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The What If Topic...

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Just think....


What if eddie hadnt passed

What if Batista hadnt gotten injured

What if Hogan hadnt won at WM IX

What if Bret never left....


POst what you think what would happen and make some up for yourself

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That would have been somehtin but again at mania when they had their legendary submission match at 13?


If Batista never got injured it would have been him vs RKO at 22

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What if Flair had stayed in WCW in '91?


I'd guess that Sid would be placed in his role, winning the title at the rumble and losing at mania to Savage. Meanwhile, Hogan would feud with Taker and Jake, leading to a tag match at WM. Hogan's mystery partner would be Warrior, who pins Roberts. The Savage-Warrior-Perfect angle still happens more or less, while the Undertaker, who's still a heel, feuds with a top face (let's say Bossman). Taker beats Savage soon after the ppv, leading to UT/Razor vs Savage/Perfect at Survivor Series. Taker probably jobs to Bret sometime before mania, though they could have UT beat Hart at the show and have Hogan get his cheap win.


As for WCW, who the hell knows. It would be cool if The Dangerous Alliance formed anyway, leading to Flair being betrayed by Arn and the other Horsemen (I'd switch the roles of Windham and Eaton) and having to crawl back to Sting and friends. Since Sting's an idiot, he takes him back and they become friends again. Of course after the DA is defeated, Flair returns to his old ways.

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Yeah, honestly what was Bret going to do post WM 14 anyway? After he jobbed to Austin at WM he likely would have been released anyway, or realized his days as a top guy were mostly over.

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If Bret hadn't left, he'd have lost to Austin at WM14 anyway.


Now that I think of it, as much I hate to say it, would the WWF/E still be around had Montreal never happened? Probably not. No springboard for Vince/Austin. Austin was still going to become the flag carrier, and rightfully, but if he takes the title, Wrestlemania could have been infinitely different: Maybe Owen, Bulldog, and Neidhart vs. HHH, Chyna, and Tyson in the semi main event? But where's HBK in all this? Facing Shamrock instead of the Rock at WM14? Now we're talking about drastically changing a landmark (and still wildly entertaining) Wrestlemania 14. And he hadn't even considered who his opponents might have been after winning.


And I'm really gonna hate to say this: Maybe had Bret still been around, we wouldn't have seen HBK-Taker at RR'98, which meant a little more time in the spotlight for HBK? It wouldn't be enough to save the company the way Austin/Vince did, but HBK along with DX could have at least kept the WWF going financially.


But does that continue the Harts vs DX into 2008? Where's the Nation in all this? DX vs Nation was a tremendous feud in the summer of 98, but a lot of that was fuelled by Owen Hart. Coupled with the prospect of him not being fighting for the IC title at WM14, does the Rock springboard into one of the biggest names in the history of wrestling?



Look at the re-writing of history that would have happened, some of them the most integral moments in wrestling ever. As much as a mark for the Harts as I am, had Montreal not happened,

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If Bret hadn't left, he'd have lost to Austin at WM14 anyway.


Now that I think of it, as much I hate to say it, would the WWF/E still be around had Montreal never happened? Probably not. No springboard for Vince/Austin. Austin was still going to become the flag carrier, and rightfully, but if he takes the title, Wrestlemania could have been infinitely different: Maybe Owen, Bulldog, and Neidhart vs. HHH, Chyna, and Tyson in the semi main event? But where's HBK in all this? Facing Shamrock instead of the Rock at WM14? Now we're talking about drastically changing a landmark (and still wildly entertaining) Wrestlemania 14. And he hadn't even considered who his opponents might have been after winning.


And I'm really gonna hate to say this: Maybe had Bret still been around, we wouldn't have seen HBK-Taker at RR'98, which meant a little more time in the spotlight for HBK? It wouldn't be enough to save the company the way Austin/Vince did, but HBK along with DX could have at least kept the WWF going financially.


But does that continue the Harts vs DX into 2008? Where's the Nation in all this? DX vs Nation was a tremendous feud in the summer of 98, but a lot of that was fuelled by Owen Hart. Coupled with the prospect of him not being fighting for the IC title at WM14, does the Rock springboard into one of the biggest names in the history of wrestling?



