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OAO 2007 Armageddon Thread

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WHat the fuck is it with The Undertaker, a title shot, and imposter opponents? It's Survivor Series 2000 all over again!


And that's two World Titles won by Edge in Pittsburgh with Taker and Batista involved.

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Who were those guys? The Major Brothers?


It sorta looked like them but probably local jobbers. That'd be an interesting gimmick change for the Majors though.

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Pretty good show tonight.


The first ppv I've seen from WWE or TNA that didn't bother me all over the place since Bound For Glory.


What? Survivor Series was much better then tonight. You had three heels with bullshit finishes (MVP gets counted out, Orton beats Jericho by DQ, and Edge pulls a double Windham on 'Taker). The biggest upside was a very good Hunter-Hardy match, a good finish to the ECW tag match and Finlay went over.


There is hope in Jericho as the crowd was buying into the thought of Jericho winning the match, which is good. Hardy looked credible and Hunter doesn't lose anything. However, the matches themselves were flat outside of the Hardy match and the closing minutes of the WWE title match.

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Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho (WWE Championship)


Jericho being pinned here would totaly ruin any momentum he has but Orton won't drop the belt this soon. I expect Jericho wins by DQ


Triple Threat Match for the World Heavyweight Championship

Batista vs. Edge vs. Undertaker


I think edge wins the title here. Would expect some sort of screwy finish, possibly involving Vickie.


Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy


Hardy sort of reminds me of Chris Benoit. Everyone loves him and wanted to see him get the strap but he always came up just short until finally he did it. This could go two ways, one HHH wins and somehow Jeff Hardy makes his way into the title match later on in a 3 way. Or Hardy wins and HHH makes his way into it for a three way match. Last I heard, HHH was booked to be the one to win it but I think hardy gets the upset win.



ECW Champion CM Punk & Kane vs. Big Daddy V & Mark Henry


Honestly who gives a damn but I would say the two big black men win it.


Shawn Michaels vs. Mr. Kennedy


Micheal wins with maybe a post match attack by kennedy to keep the feud going.


Finlay vs. The Great Khali


Khali pins Finlay. The little runt will try to get involved but this time it won't make a difference.


Mickie James vs. Beth Phoenix


Beth pins the misused Mickie James.


MVP vs. Rey Mysterio (U.S. Championship)


Considering the long build up for MVP/Hardy for the U.S. title, it makes no sense for Rey to win it. MVP wins by pinfall or Mysterio wins by DQ so he retains the belt until Hardy's return.


Well with the exception of the Khali/Finley match, it went pretty much as expected. Good to see HHH put over Hardy...had a feeling he would.


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It could have been the Majors. I imagine finding two indy wrestlers with an Edge type build and grungy blonde hair would be pretty hard (sarcasm), but I'm sure we'll find out.


I was happy to see Hardy pin HHH.


I also was confused by the person being thrown out the Subway window having Benoit style tights on to the point I wondered if WWE thought it would just be some hilarious rib to imply Chris Benoit got thrown off a Subway, but I remembered someone wearing Benoit style tights on TV recently but couldn't remember who. I'll just go with the Charlie Haas thing mentioned above.

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Unanimous thumbs up in the WO.com feedback so far.


Also, I believe this is the second time this year the audience has been subjected to Michael Cole saying "Tonight, Edge is a Pittsburgh Stealer!". It is kind of neat that he's won 3 out of 4 world titles in Pennsylvania (2 in Pittsburgh, and it was his only WWE title that was won in another state) though.

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The announcer were really putting over Edge's GM connections after the win, and said something along the lines of "how can anyone beat him with the GM on his side?"


That's what made me believe it was the Major Brothers; either voluntarily or forced to by Vicki Gurrero (though I still don't get who the GM of Smackdown! is. Teddy Long returns one week and makes a match, but I missed the next week where Vicki returned. I don't understand how Edge still has connections to power if Long is in charge again).

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Man that's shitty. I hope they still go with Vickie causing the heart-attack. Or Edge. Or anything. I just pray they address it since he's back.


I'll be going to Smackdown!/ECW this week in Rochester, can't wait. I have preferred Smackdown! over RAW for years now and ECW over RAW for a while too. Once they merged, it became the true A-Show since it has a B-Show on TV each week; while RAW's HeAT brand is web exclusive.

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Man that's shitty. I hope they still go with Vickie causing the heart-attack. Or Edge. Or anything. I just pray they address it since he's back.


I'll be going to Smackdown!/ECW this week in Rochester, can't wait. I have preferred Smackdown! over RAW for years now and ECW over RAW for a while too. Once they merged, it became the true A-Show since it has a B-Show on TV each week; while RAW's HeAT brand is web exclusive.

