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Is anyone here planning on getting Mario Kart wii?

It's still kinda up in the air on when I'm going to get it.

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I didn't get Sonic through SSE. I did it the other way. I have every character unlocked except ....

Toon Link, Jigglypuff, Lucario, Wolf, and Mr. G&W

I'll probably end up having to play through the SSE to get two of them and then pray I can find the other three after I've beaten SSE.

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Well I took it from you having to fight him you didn't get him through SSE. My comment was actually unrelated but happened to flow with what you said before it. After acquiring TL this morning I just need the other two non-regular SSE party members and I'm set.

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I just got


through the storyline. I don't really like the character all that much in the little I just fought with it. Pikachu's Down Smash, however, is AWESOME when going against Team opponents. I wiped out a whole crew of Warios in like 10 seconds.

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Got the game and completed Subspace Emissary, about half of it in co-op. Lovin' it.


However, having the camera always focus on Player 1 can really screw things up.

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Id say a majority of the new characters that you have to unlock are pretty cool but ultimately worthless.


Lucario, R.O.B., Sonic - all worthless. Snake is the only one thats decent. Im only missing Wolf, Toon Link and Jigglypuff as far as I know. Toon Link is probably worthless considering its just a Link clone. Wolf sounds cool and probably is decent if hes anything like Fox/Falco.


and I got halfway through the SSE without using any stickers. I felt right stupid.



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haha..I dont feel that bad about stickers then. I thought they were like trophies in that your objective was to collect them but didnt realize that they had a purpose.


I have 118 Boo stickers but the rest that I have are like 1-4 of each.


Other things:


Has anyone tried the stage creator yet? I messed around with it for like 10 minutes the first day I got it and got frustrated cause its not really that easy to do and I haven't bothered to mess with it.


Im up to 46,xxx feet in the HR mode, my highest singular distance is with


at like 1700.


Highest score at the end of classic mode shooting gallery? I got a 104 once, I remember I used to be able to do much better than that on Melee.



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Id say a majority of the new characters that you have to unlock are pretty cool but ultimately worthless.


Lucario, R.O.B., Sonic - all worthless. Snake is the only one thats decent.

(I deleted the spoiler tags because it's stupid to hide hidden characters everyone knows, and which have been talked about in this thread and on this very page.) It's a fightingish party game, how are any characters worthless? Admittedly, I've only played with Lucario and Sonic once or twice so far, and I play with R.O.B. all the time more because I had one and loved it as a kid then anything to due with the actual character in the game, but my point still stands.


For that matter, how is Toon Link worthless and Wolf not. He's just a Fox/Falco clone with different stats. How do the two differ?


I know it's all the rage to pick on Marvin, but I can't help myself. So, how is stage builder complicated? My 9 year old little brother and my 18 year old sister who only plays Mario Kart and Smash Bros. both picked it up and started making decent stages right away.

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Link sucks (compared to Marth/Ike which I consider to be about the same type character) so toon link would be just as worthless whereas I like Fox/Falco so Wolf should be the same.


and maybe the builder is more complicated than it needed to be because I am using the wavebird controller..Im asuming with the standard remote/nunchuck setup that its point and move the pieces vs with the wavebird having to use the analog stick to move to select something and then back to where you want it, making it slow as molasses.



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...Link sucks? News to me, unless they drastically made him less effective in this game.


for a sword based character he wasnt as good as Marth in Melee and now hes not as good as Ike either, and Pit has a bit more effective arrows and the ability to fly.



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I think Marvin needs to be GANNONBANNED!


2 n's, not 3. :P


On Link: boomerang seems to be a bit slower to me, but range may be different on it so that could be why. However, I really do like Pit's arrows, which you don't have to shoot straight forward.


For a "sword based character" Link is vastly different from the F.E. boys, anyway. Similar ranges on basic attacks, though. Link's attacks, on the whole, dish out way more damage. Plus, the damage is the same no matter what distance he hits you. Marth's sword attacks do less damage if you're closer to him. Marth has some good combos that make up for it, though. I haven't spent much time w/ Ike.

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Hey ATS is posting again! Welcome back.


It's just about finding the right way to use characters. Toon Link is just Young Link so whatever minor differences they had in Melee are probably present here (TL seems kind of floaty with his up smash). I couldn't really tell this from youtube videos but since Pirate Ship looks cel-shaded, I assumed TL would be too. He actually just LOOKS cel-shaded and his clothes appear rendered just like regular Link, it looks pretty neat. I'm having problems getting used to Sonic's moveset - I have no idea right now what the difference between his up and left/right smash attacks are other than that it makes me fall off the stage (but I save myself with his awesome springboard move).


How do you get Snake to have codec conversations on Shadow Moses? I also need to snap a photo of Snake breaking someone's neck for fun.


I made one stage using the Wii remote like an NES controller, seemed easy enough. As far as I know, at no point in this game do you point on screen for anything no matter what set-up you use.


How did you guys not know about the stickers?! Weren't we all following Dojo's updates that were brought up here?


How many people are going to always refer to Pit as Kid Icarus? I place the blame squarely on Captain N for that (well, that and the game's title sounds like a person's name).

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I had two great kills in online mode.


One: was playing as Wario...had waited and waited. Last five seconds, fully charged Wario Waft for the win.


Two: Played as Zero Suit Samus against someone as Meta Knight...got down to the end...got the final smash...missed it. But I managed to kill him while falling with a fully charged Charge Shot.

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How do you get Snake to have codec conversations on Shadow Moses?


I'm pretty sure you need to rapidly click up and down on the control pad.

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Guest Smues

I unlocked Sonic last night. He's going to take some getting used to, but I think I like him. And his spring jump kicks ass, especially when the spring falls on someone else.

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Sonic IS fun (although all his attacks seem like similar variants of the homing attack) but there is definitely a learning curve with him. I played through All-Star mode with him to get his Final Smash trophy (because it looks awesome) and ended up killing myself several times without even trying - he just goes so damn fast I would run at someone and do an attack that would take us both out (this would be on a non-side pit level, like the the Zelda "Bridge" stage).

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Marvin, you may be good at events and Home Runs, but if you cannot appreciate how Link, Young Link, Falco, Fox, and Wolf are different, you need to learn things.


R.O.B. and Sonic are NOT garbage at all. R.O.B. is all kinds of awesomeness.

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I sent the first level I made to some of you. Whaddya think?


Remember, you have to be Smash friends AND Wii friends to share data.

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