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Promo: Alpha Flight

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TO: ‘William Hearford III’ (whearford@swf.com)

FROM: ‘John Trudel’ (jtrudel@swf.com)


Sent: 6-18-07, 11:14 PM

Subject: NOFL Talent Report


Hope you’re enjoying the nice Scottish weather, Bill. You deserve it after sending me out to the wilderness of northern Ontario ;)


Anyways, here’s the Scouting Report off an Indy League event I managed to catch, done in real time (Thank God for laptops).


Northern Ontario Fighting League Presents ‘THUNDER AND LIGHTNING’

Venue: Fort William First Nations Arena, Thunder Bay, Ontario

Date: June 15th, 2007


Decent turn-out for a small fed. Maybe 200 people in the crowd.


Opening Match: Some Guy in Green Trunks vs. El Loco Hombre


Yeah, I didn’t catch the first guy’s name, but thankfully it didn’t matter. Crappy, crappy cruiserweight match. I’m fairly sure ‘El Loco Hombre’ isn’t Mexican. Green trunks guy looks like he might go to the local high school; the guy is as skinny as a rail. Neither of them knows how to sell anything, and they managed to botch an Irish Whip/Leap Frog spot. Talk about a real bomb.


In-Ring Promo: Blue Leaf


Wow, talk about a weird name. The guy seems to have a similar gimmick to Hurricane Helms, only he doesn’t look nearly as f’n goofy as Helms did (Then again, Helms always looked f’n goofy to me). Has a good look to him, and the promo wasn’t bad. Apparently he’s feuding with someone called the Night for the Cruiserweight Title. The gimmick notwithstanding, he might be good for enhancement talent or maybe a lower-midcard threat. Let’s wait and see the match.


Tag Team Match: The Cold Front (Freezer and Northwind) vs. Primal and Nick Hastings


Surprisingly passable match. Two stupid-looking heels in masks (Seriously, the Cold Front look like they stole their costumes from a Xmas display) fighting a massive hoss and some scrawny jobber. Primal (the hoss) actually moved pretty well out there. I was amazed that he did a plancha to the outside, and so was the crowd. Outside some no-selling problems, I’d say he’d be a shoe-in for the SWF. Sadly, someone tells me he’s got a decent contract with this fed. I suppose you got to hold onto what you got when there are slim pickins’.


Backstage Promo: the Night.


They are using a projector to show off a pre-made promo of the Night. The guy is a Raven bootleg, and the promo looks like he’s in his basement. For a second, I thought I saw the guy’s mom taking up his laundry. A lot of b.s. about ‘darkness’ and other emo-crap. I just asked the guy next to me, and he confirmed my suspicion that he is related to the fed owner in some way (Apparently a nephew).


Barbed-Wire Singapore Cane Match: The Texan vs. ‘Wild’ Willy Locard


Oh God, it’s so hard to talk about this match without laughing. The Texan is a cheap W ripoff, complete with a crappy grey spray-on hair coloring. Speaks with the worst Texas accent I’ve ever heard, trying to be a heel. I think I laughed hard enough to make him screw up his pre-match promo. ‘Wild’ Willy looks and fights like a kid who grew up on too many Sabu matches. A lot of badly done hardcore spots, poor bladejobs, and a laughable match altogether.


Cruiserweight Title Match: The Night© vs. Blue Leaf


A carry job, but a fairly good one. Blue Leaf shows a lot more promise in the ring than his promo led me to believe. A good striker, convincing seller, and he managed to get good heat off the crowd. The Night blew up after two minutes into a ten minute match, and he had at least three long rest holds. Seriously, the guy should be taken out back and have his ass beat by someone for not working out enough. The rather informative fan next to me says that Blue Leaf is not under contract, which means I’ll be talking to him after the show. The kid needs work, but he’s young and looks like he has the talent to go to the next level.


Video Promo: The Rage Title


Generic grainy rock video hyping up the Main Event. Not a lot of good things to say here, if only because I can’t make out whether they are showing off wrestlers or some ants running around a picnic mat.a


#1 Contendership Match: Xplosivo vs. Karnage


OVERUSED GENERIC GIMMICK SUPERPOWERS COLLIDE! Ha, yeah. The two guys get into what basically amounts to a slapfight; I think there might have been three actual wrestling moves in the match. The thing spilled out into the crowd, and I was really hoping that the ref would mercy-kill the match with a countout, but that didn’t happen. They brawled in the crowd, then on the apron, then back in the ring, then back out onto the apron… yeah, I think there was a pin in there or something. I don’t remember because I started to re-sync my iPod sometime during the 15th minute of the match. I don’t remember hearing much from the crowd, either, except from one guy who was really pissed Karnage used his beer for a Brew Mist.


Rage Title Match: Ottawa Jack vs. Snake Charmer (I think that’s his name)


I liked them better when they were grainy. At least that left something to the imagination. Both of them were mat-monkeys, but they spent more times punching each others’ bananas than anything else. A few decent chain-wrestling spots, but way too much cheating to cover up for a poor, poor match. That’s really sad, because they both had a decent look to them. I’d say they’d be a good tag team if they could put together a decent match. Ottawa Jack lost to Snake Chaser or whatever his name is with a rope-assisted pin. End show.


After the show, I managed to meet up with the Blue Leaf. Apparently his name is Eric. Nice kid, was excited to hear I was with a bigger fed. I talked with him for a little while, and he seems to be really dedicated to the Superhero spiel. Has a good head on his shoulders, and has a real good work ethic. I told him that he wouldn’t start out at the top, but he seemed happy enough to sign our two-month evaluation contract.


