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Vanhalen sucks

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But you just said all our new stuff is gay in comparison to the old stuff. Why taint the good stuff?


I said it wasnt as funny as it used to be, I never once used the word gay

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banky's been gone, and you've been too stupid to notice that Giuseppe Zangaria is Incandenza.

Banky comes around every so often.


The kingpins of this section just got old and tired. CWM has two kids, Banky is doing other stuff, Nevermortal is Neveraround (except for his Fongus appearance the other week), Piss has become a farmer or something, Tack makes a rare appearance here and there, IDRM has only recently come back, I feel like Agent is too busy babysitting other parts of this place at times, Slayer has a career now, Inc just seems uninterested, godthedog isn't around as much, Edwin focuses more in the Pop Culture section now from what I've seen, and as for myself...well I'm trying to get my life in order.


That was pretty much the NHB golden crew of late 03 into early 04. I may have missed a couple though.

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Well, there's other posters who never if rarely posted here who disappered as well. Some where prominent posters, others nobody really cares about, but here's their fates as far as I know


.Jerk got fired from his job. Hasn't been seen since.

.Kotz left, and I miss him.

.Many of the anime dorks are gone. I think Masked Man of Mystery went on to focus on his college classes, and I think he posts on the Death Valley Driver boards now. Wrestlecrap would fit him better, since it's full of anime nerds. Also, JMA just left. Nobody knows or cares about what happened to him. Some are left, but I rarely pay any attention to them.

.wildpegasus was finally banned, and now posts in The Pit, though it amuses me for some sick reason to wonder how he took the whole Benoit thing.

.CronoT has been banned twice, though I expect him to somehow return.

.Special K has been gone for a while, and I miss him. Dudes like a living David Lynch character.

.Hoff just comes and goes.

.kkktookmybabyaway mostly posts at The Pit now.

.Carlito Brigante mostly posts at the wrestling folders, where he belongs.

.Justice most likely stays at the SWF boards (where I have yet to visit), and no longer posts going at the CE folders, though my guess is that he probably got tired of arguing with C-Bacon and Cheesala.

.Barron mostly posts in the wrestling and movie & tv folders, from what I've seen.

.Carnival also comes and goes. I think he posts more at The Pit now.


That's all I think I know, and nobody cares.

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I'm still representin'.

Yeah, but you son't post as much as you used to. I guess I should have phrased that "doesn't post in CE anymore."

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Guest Vitamin X
.Special K has been gone for a while, and I miss him. Dudes like a living David Lynch character.


Special K mentioned to a me and maybe a few more of us that he was going to be away for a while. Might be in rehab for all I know at this point. He was one of my favorite posters around here, a genuinely nice guy.


I seriously wonder sometimes if any MIA posters have actually died. We wouldn't really have much way to find out, and any attempts at posting that someone died would probably be met with skepticism, or mockery, knowing this place.

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.Justice most likely stays at the SWF boards (where I have yet to visit)


He makes his presence known once in a great while, but doesn't really post anymore.


.Many of the anime dorks are gone. I think Masked Man of Mystery went on to focus on his college classes, and I think he posts on the Death Valley Driver boards now. Wrestlecrap would fit him better, since it's full of anime nerds. Also, JMA just left. Nobody knows or cares about what happened to him. Some are left, but I rarely pay any attention to them.


For what it's worth I'll be there in the OAO thread whenever notable news comes up or it's bumped, but actual talk is lacking, of course. Especially with few people interested and with most of them I get the sense they don't keep up with subs/mainly watch stateside releases/are fans of older series. At any rate I drop by /a/ if I really want to talk about this junk.

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.Justice most likely stays at the SWF boards (where I have yet to visit)


He makes his presence known once in a great while, but doesn't really post anymore.


.Many of the anime dorks are gone. I think Masked Man of Mystery went on to focus on his college classes, and I think he posts on the Death Valley Driver boards now. Wrestlecrap would fit him better, since it's full of anime nerds. Also, JMA just left. Nobody knows or cares about what happened to him. Some are left, but I rarely pay any attention to them.


For what it's worth I'll be there in the OAO thread whenever notable news comes up or it's bumped, but actual talk is lacking, of course. Especially with few people interested and with most of them I get the sense they don't keep up with subs/mainly watch stateside releases/are fans of older series. At any rate I drop by /a/ if I really want to talk about this junk.

I kinda miss Justice. He always did a good job at telling a certain Canadian Socialist off, even though none of it got through the guy's thick skull.


For what it's worth, I like ya Geedorah. Besides, you have an awesome avatar.


Anyways, I forgot to mention:


.Zack Malibu mostly posts in The Pit nowadays, though he still <3's Kelly Clarkson.

.Marney has actually shown up in the chatroom.

.Leena was banned, though like Marney, she's appeared in the chatroom.

.Si82 mostly posts in the wrestling and music folders.

.I haven't seen Rant in a while.

.Oblivious Heel was banned, went to the Death Valley Driver boards, and only posted a few times. Probably got banned there too. Who was he anyways?

.I haven't seen niskie in a while.

.netslob was banned, making him the first (and so far only) person to be banned from TSM, The Pit, and WDI. My prediction is that he'll start posting in the Death Valley Driver boards, only to get banned there.

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If I ever leave without notice for more than two weeks, I'm dead.


Rant's around.

Niskie posts on another board that I also post at, one totally unrelated to this community.


snuffbox not being here is the one I'd like to know about.

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Its funny how we are all getting old and the responsibilities we take on in life, for example I'm now the chief witness in 4 active prosectuions by the police, and yet, when I first joined this board I had no job, no money and a totally shit flat, people have got married, had kids, we've all in a funny way grown up together.

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Well, my rather stupid sexual exploits are starting to catch up with me. I do have an active dating network of nice girls my own age now, but I still keep getting bothered by a married Mexican girl who I used as a sperm dumpster. It's gotten to where I really have to pick one or the other, lifestyle wise.

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How many of us will still be posting here 10 years from now? Weird to think about, but if the place is still around, I'm sure there will be several of us.

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As much as I hate you guys, I go on record as posting here for the rest of my life, as long as there's a board to post at. I'm a grown man with a good life and I still post here and it's ok. I'm past the "It's temporary." phase.

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