heavyweight in the Mike Awesome type of mold.

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The little bit of belief I had in Khali is dead. I thought they finally had some good momentum going with him but that nonsense ending at Judgment Day just killed any bit of interest I had in him. He went from unstoppable monster to just another wrestler in less than 3 weeks.


First Cena lifts him too early when that SHOULD have been played out for a long time and not wasted on RAW. Then he goes into Judgment Day and taps out to Cena. And the final topper, claiming he was robbed of a win because his foot was under the rope. Nothing says unbeatable giant like complaining he was screwed.


Khali could have really been built up as an old school monster but that was wasted.

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In all fairness what is exactly such a heated feud on SD right now that it would require an Extreme bloodbath? Edge/Batista maybe could be on the show, but Benoit vs. MVP has been a pure wrestler type feud and the hardcore stuff is out of place there.


I'm hoping for that RVD/Punk Extreme match at that PPV, even though I would be out of town and likely wouldn't see the PPV.


As far as the Hardys go, I don't see them against Haas/Benjamin at the PPV. It seems like they set up a huge 8 man hardcore brawl tonight with Hardys/Cade/Murdoch vs. WGTT/Nitro/Kenny. That could be quite the epic brawl if they let it happen.


Dare I say this PPV could be surprisingly decent?


Without the hostile crowd, I would be worried about the talent giving less than their best. December to Dismember comes to mind.

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The difference is that D2D was a PPV with nothing announced and tried to use the thin ECW roster as a stand alone PPV. And regardless of what they are expecting, that crowd will be a decidedly ECW type crowd due to the previous 2 ONS PPVs being ECW.


Maybe not everyone will put forth an effort, but I think that for the most part a lot of guys will. Cena/Khali in a hardcore match can't help but be better than a standard match, and I'm sure Vince/Lashley will be overbooked to the hilt with people running in to ensure some sort of entertainment value.

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I do agree with KOAB that Lashley has been doing a lot of impressive stuff in the ring lately. I'd like to see him show off a little more of his amateur wrestling background to further round out his in-ring repetoire, but he probably doesn't have the right opponent for that right now.

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I'd like to see him show off a little more of his amateur wrestling background to further round out his in-ring repetoire, but he probably doesn't have the right opponent for that right now.

He does. He's facing Vince, who took down Kurt Angle, don't you know.


Why did Lashley get a break between opponents? Was that ever explained?

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Was it explained why a lame ECW feud was sucking up all the time on Raw?


It's Vince, pretty much explains it. The guy does own the company so he can do anything he wants to do.

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Oh, how would I love it if they decided to give Dreamer and Sandman 15 minutes to just beat the shit out of each other at ONS to keep the internet fans happy.


Of course it'll never happen, but given tonight's RAW I could use it.

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In 1997, WCW’s Great American Bash emanated from the arena and saw Ric Flair and Roddy Piper in action. In August of 2003, former Raw GM Eric Bischoff defeated Kane by count-out in Moline. In April of 2005, Raw invaded The Mark of the Quad Cities and featured a Handicap Match pitting Triple H against The Hurricane & Rosey.

These matches were so damn epic that words cannot describe them.

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Was it explained why a lame ECW feud was sucking up all the time on Raw?


It's Vince, pretty much explains it. The guy does own the company so he can do anything he wants to do.


even though nooone gives a damn about this fued even after months of copius time spent on it. i just pray to god that after this next ppv this endless and boring storyline will be over.

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Was it explained why a lame ECW feud was sucking up all the time on Raw?


It's Vince, pretty much explains it. The guy does own the company so he can do anything he wants to do.


even though nooone gives a damn about this fued even after months of copius time spent on it. i just pray to god that after this next ppv this endless and boring storyline will be over.


For this feud to stop, someone would have to have the balls or guts to tell him it's not working. And no one wants to risk it since Vince seems to be rather...umm...nuts lately. I can honestly see him dragging this out until Wrestlemania again, that's what scares me the most.

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Was it explained why a lame ECW feud was sucking up all the time on Raw?


It's Vince, pretty much explains it. The guy does own the company so he can do anything he wants to do.


even though nooone gives a damn about this fued even after months of copius time spent on it. i just pray to god that after this next ppv this endless and boring storyline will be over.


For this feud to stop, someone would have to have the balls or guts to tell him it's not working. And no one wants to risk it since Vince seems to be rather...umm...nuts lately. I can honestly see him dragging this out until Wrestlemania again, that's what scares me the most.


yep but you would think a "smart guy" like vince would see that every week he trots out there the crowd is dead or half dead. it doesnt take a rocket scientist to see noone cares about it so why doesnt he?


i dont know if they do this but maybe they do, but a simple sampling/polling of their audiance from time to time asking them which fueds they are most interesting in and why would be a smart thing to do in my view. now of course vince believes that he can force an audiance to like a storyline (especially if hes in it) but a smart business man would want to know what really is working and what is not so you dont waste time and money promoting a fued noone cares about. like i said though this is the mcmahon family we are talking about who seem to find it impossible to put their ego aside to make a better product.

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Why did Lashley get a break between opponents? Was that ever explained?

Best guess would be Vince was so confident in each of his choices that he didn't immediately have a backup plan; Lashley won, Vince had to scramble and find another colossus for Lashley to face, and that gave Robert a break.

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Why did Lashley get a break between opponents? Was that ever explained?

Best guess would be Vince was so confident in each of his choices that he didn't immediately have a backup plan; Lashley won, Vince had to scramble and find another colossus for Lashley to face, and that gave Robert a break.



Who wouldn't be confident!

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