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Here is the Round of 32. Vote on what you think is the best fued done ever. Not most historic or your favorite, but best done.



1. Flair-Savage


32. Rock-Foley (who beat WWF vs. WCW & ECW Alliance 10-1)


16. Undertaker-Mankind


17. Jericho-Rock (who beat Triple H vs Batista 6-5)




8. Jake-Savage


25. Razor-Michaels (who beat Brock vs Angle 9-2)


9. HBK-Taker


24. Mick Foley-Randy Orton (who beat Savage/Warrior 6-5)





13. Steamboat-Savage


20. HHH-Angle-Steph (who beat DX/Hart Foundation 7-4)


4. Bret-Michaels


29. Bulldogs-Hart Foundation (who beat DX/Corporation 6-5)




12. Harts-Austin


21. HBK-Deisel (who beat Taker vs. Warrior 8-3)


5. Hogan-Andre


37. HBK-Jericho (who beat DX/Nation 8-3)





6. Austin-Rock


27. Hardy's-Dudley's-E&C (who beat Warrior/Rude 10-1)


11. HHH-Foley


43. Austin-Taker (who beat Angle/Benoit 6-5)




3. Austin-McMahon


30. Bret-Lawler (who beat Austin/Angle 7-4)


14. Orndroff-Hogan


19. Flair-Perfect (who beat Backlund/Bret 7-4)




7. Hogan-Savage


26. Austin-Hart (who beat Virgil/DiBiase 10-1)


10. HHH-Rock


23. Jannetty-Michaels (who swept Warrior vs. Andre 11-0)




15. Piper-Hogan


47. Hogan-Rock (who beat Crush-Savage 6-5)


2. Bret-Owen


34. Taker-Kane (who beat Rockers vs. Brainbusters 8-3)

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Here is the Round of 32. Vote on what you think is the best fued done ever. Not most historic or your favorite, but best done.



1. Flair-Savage


32. Rock-Foley (who beat WWF vs. WCW & ECW Alliance 10-1)


Contrary to popular opinion, I like the book-the-match then do-the-angle approach in this case. Culminated in an awesome match (WM 8) and an awesome angle (SS 92). Rock and Foley had some good garbage matches but wasn't as compelling to me.


16. Undertaker-Mankind


17. Jericho-Rock (who beat Triple H vs Batista 6-5)


Very well done feud that immediately established Mick and gave Taker a legit opponent for once. Jericho-Rock was really good too but they'd already wasted Jericho by that point so it wasn't as effective.


8. Jake-Savage


25. Razor-Michaels (who beat Brock vs Angle 9-2)


Two of my favorites. Jake-Savage deserved a higher profile blowoff. Razor-Shawn was really well done start to finish and really lasted the better part of a year. Plus it led to the historic Ladder match, the best part being that the storyline led into the concept for the ladder match perfectly.


9. HBK-Taker


24. Mick Foley-Randy Orton (who beat Savage/Warrior 6-5)


HBK-Taker never struck me as anything more than a "two main-eventers for the hell of it" type feud.


13. Steamboat-Savage


20. HHH-Angle-Steph (who beat DX/Hart Foundation 7-4)


Steamboat/Savage had one of the best blowoffs ever. The love triangle did not.


4. Bret-Michaels


29. Bulldogs-Hart Foundation (who beat DX/Corporation 6-5)


Depends on which Bret/Shawn feud but the very fact they kind of had an underlying feud going on for most of their careers is awesome.


12. Harts-Austin


21. HBK-Deisel (who beat Taker vs. Warrior 8-3)


Two really good ones, but Harts-Austin is hard to beat.


5. Hogan-Andre


37. HBK-Jericho (who beat DX/Nation 8-3)


It's tough to vote against Hulk/Andre but Shawn vs. Jericho was built up very well and culminated with what I consider to be a classic WM match.


6. Austin-Rock


27. Hardy's-Dudley's-E&C (who beat Warrior/Rude 10-1)


Again, hard to vote against Austin-Rock, but the tag feuds revived the whole division and elevated the Hardyz and E & C from obscurity. They got a ton of mileage out of it. Austin-Rock was executed well but the outcome of their big matches was never really in doubt.


11. HHH-Foley


43. Austin-Taker (who beat Angle/Benoit 6-5)


Classic fued. Unpredictable, a breath of fresh air, and it made HHH for life. Austin-Taker had a few solid matches, but ended up wrestling each other about three dozen times too many.


