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New Soul Calibur IV characters announced

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Spawn was an awesome extra for Soul Calibur 2 though.


Intros to all the Soul games:


Soul Edge


Soul Calibur





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Even with crappy PS1 quality FMV, the Soul Blade intro is still totally badass.


So it looks like the official release date is July 29th.


It looks like they added some system where if someone turtles for too long, part of their armor gets broken and then you can do a finisher on them. How silly.

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It's a good addition, as turtling is cheap as fuck and means you suck. And it isn't just for turtling, either. If you stand in one spot and keep blocking, it'll happen. The criticals can be executed once any part of the armor gets broken by hitting horizontal + vertical + kick. You can avoid it by using the 8 way run and guard impact.

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It's a good addition, as turtling is cheap as fuck and means you suck.


Meh, you actually have to be really solid to play defensively and win. Otherwise you just lose slower. It takes a whole lot more knowledge of the game to win with defense than to just rush down. But anyway, the critical edges sound limited enough and hard enough to hit that they probably won't mess anything up too much.


It looks like the Jedis have a separate force meter to do moves that use the force. When they run out of that meter it starts taking from their health. Uh, how cute?



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The lame thing is, while PS3 owners have badass Darth Vader and his force push, we 360 owners are stuck with a neutered Yoda who has to use his force meter in order to propel himself into the air in order to be the slightest bit effective.

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Soul Calibur stopped being a respectable fighting game starting with 2. It's a game for people who can't play Tekken.

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Pretty much. But that's not a bad thing. It's good to have an "entry level" fighter, because getting into Tekken from nothing is really hard. SC2 did a great job with that. SC3 unfortunately was just kind of trash.

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I think that King of Fighters Maximum Impact (2) does a better job of fulfilling the promise of entry level fighter. I agree with you in principle, but somehow Soul Calibur just pisses me off.

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I totally forgot Yoda and Vader never fought each other in any of the Star Wars movies...


The Soul Edge opening is amazing still. Love the BG music as well. Any idea where I could get a d/l?


Here you go

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I totally forgot Yoda and Vader never fought each other in any of the Star Wars movies...


The Soul Edge opening is amazing still. Love the BG music as well. Any idea where I could get a d/l?


Here you go


Awesome. Thanks a lot! :headbang:

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apparently, from reading the newest issue of EGM..the un-named apprentice you play in Star Wars: Force Unleashed will be a playable character in the new Soul Calibur.

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Except for the apprentice, the guest characters are just "reskinned" versions of normal characters. (wa wa wa)


So says Shane from 1up.

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Also in the same EGM, The PS3 verison might have Kratos from God of War.

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Excuse me, are you saying guest characters as in Yoda?


Yoda's a reskin??


No, Yoda is definitely his own guy (so's Vader), in fact, they have unique gameplay mechanics related to the Force.

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It's a good addition, as turtling is cheap as fuck and means you suck.



You already have tools to break turtles: lows and throws. This new feature is stupid. This whole game looks pretty stupid.


I don't have the reflexes or mental skill to play Tekken well and I still would rather play it. SC IV needs to hurry up and come out so Namco's real game can be released.


I'm interested in the online play. Supposedly T5DR was their beta test and this will be their next try before T6. It better have improved because DR's was horrible. Unless you enjoy playing the worst bryans on earth throwing out snake edge.


The Soul Blade intro song is awesome. Recently I was playing Ninja Gaiden II and during the slow mo 100 ninjas stairs part I put on that song. It was the greatest thing ever.

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"Guest Characters" I believe is all the ones made by the various anime/manga character designers. It's from 1up's Shane so of course he doesn't give very detailed or useful information about it.


The Soul Blade intro song is awesome. Recently I was playing Ninja Gaiden II and during the slow mo 100 ninjas stairs part I put on that song. It was the greatest thing ever.


To Shine!


We all need

to shine on

to see

How far

we've come on our journey

Hoooow faaaa-aa-aaar YET to go

searchin' for our



deep in the night

I pray in my heart

for that special light

to shower me with love

to shower me with power

to shine from abooo-oo-ooove

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It's terrible, sigh. So boring...


Namco's intros have declined so much since the PS1 days. :(

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1up's review is up and it reminds me again why I hate fighting game reviews. "Why doesn't Yoda calmly drop an X-wing on your head with his throw move?". Yeah.

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Some of those are moderately neat. I liked Yoshi's, it was cute.


That video definitely reminded me why the first thing I do when I buy a new Soul game is change the voices to Japanese. Yikes, so bad.

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After playing SC4 for the past couple of days, as a non-fighting fan...its a game that I wouldn't mind spending money on.


Create-a-Fighter is fucking top notch. Choose a weapon style.. a sex then an alignment and the game whips up a quick model for your character that you can edit to your heart's content. You can either use a universal color scheme or you can edit each part of what you put on your character.


The "critical finish" isn't as easy to pull off as everyone thinks it is. Basically.. if you keep blocking thru-out the round and don't do much offense your soul gauge begins to glow until finally your body will emit this dark red aura for a split second. If during that time your opponent can hit LB (I'd assume L1 on ps3)...you perform the critical finish.


Fighting is pretty fluid and the detail on some of the stages is just amazing.


Oh, and beating your opponent to near nakedness is pretty bad-ass.

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Most big titles that are street-dated arrive in store a good week or so early..to make sure we have them for a midnight release or the early morning rush.


Where I work, someone took a copy of the game home and simply took his system offline to play.

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I picked this up. This is WAYYYYY different from what I remember. This game isn't aping Tekken, methinks.

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I picked this up. This is WAYYYYY different from what I remember. This game isn't aping Tekken, methinks.


How different is it? I remember it being a fairly fun fighting game with swords and some pretty cool combos.

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I picked this up. This is WAYYYYY different from what I remember. This game isn't aping Tekken, methinks.


How different is it? I remember it being a fairly fun fighting game with swords and some pretty cool combos.


Pace is slower.

Fewer juggle opportunities than I recall.


Throws actually able to interrupt hit frames (Maybe this isn't new, but man, I haven't played a 3D fighting game that allows this in a while)

Fewer moves per character, and more emphasis on the 8-way run.

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