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I will go over other things in more detail later, as I'm not booked this week I will certainly attempt to give feedback on both Alexander's and Fulminatus's matches, if Killa or Nightwing have a losing match to post I'll try and do something for them too.


Have just read through W&D's match. I can't really have complaints to losing to it, it was a good match, but there were a couple of things I picked up on. You confused my elbow-drive bulldog with Landon's Landon Eye (it's a regular front facelock for mine, not an inverted facelock), and you also mixed up the names of Sly's finishers as his Lionsault is the Sky Surfer, not the So-Cal. That's more of an error in my book really, because you should really try and get an opponent's finishers straight. Also, I'm a little disappointed at basically being caught by a variation of my own finisher by Wildchild on the outside - I've no doubt that he's got the speed to pull off an asai moonsault into an inverted DDT, but since that's the Sunny In England variation I've used a couple of times (including to beat Flesher at Genesis) I'd have preferred you didn't use it, or at least mentioned the similarity when you did.


The main problem I had with the match though, was the way you guys treated Sly. Right from the start with the commentary, you buried him. Even the Suicide King, who should have been claiming that Sly would be enough to take you single-handed, was basically writing him off as a threat and saying that it would be down to whether Toxxic could carry him. Then in the first half of the match I don't think he got a single offensive move in that wasn't a rake to the eyes, usually to allow me to tag in. And yes, I can see that WC's speed might be too much for Sly at times, but I really think you overplayed it. The Sly character is a former Cruiserweight Champion and (I believe) USJL Champion, and debuted not long after me. Granted he's not been around for all of the interim, but he's still not the green rookie that his behaviour and performance here suggests. A couple of weeks ago he beat the everloving shit out of Kibagami, for crying out loud. And yes, Kibagami is no-showing all over the place again, but the character is still dangerous in kayfabe. No matter your opinion of the Sly's actual writing talents (which I maintain are underrated by virtually everyone, including himself), you should have put him over as more of a threat. If nothing else, "Mega-heel Toxxic and his menacing muscle backup Austin Sly" makes for a better dynamic than "Mega-heel Toxxic and his bumbling incompetent partner Austin Sly", because it makes it easier for W&D to be sympathetic babyfaces if their opponents are booked as being a threat to them. As it was you only made me into a threat.


I remember a match in early ROH where CW Anderson had claimed he was such a good tag team wrestler that he could team with anyone and win against anyone. So he teamed up with a member of the ring crew Elax against Joey Matthews and (I think) Christian York, who won in the end. If I was pushing Toxxic as that, someone claiming to be an awesome tag wrestler, I think this portrayal would have worked. As it is my title reign with Davis was forgettable, and with Landon I was teaming with another recognised main-event talent, so there would be little credibility in Toxxic trying to claim that he's some tag genius. It's a gimmick that could work for a heel Raynor, but not me.


Despite the long-windedness of this, I don't think that you guys wrote a bad match. The fact that you've been teaming for four years (most of that time, anyway) really shows, you've got an excellent handle on tag matches and how to write yourselves in it as the perennial Rock 'n Roll Express. My problem is that although it was a good match, the portrayal of your opponents to fill their roles was not entirely appropriate, in my eyes.

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I'll accept that as fair criticism... re-reading it, I don't think that I did a very good job of telling the story where it comes to Sly. The object was not actually to portray him as bumbling; in fact, I lifted that concept from a Bulldog/Owen vs Furnas/LaFon match I saw once. It wasn't meant to portray Sly as incompetent so much as it was to establish that Toxxic was clearly the strength of the team, although I'll admit that I executed that poorly... and I don't know that I communicated that to Johnny very effectively, either. I would have liked to give Sly a couple of his signature spots, but when you've only got 2.5K to work with, telling the story you want to tell takes precedence over making sure everybody gets "equal time."


As far as the commentary, I'll respectfully disagree. I don't think that I had King burying Sly. You have to keep in mind, as I've said before, I write King with Ventura in mind; Body was always pro-heel as an announcer, but he didn't always necessarily pimp the heel just because. He wasn't opposed to saying that a heel wasn't as good as his face opponent (as he tended to do, for example, when anybody other than Savage or Rude was wrestling Steamboat). I'll grant you that, kayfabe-wise, King should have made more of a deal out of Sly beating Silent, so you can put that on me... I'm just saying, when we brainstormed to write this match, it's not like we were trying to think of ways to make Sly look as weak as possible, so sorry if it came off that way.