3. Austin-McMahon


30. Bret-Lawler (who beat Austin/Angle 7-4)


Probably not a popular choice but I'll try to justify it. Bret-Lawler had a kind of campy value to it that was just awesome. The fact that it was so long-running and the heel commentator on every TV show for years to come had a memorable prior history with the top face was an interesting dynamic. The Yankem stuff may have been dumb, but the original '93 part with the Summerslam angle was awesome. Austin-McMahon was great and all, but there's something a little fundamentally wrong with the big heel being a 50 year old guy that's never wrestled before. I know Vince ended up getting in the ring, but I'll take a big feud between two wrestlers than a wrestler and a boss any day.


14. Orndroff-Hogan


19. Flair-Perfect (who beat Backlund/Bret 7-4)


The Orndorff stuff was very well done, but it kind of lost its luster once Orndorff started turning back and forth a million times. Flair/Perfect produced an awesome out-of-nowhere face turn and an important blowoff match where the stipulation actually stuck. Very well done.


7. Hogan-Savage


26. Austin-Hart (who beat Virgil/DiBiase 10-1)


Never got the ultimate blowoff, but it was well executed. Hogan/Savage was awesome as well, but of course the ending was predictable, and kind of shot Savage in the foot because there was nowhere for him to go afterwards.


10. HHH-Rock


23. Jannetty-Michaels (who swept Warrior vs. Andre 11-0)


The on-again off-again aspect was awesome. The IC Title change really did make you think anything could happen on Raw. Accomplished its goal. HHH-Rock was great too, but all the DX-Nation stuff sort of hurt it, as did the constant World Title swapping later.


15. Piper-Hogan


47. Hogan-Rock (who beat Crush-Savage 6-5)


Was well-done just for the simple fact that it actually made people care about Hulk Hogan again.


2. Bret-Owen


34. Taker-Kane (who beat Rockers vs. Brainbusters 8-3)


Brother vs. Brother VS. Brother vs. Brother... yeah. Bret/Owen is probably one of the most thoughtful, well-done angles ever. Taker/Kane is great for the whole supernatural thing, and a great way to introduce a new character, but it never produced the emotion Bret and Owen could.

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32. Rock-Foley (who beat WWF vs. WCW & ECW Alliance 10-1)


16. Undertaker-Mankind


25. Razor-Michaels (who beat Brock vs Angle 9-2)


9. HBK-Taker


20. HHH-Angle-Steph (who beat DX/Hart Foundation 7-4)


4. Bret-Michaels


12. Harts-Austin


37. HBK-Jericho (who beat DX/Nation 8-3)


6. Austin-Rock


43. Austin-Taker (who beat Angle/Benoit 6-5)


3. Austin-McMahon


19. Flair-Perfect (who beat Backlund/Bret 7-4)


26. Austin-Hart (who beat Virgil/DiBiase 10-1)


10. HHH-Rock


47. Hogan-Rock (who beat Crush-Savage 6-5)


34. Taker-Kane (who beat Rockers vs. Brainbusters 8-3)

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32. Rock-Foley (who beat WWF vs. WCW & ECW Alliance 10-1)


16. Undertaker-Mankind


25. Razor-Michaels (who beat Brock vs Angle 9-2)


9. HBK-Taker


20. HHH-Angle-Steph (who beat DX/Hart Foundation 7-4)


4. Bret-Michaels


12. Harts-Austin


5. Hogan-Andre


6. Austin-Rock


43. Austin-Taker (who beat Angle/Benoit 6-5)


3. Austin-McMahon


19. Flair-Perfect (who beat Backlund/Bret 7-4)


26. Austin-Hart (who beat Virgil/DiBiase 10-1)


10. HHH-Rock


47. Hogan-Rock (who beat Crush-Savage 6-5)


34. Taker-Kane (who beat Rockers vs. Brainbusters 8-3)

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1. Flair-Savage


17. Jericho-Rock (who beat Triple H vs Batista 6-5)




8. Jake-Savage


9. HBK-Taker




13. Steamboat-Savage


4. Bret-Michaels




21. HBK-Deisel (who beat Taker vs. Warrior 8-3)


37. HBK-Jericho (who beat DX/Nation 8-3)




27. Hardy's-Dudley's-E&C (who beat Warrior/Rude 10-1)


11. HHH-Foley




30. Bret-Lawler (who beat Austin/Angle 7-4)


19. Flair-Perfect (who beat Backlund/Bret 7-4)




7. Hogan-Savage


23. Jannetty-Michaels (who swept Warrior vs. Andre 11-0)




15. Piper-Hogan


2. Bret-Owen

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32. Rock-Foley (who beat WWF vs. WCW & ECW Alliance 10-1)


