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Lt. Al Giardello

Gino Hernandez

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I finished watching the WCCW DVD, and from what I saw it looked like Gino Hernandez was the total package. He had charisma, was good in the ring, and had the looks to become a huge star in the pro wrestling industry.


I'll admit I haven't even heard of him before watching the DVD mainly because he died before I was even born, but from what I seen he died too early. But it seemed like he could've been a great heel in a market like WWF, almost like a Rick Rude heel but possibly even better.


I would like to hear others who know more about him, thoughts on his potential had he not died an early death.

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He could have been a great foe to Hogan or Dusty back in the day. He had it all and then some. His stuff with Tully Blanchard in Houston was outstanding. Probably better than his world class stuff. Some of it is on youtube.

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It's funny, I was just thinking about what Gino might've done, and my second thought was that he'd be in Rick Rude's spot in the WWF. First option, perhaps the Million Dollar Man gimmick?


Wasn't Ted already the Million Dollar gimmick before Gino's death? I think if he went to the WWF, he would've had a Ric Flair type role, from what I've seen from him in his WCCW stuff.

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It's funny, I was just thinking about what Gino might've done, and my second thought was that he'd be in Rick Rude's spot in the WWF. First option, perhaps the Million Dollar Man gimmick?


Wasn't Ted already the Million Dollar gimmick before Gino's death? I think if he went to the WWF, he would've had a Ric Flair type role, from what I've seen from him in his WCCW stuff.

Gino died in February '86. The Million Dollar Man debuted in late Spring/Summer of '87.

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It's funny, I was just thinking about what Gino might've done, and my second thought was that he'd be in Rick Rude's spot in the WWF. First option, perhaps the Million Dollar Man gimmick?


Wasn't Ted already the Million Dollar gimmick before Gino's death? I think if he went to the WWF, he would've had a Ric Flair type role, from what I've seen from him in his WCCW stuff.

Gino died in February '86. The Million Dollar Man debuted in late Spring/Summer of '87.


Either way, I just can't imagine anyone else playing the Million Dollar Man role any better then Ted DiBiase.

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In the WWF, he would have been given a lower-card role as an obnxious English Professor character or played a cartoonish animal-costume character for the kids. Something like that.

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It's funny, I was just thinking about what Gino might've done, and my second thought was that he'd be in Rick Rude's spot in the WWF. First option, perhaps the Million Dollar Man gimmick?


Wasn't Ted already the Million Dollar gimmick before Gino's death? I think if he went to the WWF, he would've had a Ric Flair type role, from what I've seen from him in his WCCW stuff.

Gino died in February '86. The Million Dollar Man debuted in late Spring/Summer of '87.


Either way, I just can't imagine anyone else playing the Million Dollar Man role any better then Ted DiBiase.


I still love the fact that they convinced DiBiase to take the job by saying, "If Vince could wrestle, this would be the gimmick he'd use."

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It's funny, I was just thinking about what Gino might've done, and my second thought was that he'd be in Rick Rude's spot in the WWF. First option, perhaps the Million Dollar Man gimmick?


Wasn't Ted already the Million Dollar gimmick before Gino's death? I think if he went to the WWF, he would've had a Ric Flair type role, from what I've seen from him in his WCCW stuff.

Gino died in February '86. The Million Dollar Man debuted in late Spring/Summer of '87.


Either way, I just can't imagine anyone else playing the Million Dollar Man role any better then Ted DiBiase.


I still love the fact that they convinced DiBiase to take the job by saying, "If Vince could wrestle, this would be the gimmick he'd use."

I love how they had convince DiBiase to take a gig where he'd be an immediate main eventer and get more perks (first class flights, limos etc.) than any other wrestler in the company (barring Hulk Hogan). Talk about a job selling itself.

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It's funny, I was just thinking about what Gino might've done, and my second thought was that he'd be in Rick Rude's spot in the WWF. First option, perhaps the Million Dollar Man gimmick?


Wasn't Ted already the Million Dollar gimmick before Gino's death? I think if he went to the WWF, he would've had a Ric Flair type role, from what I've seen from him in his WCCW stuff.

Gino died in February '86. The Million Dollar Man debuted in late Spring/Summer of '87.


Either way, I just can't imagine anyone else playing the Million Dollar Man role any better then Ted DiBiase.


I still love the fact that they convinced DiBiase to take the job by saying, "If Vince could wrestle, this would be the gimmick he'd use."

I love how they had convince DiBiase to take a gig where he'd be an immediate main eventer and get more perks (first class flights, limos etc.) than any other wrestler in the company (barring Hulk Hogan). Talk about a job selling itself.


They wouldn't tell DiBiase the details about the gimmick until after he signed, which is why they said the line about Vince using the character if he could.

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To be honest, I think Gino Hernandez is slightly overrated. I just don't see how he would have really taken off with his size. Yeah, he looked good and was charismatic, but he wasn't a bigger guy. I think the highest he could have risen would have been a Rick Rude level, or maybe playing a Ricky Steamboat type of babyface. I think he would have eventually left wrestling after a few years to get into acting, like others mentioned. I'm not trying to downplay his talent, though. He was part of some really good angles and solid matches.

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Okay I got the WCCW DVD for Christmas and I too was quite impressed with what I saw from Hernandez, at least the interview bits and match clips (I have yet to watch the 2nd disc). He seemed somewhat like a proto Ted DiBiase or Rock in some ways. Yes, his size was a possible issue but he wasn't much smaller than someone like Flair. All it would take is maybe 10 more lbs. of muscle and he'd be in that 235 range.


I looked him up on Wikipedia and it said his real name was Charles Wolfe. Was he even really a latino at all, or was he like the guy in the first Police Academy?

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