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Best Cheap Games ($20 and under)

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I seem to recall us having a cheap gaming thread but perhaps I missed it? Anyways I think we need a thread with cheap games ($20 and under) for people who are looking for something new to play but don't have the cash. Granted these games probably aren't going to be the newest or have the fanciest graphics (unless it wasn't well received by the gaming public. Doesn't mean it's a bad game necessarily but it could) so these will be a couple years old, independent or just on sale.


A good place to get cames on the cheap is Steam (http://www.steampowered.com) and I use it for quite a bit of downloads as they can have some good sales besides the budget isle of your local Best Buy, etc when it comes to PC games.


Anyways some that I enjoy:




Audiosurf ($9.95) - Music game where you collect blocks as you travel the rhythm and such of the song (can be any MP3, MP4, WMA, Ogg and a few other formats). Can be picked up via Steam or www.audio-surf.com. Fun time waster.


Ghost Master ($4.95) - Fun action/strategy/RPG game. CHEAP. http://steampowered.com/v/index.php?area=g...=6200&cc=US


Earth 2160 ($4.95) - Decent RTS based on the Earth series. Sci-Fi obviously. http://steampowered.com/v/index.php?area=g...=1900&cc=US


Railroad Tycoon II Platinum ($4.95) - You build railroads. It's fairly fun if you enjoy SimCity and the like. http://steampowered.com/v/index.php?area=g...=7620&cc=US


Day of Defeat: Source ($9.95) - Great WWII Counter Strike game. Lots of mods and is fun to play. http://steampowered.com/v/index.php?area=g...d=300&cc=US


Space Empires IV Deluxe ($9.95) - Fun in Space RTS. Multiplayer + Mods


I'll come back with some console ones and other PC ones when I can think of them.



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I always preferred any of the Roller Coaster Tycoon games. They were fun and it was nice building an empire of kick ass rides. Plus that game helped me on my phyiscs assignment in highschool.

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