16. Undertaker-Mankind


8. Jake-Savage


24. Mick Foley-Randy Orton (who beat Savage/Warrior 6-5)


20. HHH-Angle-Steph (who beat DX/Hart Foundation 7-4)


4. Bret-Michaels


12. Harts-Austin


5. Hogan-Andre


6. Austin-Rock


11. HHH-Foley


3. Austin-McMahon


19. Flair-Perfect (who beat Backlund/Bret 7-4)


26. Austin-Hart (who beat Virgil/DiBiase 10-1)


10. HHH-Rock


15. Piper-Hogan


34. Taker-Kane (who beat Rockers vs. Brainbusters 8-3)

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1. Flair-Savage


32. Rock-Foley



16. Undertaker-Mankind


17. Jericho-Rock



8. Jake-Savage


25. Razor-Michaels



9. HBK-Taker


24. Mick Foley-Randy Orton



13. Steamboat-Savage


20. HHH-Angle-Steph



4. Bret-Michaels


29. Bulldogs-Hart Foundation



12. Harts-Austin


21. HBK-Deisel



5. Hogan-Andre


37. HBK-Jericho



6. Austin-Rock


27. Hardy's-Dudley's-E&C



11. HHH-Foley


43. Austin-Taker



3. Austin-McMahon


30. Bret-Lawler



14. Orndroff-Hogan


19. Flair-Perfect



7. Hogan-Savage


26. Austin-Hart



10. HHH-Rock


23. Jannetty-Michaels



15. Piper-Hogan


47. Hogan-Rock


2. Bret-Owen


34. Taker-Kane

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1. Flair-Savage


32. Rock-Foley (who beat WWF vs. WCW & ECW Alliance 10-1)


16. Undertaker-Mankind


17. Jericho-Rock (who beat Triple H vs Batista 6-5)




8. Jake-Savage


25. Razor-Michaels (who beat Brock vs Angle 9-2)


9. HBK-Taker


24. Mick Foley-Randy Orton (who beat Savage/Warrior 6-5)





13. Steamboat-Savage


20. HHH-Angle-Steph (who beat DX/Hart Foundation 7-4)


4. Bret-Michaels


29. Bulldogs-Hart Foundation (who beat DX/Corporation 6-5)




12. Harts-Austin


21. HBK-Deisel (who beat Taker vs. Warrior 8-3)


5. Hogan-Andre


37. HBK-Jericho (who beat DX/Nation 8-3)





6. Austin-Rock


27. Hardy's-Dudley's-E&C (who beat Warrior/Rude 10-1)


11. HHH-Foley


43. Austin-Taker (who beat Angle/Benoit 6-5)




3. Austin-McMahon


30. Bret-Lawler (who beat Austin/Angle 7-4)


14. Orndroff-Hogan


19. Flair-Perfect (who beat Backlund/Bret 7-4)




7. Hogan-Savage


26. Austin-Hart (who beat Virgil/DiBiase 10-1)


10. HHH-Rock


23. Jannetty-Michaels (who swept Warrior vs. Andre 11-0)

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1. Flair-Savage


32. Rock-Foley (who beat WWF vs. WCW & ECW Alliance 10-1)


16. Undertaker-Mankind


17. Jericho-Rock (who beat Triple H vs Batista 6-5)




8. Jake-Savage


25. Razor-Michaels (who beat Brock vs Angle 9-2)


9. HBK-Taker


24. Mick Foley-Randy Orton (who beat Savage/Warrior 6-5)




13. Steamboat-Savage


20. HHH-Angle-Steph (who beat DX/Hart Foundation 7-4)


4. Bret-Michaels


29. Bulldogs-Hart Foundation (who beat DX/Corporation 6-5)




12. Harts-Austin


21. HBK-Deisel (who beat Taker vs. Warrior 8-3)


5. Hogan-Andre


37. HBK-Jericho (who beat DX/Nation 8-3)





6. Austin-Rock


27. Hardy's-Dudley's-E&C (who beat Warrior/Rude 10-1)


11. HHH-Foley


43. Austin-Taker (who beat Angle/Benoit 6-5)




3. Austin-McMahon


30. Bret-Lawler (who beat Austin/Angle 7-4)


14. Orndroff-Hogan


19. Flair-Perfect (who beat Backlund/Bret 7-4)




7. Hogan-Savage


26. Austin-Hart (who beat Virgil/DiBiase 10-1)


10. HHH-Rock


23. Jannetty-Michaels (who swept Warrior vs. Andre 11-0)




15. Piper-Hogan


47. Hogan-Rock (who beat Crush-Savage 6-5)


2. Bret-Owen


34. Taker-Kane (who beat Rockers vs. Brainbusters 8-3


I hate my last pick, but Taker-Kane was epic the first time.

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We have 8 voters, one more voter and we will shut Round 2 down. I want no 3 ways, need clear cut winners here people!

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