I'll take the hit on mis-calling the "Unfinished Business." I actually just glossed over the "front facelock instead of a reverse facelock" part of the description, and sort of stopped reading at "Elbow-drive bulldog, i.e. Eye of the Hurricane." As far as mis-calling the Skysurfer and stealing a main event finisher... you'll have to talk to Johnny about that one... but, we shall take this feedback on board, and endeavor to improve next time.


Thanks much.

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The Asai Moonsault to inverted DDT is my fault. I was watching a video of an A.J. Styles match and he did that, and I thought it'd be cool to have WC do it. I didn't even consider the Sunny in England and thats more my fault for not being accurate on knowing what that move is, but paying closer attention to your stats would have most likely helped with that one.


Calling the Sky Surfer the So-Cal is another mess up on my part. I didn't pay close enough attention to his stats.


As far as the way Austin was handled. I figured that Toxxic has a lot more experience with W&D than Austin does as well as tag teaming in general. Not that he sucks in charater or as a writer; I certinaly don't feel that way about him, we just figured the big brother-little brother dynamic would be a good way to approach this.


I also had him control Johnny for a considerable amount of time in the latter half, so I tried to not make him come off as second rate. Heck, I even wrote Austin escaping the MI Slam... of course now days it seems to becoming more like the Discus Clothesline spot, where everyone dodges it, but thats something else all together. My intention was not to write Austin off as someone who was a bumbling fool so I help that explains some of it.


Finally, I wish you'd post your match, I'd sure like to see it. Unless, of course, you're planning on saving it for later. ;)

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“Nonetheless, it promises to be a fantastic encounter,” continues Mak, “as perhaps the best individual performer in the SWF today and his partner will try and conquer what is, arguably, the top tag team in SWF history!”



Oh, classic.

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Guest WhollyChao

In-depth comments! Why? Boredom!


Pardon their scattered format. They were notes I took and I'm too blasted lazy to edit them. If you'd like something explained better, ask and I shall gladly do my best!


Fulminatus vs Killa

Please comment on my match. I fixed several reported errors in my style and I think it works better. Plus I'm exceedingly proud of one spot. You'll know which one when you read it.

Rev-0 and Spike promo

I like how Rev-0 is just taunting the hell out of Spike, and he doesn’t even react. Good character work.

Good stable interaction. Makes them seem like a unit of cohesive personalities.

“Spike, Clark could be scared of bloody emus for all we know,” Have you boys ever seen an emu up close? They're terrifying creatures..

Good job explaining why there was no Jenkins vs Kibagami. I'm glad that got resolved in character.

Who wrote this promo? It seems very character accurate all the way around.

Alexander vs Blue Leaf

Now, I know that Blue Leaf wrote his match to lose, but whose match is this? Nightwing knows something about my character so that's why I was suspicious of the Fulminatus thing at the beginning. Unless Alexander is just very hip or did some research.

Funny bit with the mask on commentary at the beginning.

Good opening, puts both men over in the right way.

“Yes, Francis, it’s amazing! He managed to escape the most basic hold in the wrestling! Next he’ll thrill us all with a hammerlock reversal!” King snipes sarcastically." Hillarious! Good deal.

Good give and take commentary.

Great chain wrestling. Easy to visualize.

“Canadian Superman”? Implies superpowers. Maybe try a different hero name next time.

King is maybe too disinterested in the match. He still enjoys watching wrestling, regardless of who's fighting.

Like how Blue Leaf gets the upper hand later on.

Believable finish.

Jakey vs Jenkins

Jakey’s entrance a little generic. Pretty much word for word what he has in his stats.

What’s with the sweatshirt? Is it really that important?

You’re REALLY putting yourself over. Makes it seem like Jakey’s not even a threat at the beginning.

Not much transition between moves, seems like it’s “He does one thing. He does something completely different a second later.”

Jakey’s moves were pretty accurate. Good job writing your opponent.

The end of the match was a lot more solid than the beginning.

Good give and take later on. Kickouts and what-not.

“OH! Why? Why does Spike enjoy kicking people in the face so much?” Love it.

Not sure you needed to cradle pin him at the end. He was pretty thoroughly taken out.