Look at the re-writing of history that would have happened, some of them the most integral moments in wrestling ever. As much as a mark for the Harts as I am, had Montreal not happened,


They would have come up with some way to turn Vince heel to give the face Austin an authority figure to battle after winning the belt. Though at that point many pro-WCW anti-WWF fans/media members would cry "Awww they are copying what Bischoff is doing" instead of the heel Vince, or "Mr. McMahon" being born out of the real Montreal screwjob and all that is known about Vince behind the scenes through the years.


Also if Bret never leaves, does that mean Sting wins clean at Starrcade without any of the nonsense that turned it into one of the biggest letdowns in wrestling history, and the start of the slow decline? Seemed like Bret Hart's arrival mucked up whatever long term plan that WCW thought they had. Not to mention Hogan's and Nash's egos but thats another story

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If Hall and Nash stayed in the WWF I don't know if any sort of wrestling boom would have taken place. Razor Ramon would have gotten stale and Diesel would have mainly jobbed to the main event guys since his title run tanked. Also, I think they would have tried to sabotage the pushes of various newer guys to see that they didn't get all that over.

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What if Ahmed Johnson wasn't injured in the summer of 96 when he was unbelievably over? What if he didn't KEEP getting injured and in turn injure others with his sloppiness?

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Bret Hart: Wasn't the plan for him to face Austin at Mania 14, drop the title, then the Hart Foundation turns on him, making him a sympathetic babyface for one last run. I believe he was suppose to retire by 2000. As for Shawn, I truly believe HE would've left the WWF with Hunter, because the non-sense those two would've pulled would have gone to greater lengths if Bret was still there. HBK and HHH would've joined the nWo would Hall, Nash, and X-Pac.


Razor and Diesel. I think by that time, if Razor had stayed, he would've turned heel and go after Shawn and the title or align himself with Vader. He would probably join up with him in a "respect" angle after defeating him at Good Friends/Better Enemies. As for Diesel, with that tweener character leaning towards heel, it would've caught on in my opinion and we would see a monster Diesel reclaim the title sometime late 96' or early 97 as they build the next babyface to defeat him for the strap. I wonder if a Diesel-Austin program would've work since they both would do some good mic work.


Ahmed Johnson: Wasn't he due to win the title either at In Your House it's time over Vader, also, wasn't he suppose to face Undertaker at King of the Ring 97' for the title? I don't know if he was suppose to win the title there or not.


My what if: What if the Radicalz never defected WCW for the WWF? What if Benoit actually went on that WCW world title run? Would WCW still be around?

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Wasn't Hall fired for repeated drug offenses? I don't think he left the company on his own volition like Nash.

No, he did leave voluntarily. He was suspended for drug offences in early 1996, and when WCW made him a big money offer to jump, Vince decided not to match it, probably figuring he was more trouble than he was worth.

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What if HHH was never friends with the Clique? Would he have managed to survive the gimmick-heavy era that was going on at the time, or would he have gone the way of the Mantaur and Man Mountain Rock?


Would Owen ever have gotten a run with the belt, even a Benoit/Eddy-type "reward for all your hard work over the years" reign if not for his death?


Would DBS have gotten a run had he never left in '92?

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What if HHH was never friends with the Clique? Would he have managed to survive the gimmick-heavy era that was going on at the time, or would he have gone the way of the Mantaur and Man Mountain Rock?


With the exception of DX, HHH was probably hurt more by his clique association than anything else. The MSG incident cost him the King of the Ring in 1996 and his subsequent big push that was supposed to come that fall.


His association with Michaels in 1997 helped get him over, but it wasn't until Michaels left that he blossomed into a legit main eventer.

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Would DBS have gotten a run had he never left in '92?



He certainly would have had a lengthier IC title reign, that's for sure. He probably would have held it for a good 5-6 months and then dropped it to HBK. I know a lot might not disagree with me, but I don't think he would have been a long term main event guy had he not left. He might have gotten a short run as a main event heel against Bret Hart playing up the whole "I've beaten you before now I want your world title" storyline (Like what actually happened in late '95).

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Would DBS have gotten a run had he never left in '92?



He certainly would have had a lengthier IC title reign, that's for sure. He probably would have held it for a good 5-6 months and then dropped it to HBK. I know a lot might not disagree with me, but I don't think he would have been a long term main event guy had he not left. He might have gotten a short run as a main event heel against Bret Hart playing up the whole "I've beaten you before now I want your world title" storyline (Like what actually happened in late '95).


