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EVIL~! alkeiper

Wordupthome.com Thread

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Those of you with signatures enabled have doubtless noted the AIM-esqe quotes from various MLB players. The quotes come from a web site called wordupthome.com, which consists entirely of faux IM conversations between various players. While we've seen some quotes here and there, this thread is for re-posting whole conversations, some of which are really humorous.


Ryan Howard gets acquainted with the home run derby, which seems to have taken a page from soccer.




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Nick Markakis


TheGiantSilva: EXPLODING DRAGON FISTTTT /begins throwing fastballs all over the place


MarkakisRedVelvet: /swings wildly, cowers


MarkakisRedVelvet: AAAAAAAAH




Sam Perlozzo Oh snap! Nick Markakis has gone Super-Saiyan!


TheGiantSilva: NO! How can this BE! How could a lowly rookie achieve what I've...what I've struggled my entire career for! /continues throwing fastballs, because hey


SSJ_Markakis: /bat turns to gold

/swing swing swing


**Online Host**

SSJ_Markakis has hit three homeruns in a single game.


TheGiantSilva: NO! NOOOOooooo


/hovers in place screaming for five episodes



**Online Host**

TheGiantSilva has left the chatroom.


MarkakisRedVelvet: /trots bases; is labeled "next (every good baseball player who has ever lived)" by Orioles Hangout



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The ARod "EAT A DOLLPHIN TAGO!" one, wherein we find out that some first overall picks are better than others: DOLPHIN TAGOS FOR ALL!


Next, something I'm sure Al will say is totally not as cool as fake MLB AIM conversations, fake NFL Nintendo DS Pictochat conversations! NFL Pictochat Of course, it might help if the NFL ones weren't several years old (They still have Terrell Owens as an Eagle, lollzerz).


Finally, since I'm too lazy to look, can someone track down the various instances of Paplebon playing video games? I know there are two against Farnsworth (One baseball, one football) and another versus Thome (football), but only the Farnsworth-baseball one shows up in the "Index by Player" thing. Or, at least that was it the last time I checked.

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Next, something I'm sure Al will say is totally not as cool as fake MLB AIM conversations, fake NFL Nintendo DS Pictochat conversations! NFL Pictochat Of course, it might help if the NFL ones weren't several years old (They still have Terrell Owens as an Eagle, lollzerz).


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You're right, I can't say I'm impressed.

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