Maddix promo


Maddix is a bit of a doofus. Makes him really human.

Megan Skye’s hillarious. Daydreaming...

The Hardcore Champion not giving MANSON a shot simply because he doesn’t want to get hurt. Classic.

I have officially jumped on the Landon Maddix bandwagon.


Rev-0 vs W&D

GREAT intro! Sets up the match perfectly. Makes Toxxic seem legitimately threatening.

Good job with the history behind the their previous encounters.

Very distracting with the commentary and action in the same paragraph.

Great flowing, easy to follow action sequences.

Good characterization of Johnny as a showboater.

Very realistic King. Not comedic like some people’s version. Believable heel commentator.

Sly does seem a little whipping boyish.

Exciting ending.


W&D promo

Glad you boys are proving everyone wrong about your reign. Stepping up, good stuff.

Love Wildchild’s accent. I’m very familiar with it and it’s written out very very convincingly.

Sending out the open challenge, good for you!


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thoughts on some of the stuff i read and yeah:


fulminatus v killa

= very good match overall. nice sequences of hitting each other and whatnot. um, yeah. good stuff. (if you can't guess, i'm very bad at this)


promo with spoon and revolution 0.4 maybe? it is another crop of guys and junk.

= more good stuff. and more of me sucking at comments. YES!


spoon v jakers

= if you haven't been following, i basically agree with what fulminatus has said in his comments, lolzerz. however, and this is most likely just me, but some of the wording in a few spots came off as odd. mostly the 'spike whips jakey to the ropes, whom then drops to the mat' or whatever. that and when you put that spike stopped in his tracts. the odd part was that a few sentences later, you got it right with stopping in tracks. yeah.


wild and dangerous promo

= i don't know why, but i laughed inside my head when i read the voltron line. it just seems so strange. but, yeah, huzzah for more defendings.




i will read other show parts later, maybe, and then talk about them badly. YES!

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I wrote the Rev-0 / Spike promo, for reference. I've been writing Spike in promos for about three years, so that part was easy. I'm just trying to get us over as a bunch of wiseass heels rather than evil, menacing, super-destroying heels. Although this unfortunately seems to result in us all losing our matches.


Right, pull out the headdrops, lads.

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Alexander’s match:


Nice opening sequence where we establish that Alexander is the superior wrestler but Blue Leaf isn’t totally out of his depth. I do like the mule kick to escape the inverted dragon screw, too. I’m still a little undecided about the structure of some of the sentences, particularly the short ones like ‘He does not look happy’ dropped into the middle of the flow, which I think would work better if incorporated into others. On the other hand my sentences tend to go on too long, so who am I to talk?


Not sure what ‘careens to backwards’ means.


‘walking comic book convention’ is a GREAT line. As is ‘Canadians are sneakiest when they’re obvious, Francis’. I like the way you’re writing the commentary team.


Good middle section of the match with Alexander controlling his opponent, and the slap that reawakens the FIRE~ in Blue Leaf as well is very heelish. Also a good point is that Blue Leaf starts fighting back with kicks, instead of punches that would require the use of his injured arm. Unfortunately he’s able to fire forearms a few moments later, but then his arm gives out on him for the Uranage which might be an example of slightly haphazard selling. If his arm can hit elbow smashes, why not punches? If he uses his left arm (which isn’t specified) for the smashes, why not try the uranage with that?


A second example is the fact that after suffering a nasty leg whiplash on the ropes Blue Leaf is able to not only hit a dropsault into Alexander’s back, but then leap up onto him for the Niagara Falls. I have no problem with the finish though, a nice bit of nastiness with the snake eyes to set up the Event Horizon, which has to be one of the better-named finishers I’ve seen. Alexander comes out strong and definitely hateable, while Blue Leaf gets a reasonable showing even in defeat.


Overall it’s a good match, as can be seen with the fact that I haven’t found a lot to comment on. My only real problem is with some of the selling; I’m not an advocate of absolute, set-in-stone limb psychology because I think there is more to a match than that, but I think you need consistent psychology, or at least an explanation. It’s feasible that Blue Leaf’s arm might have felt OK when he was throwing those elbows but when he went for the uranage the impacts had actually hurt it more, but something like that would need explaining in the narrative to make sense.


Anyway, this is still really good stuff and I can’t wait to see what you bring out for the ladder match!

