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Big Ol' Smitty

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The government helped generate economic growth and industrial development by improving roads and implementing other policies that benefited wealthy manufacturers and merchants.


Having achieved political power and doubled the electorate, the Orleanists defiantly slammed the drawbridge shut behind them. Benjamin Constant called Louis-Phillipe's constitutional monarchy "our last ark of safety" against revolution.


A History of Modern Europe Volume Two: From the French Revolution to the Present, John Merriman

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Spotswood Poles was a small, swift player who began with the Philadelphia Giants in 1909 at the age of 19. He would go on to roam the Lincoln Giants' center field for the next ten years. Teammate Sam Streeter claimed that Poles could outrun "Cool Papa" Bell, regarded as the fastest player ever on the Negro leagues base paths.


Shades of Glory, Lawrence Hogan

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Guest Smues

Each year the Oakland A's seemed more the financial underdog and each year they won more games. Maybe they were just lucky. Or maybe they knew something other people didn't.

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Each year the Oakland A's seemed more the financial underdog and each year they won more games. Maybe they were just lucky. Or maybe they knew something other people didn't.



Smues reached for the nearest book and ended up in the year 2003.

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Like I had the last time I was in Japan, I propped up my perfumed Pink Panther on the dresser and wrote long, sappy letters home.


I became Tom's drinking buddy, often protecting him from himself. Without me around he grew lonely, dangerous and occasionally cruel.

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A perpetuity pays 1 at the end of every year plus an additional 1 at the end of every second year.


The present value of the perpetuity is K for i > 0.


Determine K.

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Each year the Oakland A's seemed more the financial underdog and each year they won more games. Maybe they were just lucky. Or maybe they knew something other people didn't.



Smues reached for the nearest book and ended up in the year 2003.




A History of Modern Europe Volume Two: From the French Revolution to the Present, John Merriman


I have this book! I got a B in the class.


As for my book:


But a teacher such as that--what should we call him? A teacher certainly can evaluate the learner with respect to whether or not he is making progress, but he cannot pass judgment on him, for he must be Socratic enough to perceive that he cannot give the judge. Even when the learner has most fully put on the condition and then, by doing so, has become immersed in the truth, he still can never forget that teacher or allow him to disappear Socratically, which is still far more profound than all unseasonable punctiliousness and deluded fanaticism--indeed, it is the highest if that other is not truth.


The Essential Kierkegaard edited by Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong.


In other words, the course you don't want to take.

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dominate - v. - rule, manage, control, dictate to, subject, subjugate, tyranize, have one's own way, have influence over, domineer, bully, walk all over, boss, keep under one's thumb; see also GOVERN.


This doesn't really work for thesauruses.

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Guest Smues
Each year the Oakland A's seemed more the financial underdog and each year they won more games. Maybe they were just lucky. Or maybe they knew something other people didn't.



Smues reached for the nearest book and ended up in the year 2003.

Well it was that or the 2008 master tax guide, and

"A taxpayer must furnish more than one-half of the total support provided for a "qualifying relative" dependent during the calender year before claiming an exemption for that individual (but see the special rule for children of divorced parents at 139) (Reg. 1.152-1). If more than half of the support is provided by two or more people, the dependency exemption is not necessarily lost. A person can be treated, for purposes of the exemption, as having provided more than half of an individual's support if: (1) no one person provided over half of the support; (2) over half of the support was received from persons who each would have been entitled to claim the exemption had they contributed more than half of the support; (3) over 10 percent of the support was provided by the person claiming the exemption; and (4) each person who contributed more than 10 percent of the support signs a written declaration (Form 2120, Multiple Support Declaration) stating that they will not claim the exemption"

just wasn't as exciting

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Now, combine the two queries by turning the first (the one that returned the order numbers) into a subquery. Look at the following SELECT statement:


SELECT cust_id

FROM orders

WHERE order_num IN (SELECT order_num FROM orderitems WHERE prod_id = 'TNT2');

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They still had to hear from Jeremy Ball, the home editor, who was obliged to raise his voice; a ten-year-old boy was going on trial today accused of murder, the Lakeland rapist had struck for a second time in a week and a man had been arrested last night, and there was an oil spill off the coast of Cornwall. But no one was really interested for there was only one subject that would quieten this crowd, and finally Ball obliged: a letter to the Church Times from a bishop attacking the Judge over the Garmony affair ought to be dealt with in today's leader; a meeting of the government's back-bench committee this afternoon should be covered; a brick had been thrown through the window of Garmony's constituency headquarters in Wiltshire. Ragged applause followed this news, and then silence as Grant McDonald, Vernon's deputy, started in on his few words.



150 words! Calm down, Ian McEwan.

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I know Israel is a terrible country, but after all, there are countries even more terrible. There are so many terrible countries--why is this country the most terrible? Why don't you read on Norwegian walls, 'Down with Russia,' 'Down with Chile,' 'Down with Libya'?

