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Wanna hear Dog the Bounty Hunter say "nigger"?

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Hah, he's talking about how he's not going to risk his career because some nigger might hear him say nigger.



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He lives about 3 miles from where I live. I've been in front of his house a couple times running. Seems like a nice fella.

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eh. he got on the 'pologize ass kiss parade soon afterwards. Sharpton won't care, Jackson will say he is forgiven, if sponsors leave the show will be cancelled. If they don't leave it will still be on. I personally don't care.


Besides...he is the dawg...the big bad dawg...you tellin me that you didn't figure he said nigger every now and then? And we didn't care, because he and freak boobs were stopping criminals and leadin them to Christ brah.

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Sharpton caring about some stuff is a figment of some peoples imaginations. They just like to say "Sharpton and Jackson"


The difference between Sharpton and Jackson is that Sharpton will jump on any one, black or white, if he feels that it is doing black people an injustice (from Isaiah Thomas, to hip-hop boycotts this year alone) while Jackson will go where he can get donations and say that blacks are being done wrong without ever putting fault on the black race.


I really think some people should really stop and listen to Sharpton debate a topic every once and a while, and they would see that the guy actually makes legit points and can be awfully fair and balanced.


Jackson makes his living off the fact that he was around MLK and can't debate worth a shit and is a fucking embarassment.


I rarely agree with either of them, but I do think we well past the point where its unfair to lump Sharpton in with Jackson. Its and insult when one of them is opinionated while the other is a moron.


I really don't think that Sharpton is going to care about Dog the Bounty hunter.


Although if he does, I will be the first to say I am wrong.

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I rarely agree with either of them, but I do think we well past the point where its unfair to lump Sharpton in with Jackson.


Yeah, they are different as night and day. Jesse shakes down companies so his relatives can get sweetheart deals while poo-face just keeps the money himself.

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HONOLULU - Television bounty hunter Duane "Dog" Chapman's show has been pulled from the air indefinitely by A&E, two days after a private phone conversation in which the reality star used a racial slur repeatedly was posted online.


"In evaluating the circumstances of the last few days, A&E has decided to take `Dog The Bounty Hunter' off the network's schedule for the foreseeable future," the network said in a statement Friday. "We hope that Mr. Chapman continues the healing process that he has begun."


A&E officials said the series, one of the network's top-rated programs, has not been canceled.


Chapman, 54, has been under fire and accused of being a racist ever since the private conversation with his son, Tucker Chapman, was posted online Wednesday by The National Enquirer. Chapman used the N-word repeatedly about his son's black girlfriend.


At least two advertisers have pulled out from the show and civil rights groups have called for its cancellation.


Soon after the clip was posted, Chapman issued an apology and A&E suspended production of the series.


In the conversation, Chapman urges Tucker to break up with his girlfriend. He also expresses concern about the girlfriend trying to tape and go public about the TV star's use of the N-word. He used the slur six times in the first 45 seconds of the five-minute clip.


Chapman has said he was "disappointed in his choice of a friend, not due to her race, but her character. However, I should have never used that term." He also said he was ashamed of himself and pledged to make amends.


His attorney, Brook Hart said his client is not a racist and vowed never to use the word again. Hart said Tucker Chapman taped the call and sold it to the Enquirer for "a lot of money."


David Perel, the Enquirer's editor in chief, would not comment on how it obtained the tape.


Civil rights leaders said they were not satisfied with the removal of the show from A&E's schedule. A coalition of groups in Los Angeles sent a letter to network executives Friday demanding a cancellation.


The coalition said the comments were more than racially demeaning and hurtful to black women. "They are a vicious attack on and call to end interracial relations, as well as an incitement to violence," the letter said.


Earl Ofari Hutchinson, president of Los Angeles Urban Policy Roundtable, said the coalition believes Chapman's language was much more damaging than shock jock Don Imus' comments.


Imus was fired by CBS in April over his "nappy-headed hos" remark about the Rutgers University women's basketball team. Citadel Broadcasting Corp. Thursday announced Imus' return to radio in December.


"If they can essentially say, 'We're firing Imus in the front door and bring him in the back door later on,' they can also do the same with this guy and his show," Hutchinson said. "It seems like to me A&E is keeping their options open."


The TV series follows Chapman and his tattooed crew as they track down bail jumpers in Hawaii and other states. The show also stars some members of Chapman's family, but Tucker Chapman is not regularly featured.


The Honolulu-based bounty hunter first grabbed headlines for apprehending serial rapist and Max Factor heir Andrew Luster in Mexico in 2003.



And A&E cancels the show. Sucks for him.

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Funny how this story becomes a huge controversy while his son Leland sucker-punching Don Frye in a hotel and knocking him out two separate times just a few days ago garnered no attention whatsoever. Saying the n-word in private > multiple felonious assaults in public, I guess.

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Guest benoitwasmurdered

Not to mention that probably half the people who were witness's say that there were no sucker punches. The wrestlers are saying one thing and the MMA guys another.

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Every version I've heard was "sucker punch". And c'mon, do you seriously think that Leland friggin' Chapman could knock out Don Frye twice in a row, apparently one punch each time, in a straight-up fight? Hell, I'm amazed that he could knock him out period. even by ambushing him. Remember, this is the same Don Frye who took a few dozen punches to the head from Tank Abbott and basically laughed it off and casually knocked Tank out.

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I think its a bigger story because Leland Chapman doesn't have a show. DAWG does.


Thats like saying you can't believe Britney spears was in the news when her dog watcher was in a bar room brawl.

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Guest benoitwasmurdered

The WO covers it and talks about the many different versions of events. Everyone agrees that Frye was wasted.

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Yes, I realize that, but Leland is on the show, he's even specifically named in the opening credits. I just find it odd that a private conversation causes a fucking firestorm, yet the media completely ignores the fact that the guy's other son and co-star on his show was in a public brawl just days before. You'd think someone would at least bring it up, in a Bill O'Reilly-type attempt at showing evidence that the whole family is nuts.

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It was actually Leland's body guard that knocked out Frye. I really should have went to the hotel that night as I could have personnally saw what happen, but I do know some of the wrestlers who DID go to the hotel and saw first thing what happen.


I actually don't think anything was a sucker punch at all. The story I got was, Don Frye got into it with guy, the body guard threw the punch, landed it and knocked Frye out. The 2nd punch came when Frye was back up and started talking more shit again. The body guard came back, and got Frye again.


The MMA fighters and wrestlers really didn't along to well that weekend. When Piper was doing a Q & A session, these two amatuer fighers were around me and a few others wrestlers I was there with and we had to listen to one of the fighers claim how he was going to beat up Bill Goldberg. Basically the fighter decided to be a smart mouth and Goldberg approached him about it, asked if there was going to be a problem, the fighter told Goldberg no there wasn't, unless Goldberg wanted to do something about it and it sounded like the fighter backed off or Goldberg said good and walked away after the figher said no there wasn't.

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