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BUT, the beginning of a match doesn't have to be one-sided. It can be a quick back-and-forth exchange of offense to get things moving and the crowd into it before it settles down into more extended periods of control for one person or another.

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Which it was I did, for the most part.



Is it really that hard to believe that Spike would take control the early portions of the match? Look at it this way. Jakey is an up-and-coming cocky rookie who happens to be a lot smaller than Spike is. In the past, Spike has taken advantage of smaller wrestlers by tossing them around (Zyon, Akira, etc.). Not to mention Spike's new gimmick is meant to be a bad ass and he has pretty much ran through two opponents since returning without any problem. In my opinion, Spike throwing Jakey around or chopping him isn't really that far fetched.



One thing I need to touch on is the sweatshirt. It's just merchandise, people. Is it kind of pointless in a e-fed? Sure, unless its as cool as the Justice and Rule hoodies. But I keep using the "HEARTLESS" sweatshirt because 1) its suppose to get across the new gimmick where Spike doesn't care about anyone or anything and will beat you up for it, and 2) it fits the Spike Jenkins character, which I think is something that a lot of people miss. Sly so far has been able to pick up on it, but just calls it emo (which it essentially is). But then again, this may be my fault as I assume everyone knows what a long island straight edge kid would look/act like.

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Guest WhollyChao

It's not completely out of place to have Spike dominating the early part of the match as far as both of their characters are concerned, what with Spike being an unfeeling badass and Jakey's gimmick being that you're supposed to underestimate his wrestling ability until he surprises you.


Sure Spike's a badass, but it's still out of place in a match between two relatively average sized dudes for one to dominate so thoroughly right out of the gate. If Spike were a blood-thirsty madman or a seven-foot monster, then I could see it. I think I just feel that it would have been more realistic for Spike and Jakey to have some give and take at the beginning and THEN for Spike to dominate the match because he's all nihilist and stuffs.


Could Spike's new tagline be "So emo it hurts... YOU!!"



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Fulminatus’ match:


I like ‘hardcore harlequin’. That’s great.


A little confused about exactly why Fulminatus would charge a seven-foot clown holding a kendo stick but hey, your character. Aaaaaaaaaaaand a Dace reference. You’ll forgive me for trying to work out who you ‘really’ are all the time, I hope.


The succession of Singapore cane shots is sufficiently brutal, despite Fulminatus’ rather confusing reaction to them, and Killa makes good use of his height to drop Fulminatus onto the guard rail, a good spot. One thing I’m not convinced about is the DDT, as when picked up by a man that size I really don’t know what Fulmy could do to get the sort of leverage he needs. Even if he kicks his feet to try and unbalance Killa, the guy’s so big I’m just not sure how effective it’d be.


Coffee to the face… nasty spot there, possibly not sold as much as it should have been. The ambush in the locker room is neat, the music quite hilarious, but again I’m not sure about the respective sizes and weights. Killa was apparently quite able to casually walk down a corridor, hoist Ced off his feet and then kick a door down, so I’m not sure why one kick to the knee would then cause him to be unable to simply sandbag on one of those Irish whips, especially against someone as small and (comparatively) weak as Fulmy. Nevertheless it’s a good little bit of violence, and the ice skate is really rather nasty. And the description of ‘an ocelot trying to flirt with a chicken’ is one that will stay with me. But why would a referee, in a match with no rules, try to stop Fulminatus from using an ice skate? It’s something that needs a motivational factor. A sentence like ‘Nick Soapdish, mindful of potential complaints from censors and the resulting wrath of Tom Flesher, tries to wrest the ice skate away from him’ would have done the job, at least explaining what was causing the referee to basically go against his job (which is just to count the pin).


The finish is to me a combination of anti-climatic and unlikely. Fulminatus manages to get off Killa’s shoulders, but then somehow unbalances him down the stairs. We’re not told how, even something like kicking him in the back would help here. Also, Killa is getting on for twice Fulmy’s weight so it’s going to need to be something fairly hefty to send him tumbling down all those stairs. But he gets back up, then gets hit with the Confusion Bomb. Which means I’m supposed to believe that a man described as being barely able to stand is able to leap down a flight of twenty stairs with enough height, distance, force and accuracy to cut a flip in mid-air and land a senton bomb on a standing opponent, then manage to stay on top for the pin (which was presumably done by a teleporting referee, as there was no mention of him descending the steps to count the pin, and it apparently happened instantaneously).