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One was kicked out of a pastry shop the other day. That's the sort of fellows they are, those writers, those literary gents, those students, those messengers of doom... Pah!

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Using these has nearly the same effect as single quotes, but some special characters are still interpreted by the shell rather than being used literally. When you use single quotes, everything between them is interpreted literally; when you use double-quotes, everything between them is interpreted literally except the following:

-$ Used to signal the start of a variable

-` Used to signal the start of a command substitution

-\$ Used to output a $ character

-\` Used to output a ` character

-\" Used to output a " character

-\\ Used to output a \ charcter


So, for example, some parts of the following command are interpreted as special characters, and some parts are interpreted literally, as shown by the output:




I guess those count as sentences, even though there's only really 2 periods in there.

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That Castor is never mentioned in the same breath without Pollux, while hardly anyone associates Helen of Troy with Queen Clytemnestra of Greek tragedy fame, is terrifically telling when it comes to the respective natures of Gemini man and Gemini woman. The myth of Castor and Pollux is a story of struggle between mortality and immortality, and of the need to strike a bargain so that these inseparable brothers might remain together - all of which is mirrored in the Twins guy's psyche. When it comes to these twin girls, it is their division from one another, and indeed their diametrically opposed natures, that speak to the Gemini woman's condition.

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He'd been daft not to see the possibilities in it before. Their own place. He could watch videos all evening.


--Probably the least interesting three sentences in Ivine Welsh's The Acid House

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In most instances, of course, libel suits against the mass media result form statements that were actually published or broadcast; proving the dissemination element is not difficult in those cases. It should be reiterated that everyone who furthers the dissemination of a libel can be sued. Even though the defamation first appeared in a letter to the editor, in public speech, or even in a wire service dispatch, with few exceptions every publisher or broadcaster who further disseminates it can be sued (as can the originator of the libel or slander).


Major Principles of Media Law 2008 Edition

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Furthermore-let's assume by some stroke of luck (what an expression) we end up hooking up with Shinji, or it's just the two of us, and we somehow manage to escape, we would be considered fugitives. Unless we emigrate somewhere, we'll spend the rest of our lives as fugitives. And then one day we'll end up being assassinated by a government agent in some abandoned alley, leaving our bodies for the fat mice that come out and nibble at our fingers.


Battle Royale - Koushun Takami

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Keeling v. Board of Zoning Appeals of City of Indianapolis, 1946, 69 N.E.2d 613, 117 Ind.App. 314; Board of Zoning Appeals of City of Indianapolis v. Waintrup, 1935 193 N.E. 701, 99 Ind.App. 576.


Provisions of zoning ordinance authorizing board of zoning appeals of city to grant variances "where there are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships" or "in general keeping" with uses "existing in neighboring property such as will not be contrary to public interest" blah blah blah...


I give up already....


It's from the 2003 Edition of the Indiana Planning and Zoning Law handbook (annotated).

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And of course I remember the way we, the students, with all of our jealousies and antipathies and deformities would be—beauty and boob, sexpot and grind—crushed together like flowers pressed to yield to the black sky a concentrated homage, an incense, of cosmetics, cigarette smoke, warmed wool, hot dogs, and the tang, both animal and metallic, of clean hair. In a hoarse olfactory shout, these odors ascended. A dense haze gathered along the ceiling of brightness at the upper limit of the arc lights, whose glare blotted out the stars and made the sky seem romantically void and intimately near, like the death that now and then stooped and plucked one of us out of a crumpled automobile.


"In Football Season," by John Updike, from The Early Stories: 1953-1975

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"Phew." Lavaeolus leaned against a hull, took off his helmet, and wiped his forehead. "That's a load off my mind, I'll tell you. I was afraid the gods might have a grudge against me."


Faust Eric by Terry Pratchett

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At one point, according to several people in the newsroom, Boyd walked by the Times's metro desk holding one of Blair's front-page exclusives. "See?" Boyd said. "At least national knows how to get good work out of this guy."


Hard News, Seth Mnookin.

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"Bad call!" the stripper adds in a sultry voice. There's only one problem: Arcuri had already proven that the phone sex allegation wasn't true. His coworker had used his hotel room phone and indadvertently dialed a 1-800 prefix instead of a 212 prefix when trying to reach the state's Department of Criminal Justice Services.


Glenn Beck's "An Inconvenient Book" in the Chapter on Political Games, specifically about Micheal Arcuri, a Democrat running for NY's 24th Congressional District and the ads run by the Republican Rey Meier against him featuring a strippers voice linking him to calling phone sex lines on the government's dime.

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So wrong.

"Okay? Now the numb-fuck apprentices have the guns and the master's unarmed, can we please go? If something big comes out of the bush at us, Roland, you can always throw your knife at it."


Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands

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