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Bruiser Chong

Wu-Tang in Concert

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Has anyone seen them in concert the last couple of years? If so, how was the show? I got an email today letting me know they'll be in Detroit on Dec. 14 and despite my whiteness and the likelihood I (and whoever comes with me) won't exactly blend in, I'm considering snatching up a ticket. I know this place isn't hip-hop-friendly, but the Wu's one of the exceptions from what I've always seen, so I figure I can get some impartial responses.

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Guest Pizza Hut's Game Face
despite my whiteness and the likelihood I (and whoever comes with me) won't exactly blend in

I was under the impression that only white people who are trying too hard go to Wu-Tang Clan concerts.

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I think he just means trying to hard to fit in or seem "hip," to borrow a phrase no one uses seriously anymore.


At any rate, Czech, you know I lubs you and all, but this is one of those topics I can't possibly take your suggestion on.

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Wu-Tang Clan concerts are good fun...though I haven't been to one since ODB died so who knows if the energy is EXACTLY the same. If you like the group, I highly recommend going as I would any other group you like.




Except Tool, they really suck live.



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despite my whiteness and the likelihood I (and whoever comes with me) won't exactly blend in

I was under the impression that only white people who are trying too hard go to Wu-Tang Clan concerts.


I still am under the impression that people who tell people they're trying too hard if they profess to enjoy a certain band or style of music are, themselves, trying too hard.


Furthermore, I find people who tell people they're trying too hard for telling people they think are trying too hard that they are trying too hard are also trying too hard.

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