If anything, for me a decent hardcore match can be harder to do than a decent pure wrestling match. You need to be able to weigh up the respective talents of each wrestler and find some way to have them use weapons and so on to make it interesting and actually fulfil the point of the match, but not fall into the no-selling trap. Theoretically, the first person to lay their hands on a weapon should win, if you think about how chairshots and so on are normally used and the effect they normally have the amount of punishment most wrestlers take in an average hardcore match is ludicrous by comparison, and then they just turn around and start hitting back with no flow to it.


I see no reason why Fulminatus would try and escape to the back for this match. The ring should be where he fights, he has open space, he can retreat into the crowd, he can get added momentum off the ropes, he can hide under the ring, he can come off the turnbuckles to surprise Killa… he has a whole load of things he can do to even the score with the bigger, more powerful man, and that’s without even resorting to weapons. Instead he runs and actually shuts himself in small enclosed space with a man a foot taller and getting on for twice as heavy. Granted, he’s not exactly sane, but I think that’s pushing it a bit. It’s impossible to ascertain the motivation of someone as deranged as Fulminatus is described as being, but it hurts the match for me.


Those are my thoughts, anyway.

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Sure Spike's a badass, but it's still out of place in a match between two relatively average sized dudes for one to dominate so thoroughly right out of the gate.


Except Jakey's only 160 pounds.


For what it's worth, I read the match and disagreed with everybody saying it was one-sided (on here and on Skull Radio). That's how I plan on writing my match this week. Jakey's a- a heel, b- 160 pounds and c- still a rookie. And at a stretch, d- pissed off Spike earlier in a promo. The natural thing is for him to get beaten up at the beginning of the match, so long as he came back a little later, which he did. I thought the match was fine personally.

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I am certainly not hip, but I am a geek, I have read the Illuminatus! Trilogy, and I love to make nerdy references. It was my match. I'm interested to see Blue Leaf's now...


Thanks for the compliments, btw. You know, after your last two matches, I'm terrified of this coming week's final match. What can I possibly come up with that could match those crazy spots? And in a ladder match, no less! My mind is boggled by the possibilities.


In-depth comments! Why? Boredom!


Pardon their scattered format. They were notes I took and I'm too blasted lazy to edit them. If you'd like something explained better, ask and I shall gladly do my best!


Fulminatus vs Killa

Please comment on my match. I fixed several reported errors in my style and I think it works better. Plus I'm exceedingly proud of one spot. You'll know which one when you read it.

Rev-0 and Spike promo

I like how Rev-0 is just taunting the hell out of Spike, and he doesn’t even react. Good character work.

Good stable interaction. Makes them seem like a unit of cohesive personalities.

“Spike, Clark could be scared of bloody emus for all we know,” Have you boys ever seen an emu up close? They're terrifying creatures..

Good job explaining why there was no Jenkins vs Kibagami. I'm glad that got resolved in character.

Who wrote this promo? It seems very character accurate all the way around.

Alexander vs Blue Leaf

Now, I know that Blue Leaf wrote his match to lose, but whose match is this? Nightwing knows something about my character so that's why I was suspicious of the Fulminatus thing at the beginning. Unless Alexander is just very hip or did some research.

Funny bit with the mask on commentary at the beginning.

Good opening, puts both men over in the right way.

“Yes, Francis, it’s amazing! He managed to escape the most basic hold in the wrestling! Next he’ll thrill us all with a hammerlock reversal!” King snipes sarcastically." Hillarious! Good deal.

Good give and take commentary.

Great chain wrestling. Easy to visualize.

“Canadian Superman”? Implies superpowers. Maybe try a different hero name next time.

King is maybe too disinterested in the match. He still enjoys watching wrestling, regardless of who's fighting.

Like how Blue Leaf gets the upper hand later on.

Believable finish.

Jakey vs Jenkins

Jakey’s entrance a little generic. Pretty much word for word what he has in his stats.

What’s with the sweatshirt? Is it really that important?

You’re REALLY putting yourself over. Makes it seem like Jakey’s not even a threat at the beginning.

Not much transition between moves, seems like it’s “He does one thing. He does something completely different a second later.”