I bought him a plane ticket yesterday, and he’ll be arriving sometime in the next day or so. Show him around, and hook him up with a jobber match or something. He told me he’s good at improvisation, and Ced is always good at helping out rookies.


And I just heard from Corporate that they’ll be sending me to Vancouver while you guys are over in Europe in August. Smuggle me a case of German Beer in the Road Agent ‘Equipment Case’ like you guys did for Belcourt and his Amsterdam ‘grocery list’ on the last World Tour (I still can’t believe they didn’t check that trunk. The dogs should have been going wild…)


Lost in the Canadian Backwoods,


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It is a cool way to intro a new character. I kinda wish I'd done something like that myself. Ah, well. Live and learn.

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OK, no-one and I mean no-one is convincing me that this guy isn't a ringer. Either that or new guys have started reading that damn 'SWF 101' thread I came up with in real, real depth...


Either way it sounds good to me.


EDIT: It's only just occurred to me that this is done out-of-kayfabe, whereas everything in the SWF has always been done in kayfabe - well, apart from that return promo of Christian Fury's a year or so ago, but then we all went 'eh?' and he remembered that he had in real life carved his name on his girlfriend's chest, so... yeah. And the Wrestling Panda stuff I guess, and Grand Slam's old 'swinging for the fences' or whatever he called it. Fuck me, what level of reality are we in?

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Well, it said "New here? Read this...", so I figured it was important.


And I can go a little less out of Kayfabe, but Kayfabe and non-Kayfabe matters a great deal to my character. So should I assume it's all real, but we are still playing characters, or...?

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OK - the way the fed normally goes, all promos, matches and everything are written as if real. So in history, Chris Wilson really DID blow up FAO Scwartz (much as we wish he didn't), Janus really was unleashed on the world due to Chris Fury carving up Terrence Bailey with a knife under the guidance of Kibagami, Sacred's wife really did die, etc etc. (the jury's still out on whether Landon ever actually got Megan into bed)


In terms of your character, whom I assume is pulling a superhero gimmick, it's fine to have him either genuinely believe that he's a superhero, or have him as a wrestler who pretends to be a superhero to get pops from the fans, or because the office is forcing him into it for merchandise purposes, or whatever... but the matches are all 'real'. Just don't give him actual superhero powers, and it's all good :)


I suppose what I'm getting at is that we don't tend to have promos where someone goes to the back after a match and has Flesher there waiting there for them going 'you guys blew some spots out there, I want you to practice them before the PPV'. That said, this promo is awesome and you deserve props for it. I'm hoping you bring the same sort of quality to your matches - hurry up and post your stats, cos i'm intrigued.

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So if I'm going to fly, it's gonna be the Owen Hart way?












Too soon?


Edit: Anyways, I think I'm going to post another promo later tonight, which goes a little more in-depth into what my character is. My stats will be up by Thursday, but I want to tweak the 'style', 'notes', and 'bio' parts a little more, if only because I want them to be just right when I get them out. I'm just weird like that.


And thanks for the comment, as that makes what I'm doing a bit easier to plan and accomplish.

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You might want to talk to Drea (Angel Grace Blue) to make sure you're not straying too close to Cyclone Comet, a superhero from back in the days of the IGNWF who actually predated Hurricane Helms, and Drea's the only one who remembers him probably. MANSON might, I dunno.


And yes, if you're flying, it'll be on wires. But I'm sure you knew that :P

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I'm not sure where Comet was from. However, we have had CIA, and he was pretty much the same.


Well, his outfit looked like a superhero's anyway.

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I remember Comet, couldn't tell you where he was from, and I wouldn't call foul (yet)- hell, I liked this way for an introduction but El Loco Hombre caught my attention. He made a great ELM-Lite, hell he even had a tie once, I think.

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I think Comet was from Portland. But you'd be asking the wrong guy, he was a bit before my time. The only thing that really stands out strongly was the vending machine, his membership in Regeneration X and former role as commentator. Drea (or Zed) would know more than I would.


Here are a few of his promos, though, and I'm sure more have been posted here.


I liked this.

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Yeah, Comet was from Portland, and he did indeed have the Pepsi MAXimorphing vending machine car. Big giant fan in his entrance so his cape fluttered heroically in the wind (Which he later threw a fella named Suicide into. The fan, not his cape.)


Also: For shame at you guys for not remembering that Raynor was around during Comet's time.


But, yeah, I'm available if needed to prevent any carbon copying.

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Didn't Raynor loose the tag titles to Comet and Rane? He should know enough about the charater.


I'd like to know where he found out about El Loco Hombre from, though. Thats a ringer giveaway right there. If I was a ringer I don't think I'd use any little known names from the past.

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Actually, I was just trying to think up a generic Luchadore name. Of course, it being generic means that it's widely-used. But I think everyone here seems to think I'm a ringer for someone, so I could always run with it...

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You might want to talk to Drea (Angel Grace Blue) to make sure you're not straying too close to Cyclone Comet, a superhero from back in the days of the IGNWF who actually predated Hurricane Helms, and Drea's the only one who remembers him probably. MANSON might, I dunno.


And yes, if you're flying, it'll be on wires. But I'm sure you knew that :P


Considering I was in the same JL stable with him about 8 or so years ago, I remember him too.



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I honestly didn't know you'd been around that long, Muzz. There you go, Muzz, Raynor, Drea and IL all remember him.

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