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The OAO RAW Thread 10/08/07

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"....psst, it's a work."


No shit, mark. We were debating the storyline character's placement on the card.


Now why don't you go post and mark-out for meeting Kurt Angle again?

....your debating about current wrestlers placement card...when your referring to stuff from years ago that no one remembers unless you look it up? Ok you enjoy doing that.

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"hen your referring to stuff from years ago that no one remembers unless you look it up?"


Yes, no one remembers Val Venis in the Attitude Era. Or the awesome "Snitsky Punts a Baby" angle. No one at all. We should be ashamed for having a discussion of wrestling on a wrestling message board.

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I wonder....




Amidst all these terrible WWE films...




I wonder if a good one actually comes out, if critics will still give it scathing reviews just because it's a WWE film...

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I'm bet there are some Stone Cold marks watching that are going nuts when Santino speaks the truth about him......actually I know one. It's REALLY funny.....she acts like Santino should die in a car wreck.

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I read in another thread that girls love Cody Rhodes...




Now, I'm not gay, but I'm comfortable enough in my sexual orientation to judge another man...




And wow....Cody Rhodes is one ugly character...

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"he should be able to take Snitsky..."


Snitsky has beaten Kane clean on PPV. Even at his most over in 1998-99, Val Venis could never do that.

....psst, it's a work.


and if you want to get technical about it, and just for the fact I get to prove you wrong.


Lance Storm and Sean Morley defended their tag team titles against Rob Van Dam and Kane at the Wrestlemania 19 Heat pre-show.


No technically you're wrong. They won via interference from Bubba Dudley.

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"he should be able to take Snitsky..."


Snitsky has beaten Kane clean on PPV. Even at his most over in 1998-99, Val Venis could never do that.

....psst, it's a work.


and if you want to get technical about it, and just for the fact I get to prove you wrong.


Lance Storm and Sean Morley defended their tag team titles against Rob Van Dam and Kane at the Wrestlemania 19 Heat pre-show.


No technically you're wrong. They won via interference from Bubba Dudley.


Also, Storm pinned RVD. Morley did not pin Kane.

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Is the plan for another Triple H Vs. Orton match at the PPV? Or is Triple H/Umaga scheduled (seemed to be from tonight).


Maybe WWE caught my post earlier explaining in detail why Orton shouldn't face HHH until WM and made the right call. HIAC is Hunter's squash toy anyways, let Umaga bump his ass off and Hunter bleeds and miraculously wins.

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Jeff and Kennedy are working great together. It also helps a lot that the match has so much heat from the fans that it's almost as if it's a world title match.

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Well anyone with a brain knows Orton and Triple H need to be separated since Raw has exactly 1 main event face.


HHH has plently of toys to play with. Orton might have to wait for Lashley to return.

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Damn good match. I liked the finish because Kennedy's leg work neutralized Hardy's aerial offense so he had to come up with a different way to win.

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Yeah, Jeff Hardy has had a great 13 months in the IC division. Other than the Umaga 1st reign to Marella awfulness, the IC division has been rather fun, with some good stuff from Nitro/Jeff, Umaga/Jeff, Shelton/Jeff, and Kennedy/Jeff.

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