Jakey’s moves were pretty accurate. Good job writing your opponent.

The end of the match was a lot more solid than the beginning.

Good give and take later on. Kickouts and what-not.

“OH! Why? Why does Spike enjoy kicking people in the face so much?” Love it.

Not sure you needed to cradle pin him at the end. He was pretty thoroughly taken out.


Maddix promo


Maddix is a bit of a doofus. Makes him really human.

Megan Skye’s hillarious. Daydreaming...

The Hardcore Champion not giving MANSON a shot simply because he doesn’t want to get hurt. Classic.

I have officially jumped on the Landon Maddix bandwagon.


Rev-0 vs W&D

GREAT intro! Sets up the match perfectly. Makes Toxxic seem legitimately threatening.

Good job with the history behind the their previous encounters.

Very distracting with the commentary and action in the same paragraph.

Great flowing, easy to follow action sequences.

Good characterization of Johnny as a showboater.

Very realistic King. Not comedic like some people’s version. Believable heel commentator.

Sly does seem a little whipping boyish.

Exciting ending.


W&D promo

Glad you boys are proving everyone wrong about your reign. Stepping up, good stuff.

Love Wildchild’s accent. I’m very familiar with it and it’s written out very very convincingly.

Sending out the open challenge, good for you!


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"Careens to backwards" is Ancient Mayan for "I didn't really edit this match very well."


The arm work was really more about the shoulder, which was the problem with the Uranage from either perspective, as it seems to use both arms and shoulders. I probably should have mentioned BL using his left arm for the forearms and such, though. I worry about constantly writing out that he uses his left forearm instead of the right, but in this case it may have been better to point that out.


The leg move over the top rope was the only damage the leg had taken, so I figured that plus adrenaline would enable BL to pull out all his intestinal fortitude to try and hit with his best shot. Maybe some language about adrenaline in the finish sequence would have been welcome though.


Thanks for the comments, and I'll work on it for the madness that will be next week's ladder match against FULMINATUS! You will most likely find it in the "losing matches" thread on Friday...ladder matches are not by forte, but it will give me a much-needed workout for spotfest writing.


Alexander’s match:


Nice opening sequence where we establish that Alexander is the superior wrestler but Blue Leaf isn’t totally out of his depth. I do like the mule kick to escape the inverted dragon screw, too. I’m still a little undecided about the structure of some of the sentences, particularly the short ones like ‘He does not look happy’ dropped into the middle of the flow, which I think would work better if incorporated into others. On the other hand my sentences tend to go on too long, so who am I to talk?


Not sure what ‘careens to backwards’ means.


‘walking comic book convention’ is a GREAT line. As is ‘Canadians are sneakiest when they’re obvious, Francis’. I like the way you’re writing the commentary team.


Good middle section of the match with Alexander controlling his opponent, and the slap that reawakens the FIRE~ in Blue Leaf as well is very heelish. Also a good point is that Blue Leaf starts fighting back with kicks, instead of punches that would require the use of his injured arm. Unfortunately he’s able to fire forearms a few moments later, but then his arm gives out on him for the Uranage which might be an example of slightly haphazard selling. If his arm can hit elbow smashes, why not punches? If he uses his left arm (which isn’t specified) for the smashes, why not try the uranage with that?


A second example is the fact that after suffering a nasty leg whiplash on the ropes Blue Leaf is able to not only hit a dropsault into Alexander’s back, but then leap up onto him for the Niagara Falls. I have no problem with the finish though, a nice bit of nastiness with the snake eyes to set up the Event Horizon, which has to be one of the better-named finishers I’ve seen. Alexander comes out strong and definitely hateable, while Blue Leaf gets a reasonable showing even in defeat.


Overall it’s a good match, as can be seen with the fact that I haven’t found a lot to comment on. My only real problem is with some of the selling; I’m not an advocate of absolute, set-in-stone limb psychology because I think there is more to a match than that, but I think you need consistent psychology, or at least an explanation. It’s feasible that Blue Leaf’s arm might have felt OK when he was throwing those elbows but when he went for the uranage the impacts had actually hurt it more, but something like that would need explaining in the narrative to make sense.


Anyway, this is still really good stuff and I can’t wait to see what you bring out for the ladder match!


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Guest WhollyChao

Thank you for the comments, sir.


They were indeed helpful.



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