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Mississippi doesnt want restaurants serving fat people

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Proposed Bill




The costs of enforcement will make it impossible. A person would have to get their weight and height measured every time they enter a restaurant and someone would have to decypher the BMI chart to figure out whether or not the person is fat or not. And in the end it really amounts to descrimination based on a medical condition which would never fly anyway.


Mississippi is the fatest state in the country with about a 30% obesity rate.

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this just screams discrimination... I mean you cannot turn down someone at a restaurant for the sole fact that they are fat, that is just totally wrong and the state legislature should be shot for putting this through

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Guest Vitamin X

I like this idea. It did say "certain food establishments".. I'm guessing fast food?

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How about educating people on healthy diet choices instead of trying to pass a law that will be impossible to enforce?


I'm sorry, but the diets of some of those people down there are total garbage (and I'm from Wisconsin where we're not exactly known for being lean and healthy, either). Your body can only take so much fried junk before it quits on you.

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As somebody who registers on the BMI chart as "obese," I'd say this is ridiculous. I'm 5'10" and 235, but I don't look it. So if they weighed me, measured me, and checked the BMI? I'd be rejected, and I'd be pissed off. Discriminatory. Like others have said, why not just teach people to change their fucking diets?

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BMI charts are bullshit. They don't even take into account the fact that muscle weighs more than fat, but takes up less space.


As for teaching people about healthy diets.. I agree.. but, it's getting them to LISTEN in the first place.

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Right. A lot of it, frankly, is cultural. Speaking in broad and general terms, people in the Deep South tend to eat a lot of chicken, beef, fish, etc. Most of it fried and served in huge portions, along with food rich in carbs (potatos, etc.) I don't believe the government should force people to change, but maybe improving education down there would be a good step.

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I heard someone claim that this is the same as forcing Smokers out of restaurants, but they were shot down with "smoking harms others, you being fat only hurts yourself"..I was expecting a childish "Not if I sit on you" reply.



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It's quite different even past that though. Smokers aren't forced OUT of restaurants.. they can still eat there, they just can't smoke there. I always get a kick out of their whining.. like it's so difficult to step outside to smoke a cig.

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That's not really the argument, though. Even if I'm outside I can't smoke wherever I want. I'm not talking crowded public place or in a school, I'm talking about some towns that don't allow public smoking at all. Or public events where the smoking section is approximately the size of a small Port-O-Potty. It's annoying to not be able to sit down and smoke when I'm not harming anybody if I'm at a concert, but yet people can run around all drunk out of their skulls. I've had my cigarettes confiscated from me - an unopen pack, mind you - at a venue because they don't allow smoking inside, yet I get in and there's a smoking section. It's bullshit, but yeah: it's a minor inconvenience. Doesn't mean it's not an inconvenience, though.

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Right. A lot of it, frankly, is cultural. Speaking in broad and general terms, people in the Deep South tend to eat a lot of chicken, beef, fish, etc. Most of it fried and served in huge portions, along with food rich in carbs (potatos, etc.) I don't believe the government should force people to change, but maybe improving education down there would be a good step.


And the fact that Fast food is a lot cheaper.

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I guess I feel like if you really need to smoke while you're inside a restaurant, which takes up what? An hour or two at most?...Then you probably have a bigger problem than you're willing to admit, so you're not going to be rational about the issue anyway.


As far as the obesity issue, I don't know if I buy that fast food is that much cheaper. Yeah, if you are comparing to organic food stores, it's cheaper. The average grocery store has plenty of low cost options that are perfectly healthy for you. As easy to prepare? No. Part of it is laziness, lack of good parenting, etc.

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Right. A lot of it, frankly, is cultural. Speaking in broad and general terms, people in the Deep South tend to eat a lot of chicken, beef, fish, etc. Most of it fried and served in huge portions, along with food rich in carbs (potatos, etc.) I don't believe the government should force people to change, but maybe improving education down there would be a good step.


And the fact that Fast food is a lot cheaper.


Also - If people are going to use that excuse, then they can just get their fast food at places like Subway. They have quite a few selections that are perfectly healthy for you and are low cost. The turkey breast is under $5 for crying out loud.

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Guest Vitamin X

On that note, what's the deal with people eating foot-long subs all the time at Subway? The 6-inch is, and quite frankly has always been, enough to feed my appetite and it's easy on the wallet. I didn't realize people NEEDED to order the foot-long all the time until I started eating there with friends.


Note to American fat people: You don't have to stuff yourself until you can't eat anymore in order to satisfy your hunger. Yeesh.

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On that note, what's the deal with people eating foot-long subs all the time at Subway? The 6-inch is, and quite frankly has always been, enough to feed my appetite and it's easy on the wallet. I didn't realize people NEEDED to order the foot-long all the time until I started eating there with friends.


Note to American fat people: You don't have to stuff yourself until you can't eat anymore in order to satisfy your hunger. Yeesh.

I can't speak for anybody else, but I tend to order the footlong around lunchtime because then I have something healthy and sensible I can eat at night when I get hungry. Eating it in one sitting is probably pushing it, but I've been known to do it if I'm hungry enough.

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I am in full-agreement on the multiple-meal front. I got a 12-inch sub today, and I made it a point to have some of it for lunch, and some of it as a snack later on.

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I could eat two footlongs in one sitting. I don't. But one is not a stretch for me, and I'm not fat. Some people just eat more.


As far as telling restaurants not to serve fat people, I'd see it as preventative. If you're a fat person, you probably don't want to go to a restaurant and get turned away. It would be humiliating. So you just wouldn't go.

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Guest Vitamin X

Back in the day (by which I mean about a year and a half ago), I could eat two footlongs of the Chipotle Philly Cheesesteak one as well. Of course, that was just stuffing myself. I definitely see the reason for going for two meals in one, though. Smart idea.

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Like the rest, if I were ever to get a 12-inch these days, it'd be to eat half right then and then the other half for dinner or something. Though, I usually only get the 6-inch.

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I'm a skinny fuck and I get the footlongs and eat them in one sitting.

Yeah me too.

Though it depends I guess on how many vegetables you load it up with. Some subs I like really plain with just the main toppings, and those I can do a whole footlong. But if I load it up with most of the vegetables then yeah a 6 inch will do.

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is it wrong that a discussion about men taking a footlong or 6 inch or 12 inch in one sitting is making me chuckle like an 8th grader?

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Make sure you eat that second half in the same day though. Nothing is worse than a soggy cold cut sandwich that's been sitting in the fridge overnight.

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Saw this today:


Obese people dont cost the healthcare system as much as previously thought


Basically because..fat people die faster. A relatively healthy person will suck up more healthcare costs over their longer lifetime than a fat person in their shorter lifetime.


So I guess, if everyone suddenly loses weight, healthcare costs will be even higher?

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Guest Vitamin X

Well, my planned killing rampage through the South just sounds like a better idea with every passing day!

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Guest Tzar Lysergic
Make sure you eat that second half in the same day though. Nothing is worse than a soggy cold cut sandwich that's been sitting in the fridge overnight.


Congealed tuna helper.

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