I'm not so sure that he would have gotten a long title run. Michaels was originally booked to win the title at Summerslam before they switched venues. DBS, to the best of my knowledge, was never going to be more than a transitional champ to HBK.


As for a future world title reign, I highly doubt it. He was good in an upper mid-card face role, but he lacked the versatility to be "the guy."

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1. What if Shawn Michaels didn't lose his smile and had the rematch with Bret at wm13. That means there we would have missed out on the classic bret/austin double turn. How would that effect the Austin era ?


2. This might be the biggest what if. What if Verne Gagne put the belt on Hogan and he stayed in the AWA as a result. What would the wwe look like today if Hogan didn't jump when he did ?

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1. What if Shawn Michaels didn't lose his smile and had the rematch with Bret at wm13. That means there we would have missed out on the classic bret/austin double turn. How would that effect the Austin era ?


2. This might be the biggest what if. What if Verne Gagne put the belt on Hogan and he stayed in the AWA as a result. What would the wwe look like today if Hogan didn't jump when he did ?


1. Austin

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1. What if Shawn Michaels didn't lose his smile and had the rematch with Bret at wm13. That means there we would have missed out on the classic bret/austin double turn. How would that effect the Austin era ?


2. This might be the biggest what if. What if Verne Gagne put the belt on Hogan and he stayed in the AWA as a result. What would the wwe look like today if Hogan didn't jump when he did ?



1. Austin was on a collision course with fame at that time. I know it's hard to imagine his legacy without the Hart match, but it wasn't until early 1998 and WM XIV that he got over to such a ridiculous degree. It's nice for the whole Austin mythology, but not crucial in his development as a top player.


2. Vince would have used Kerry Von Erich and rode him until he self-destructed from his own demons. Either that or he uses Snuka or JYD and still attempts the national expansion. But it's all a chicken and egg argument. Did the WWF go national because of Hogan, or did Hogan become the superstar because the WWF went national? Not that I want to discount what Hogan accomplished, but from what I've read about that era it was McMahon's vision that succeeded in the early years, not Hulk's undeniable charisma and larger than life appeal.

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What if Vince McMahon went to jail in the early 90's?



WWF would have probably limped along for a couple of years (tops) and then collapsed. That leaves WCW as #1....I don't know maybe something similar to the territory system. I just don't see the WCW of the early 90s being a #1 company.

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What if Vince McMahon went to jail in the early 90's?


Since Shane and Steph would be too young back then to run the WWF, wouldn't it be Gorilla Moonson who would run the company? I'm pretty sure I read this somewhere before.

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It would have been Jerry Jarrett. A succession plan was already in place when McMahon went to trial.



Knowing that, his boy Jeff probably would have main evented WrestleMania X.



Here's a good question; what if WCW didn't bring in Russo in October of '99 and actually listened to the results of that fan survey they did around the time (more in ring action, less backstage skit)? WCW was pretty far behind by then but IMO, it wasn't so inconceivable that they could at least compete with the WWF with the right direction

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WCW would of been a hell of a lot better without General Rection, GI Bro, Capt Cajun, That 70's Fat Girl Thrilla Mike Awesome, David Arquette, Oklahoma, KISS Demon, shit-on-a-pole matches, Judy Bagwell, Buff Bagwell, Miss Handcock, etc...


What if "fake" IWGP + NWA + ROH were joined to become the Triple Crown of America?

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Guest Lee_The_Pea
It would have been Jerry Jarrett. A succession plan was already in place when McMahon went to trial.



Knowing that, his boy Jeff probably would have main evented WrestleMania X.



Here's a good question; what if WCW didn't bring in Russo in October of '99 and actually listened to the results of that fan survey they did around the time (more in ring action, less backstage skit)? WCW was pretty far behind by then but IMO, it wasn't so inconceivable that they could at least compete with the WWF with the right direction

No he would not have because the trail was latter that Summer maybe XI, but Vince would have made key desisions in prision. If Russo did not come to WCW there still would be a WCW. 1998 was not a bad year but Nash turned WCW into to a horrible stale company in 1999. The bright spot of WCW was always there roster depth, when 1999 rolled along it was clear that nobody was ever going to get past mid-card no matter how over, or legit they would look in the main event. Russo erased that dark cloud but created a tornado. The appeal to WCW was not the entertainment, but the arena sport look that attracted sports fans.

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