They really do need to address it.


And the real purpose for this post: I'm going to the show too; where you sitting?

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I attended Armageddon this evening, so here are some thoughts:


The crowd was pumped all night. It was a legit sell-out. When the heels got booed, they got BOOED, and when the faces got cheered, they got CHEERED. And for once I was glad we didn't have a "HERE WE GO STEELERS, HERE WE GO!" chant start up (most likely not unrelated to our loss to the Jags...BOOOOO).


The dark match was Jesse/Festus vs Miz/Morrison. Jesse and Festus were WAY more over than I thought they would be. I think they have a solid future if they fine tune things. They won, which surprised me since it was non-title and non-televised. I wonder if it will be acknowledged to set up a title match at some point.


Lillian sang the National Anthem and was awesome, as expected.


In my opinion, things really didn't start getting going until the 3rd match. Rey/MVP was OK, but it felt like it could have been so much more. Rey seems to have that problem these days. The crowd was NOT happy about the count-out ending. The ECW/SD tag match was nothing special, but Kane got a damn nice reception, more intense than I expected (even though it's obvious Kane is over). Punk was well-received, too.


The crowd was HOT for the string of matches from HBK/Kennedy through the Women's Title match. Kennedy was soundly and strongly booed, and HBK was what you'd expect. It was a slow match to start, but it got really good once they were flowing. I do think Kennedy should have gone over, though, but aside from that, it was every bit as good as I imagined it would be.


HHH/Hardy was a damn good match, and I for one was glad that Hardy won, as he's probably on the cusp of big things. The crowd loved both guys, but the pop when Jeff won was massive. I'm not a huge Jeff Hardy fan, but before I knew it, even I jumped out of my seat cheering for his win.


Hornswaggle is over. So is Finlay. Khali didn't look terrible. This was more fun to watch than I thought it would be. And my friend said that body-wise, Khali is kinda hot. She's also in love with Christopher Walken, so take that for what it's worth.


Jericho got a pretty good reaction, and by the end of the match the crowd really was under the impression that Jericho might win the title. Everyone around me could tell it was JBL who ran in (sometimes run-in's are hard to see clearly), and the crowd hated it (JBL got booed heavily during his entrance, but in May at the SD taping I seem to remember him getting a good deal of cheers). I didn't expect Jericho to win, but this match was great.


I'd let Beth Phoenix beat me up. I might even pay for it. And the match was good for what it was, too. But I spent most of it watching Beth through my binoculars. Jillian got some massive heat, too, actually.


The 3-way really should have been longer, and I didn't notice the extra Edges till my friend pointed them out. In 2003 on SD, we had 2 Angles, now we have 3 Edges. But we do it well! I was surprised to see Edge win the title, and although I loved it like mad when he won it in May, I honestly wanted Taker to win it here b/c A) he lost it in Pgh in the 1st place and B) then Edge could win the Rumble to set up Title vs Streak at WM. Nothing much happened after the live feed was cut. Taker walked back to his music, and then Batista slowly walked back, slapping some hands around ringside.


This was easily one of the best PPV's of the year, as the stuff that could have been bad (SD/ECW tag, Khali/Finlay) was very watchable, and all the other stuff was solid as expected to pretty damn good. WWE had a dry spell b/w Judgment Day and Unforgiven, but this PPV should easily find it way into the top 1/2 of "best of 2007 PPV's list, maybe even breaking into the top quarter.

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Guest IronManLUNG

I dunno, I'd like to see a repeat of last year's Rumble ending, HBK still owes Taker a win.

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Edge winning the Rumble wouldn't set up title vs streak. That would be Taker's title and streak vs Edge's nothing.


If Taker wins the rumble, it will set up title vs streak.


Ah, so I guess you're of the school of thought that not winning the MitB match killed Edge's streak.

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Title Vs Streak, is a overdone concept anyways. It was the big focal point of last year's match and while the streak wasn't as pronounced at the time, it was the same at WM13. This just means UT will be barred from getting a title shot by Vickie and UT has to win the rumble/EC match. The same story that WWE has done for the past 12 years (Luger, Austin, Benoit, Lesnar and others I can't remember right now). They need to do something fresh with UT being the champion and the heel chasing the title. Edge has nothing to lose and everything to gain while UT puts the two things he cares the most about on the line.

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Given that the EC match I've heard about thus far has nothing but Raw guys in it, I have to think that UT is likely winning the Rumble. With that said I have no idea who from Raw is going to main event WM.

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