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Celtic Guardian

Pakistan's Benazir Bhutto killed in suicide attack

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It's not that hard to grasp. Jingus says Bhutto had it coming and the only reason he can muster or his theory is the rantings of somebody that he "knows" from message board(s).


My point - Don't say she "had it coming", that is retarded at best. And, don't just randomly believe the stories that people can so easily concoct online. Czech followed up on the point with hilarious photos.


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My point - Don't say she "had it coming",

And if you look at what I actually wrote, it includes such words as "if you believe", "sounds like", and "kinda". Not exactly BURN BHUTTO BURN LOL.


don't just randomly believe the stories that people can so easily concoct online.

I understand that point. My point is, why do you randomly assume they're lies?


Yeah, I've only been on that board for a month and I really hate their CE folder already. They've got some real pussies for moderators who keep closing threads for no real reason.



Funny thing: you know who's been completely forgotten in this whole debacle? The couple dozen bystanders in the crowd who were wiped out by the explosion. I haven't heard a single word about any of them. Just endless arguing over the woman who was killed by gunshots, whoops we mean by shrapnel, by which we really mean the explosion cracked her head against the roof, nevermind let's just say she impaled herself on the sunroof lever.

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Seriously, I'm not going to argue this with you. Matt Youngin' what you said won't help. And you already Jerked at least one post in this thread.

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Matt Youngin' what you said won't help. And you already Jerked at least one post in this thread.

Anybody got an injoke-to-English translation for that?

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Guest My Pal, the Tortoise
Matt Youngin' what you said won't help. And you already Jerked at least one post in this thread.

Anybody got an injoke-to-English translation for that?

Pulling out of a losing argument to say you were just joking to mess around with us won't help. And you already went back and deleted at least one post in this thread.


hahahah, a sek69 sighting in that DVDVR thread. "hay guys, I heard on RIGHT-WING RADIO that eggs are bad for you this week. Let's have a mature and serious discussion about this, where no facetiousness will be tolerated from our mature and serious peers."

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Pulling out of a losing argument to say you were just joking to mess around with us won't help. And you already went back and deleted at least one post in this thread.

I never said I was just joking about anything, and I sure as hell never deleted and of my posts.

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