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Red Baron


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Dear god.


I'm staying away from Absinthe...that stuff fucks you up.



Kill anyone?

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Dear god.


I'm staying away from Absinthe...that stuff fucks you up.



Kill anyone?


Honestly...I don't remember. I woke up with a wicked hangover.


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Guest Beastalentier
Dear god.


I'm staying away from Absinthe...that stuff fucks you up.



Kill anyone?


Honestly...I don't remember.

You're absinthe-minded.

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So for those that have tried this much hyped green alcohol tell me what did you think? Where did you get it? Has anyone tried the U.S. versions like Lucid? What did you do and what did you feel? What other types of alcohol did you drink with(before and after..not mixed) it? What foods? Those last two are super important.


I'm planning a series of absinthe parties and I am getting donations from various friends to get all the necessary stuff so I hope I get some good feedback here from all of you world traveling folks.

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Unless you got the bottle from Europe itself, its not true absinthe. It does leave you with a wicked hangover and you might not know what happened last night.

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I like it. I've had it both at parties locally, and when I was in Berlin. It's never gotten me really drunk/ I've always had it when I've drank something else. I do like the liquorice taste though.

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Over rated as hell. However, I don't know what I had. It was somebody elses, I didn't really ask. I was taking soma at the time, but that was all.

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I agree, besides you get people talking about what spoons they are using and the design. Purists to absinthe are snobs, like wine people also.

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In most of Europe, IIRC, that isn't even the legit stuff. It's banned in most countries, etc, etc.


I had the purest of the pure (according to everyone I was with and the establishments that served it to me) when I was over in the Czech Republic (Prague) about five years ago. Took four shots in about an hour period and I was definately feeling something, albeit not a typical "drunk." Took a walk outside after leaving the one club with the fourth shot in me, and I was getting a pseudo-psychedelic effect at the time, but it wasn't anything overtly "trippy." Made me feel like I was just really stoned to the max in a sense, but yet I didn't have the scatteredness in the brain that one would have from, say, smoking a massive amount of pot. But yeah, the next day I felt like absolute shit. I purposefully didn't drink anything but the shots that night, because I heard the hype about it and wanted to see what it was all about.


I don't know what else to say about it really other than it tastes really REALLY bitter and harsh, even with the sugarcube dissolved in it. It was suggested to mix it with tonic or something water-esque to that effect, but we just took straight shots of it, and none of them particularly went down smooth. There is so many variations of it, though, that if you don't want the full effect, I'm sure it's around to accomodate. I'm sure the U.S. versions are an absolute joke in itself.

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I've read that you should dissolve the absinthe with a sugar cube and water..purists would call that some type of a ritual but to me it just sounds like a way to hide the taste...

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It can be bought in America now but I think the ingredients have been modified so it is kind of like....what's the point?

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My understanding is that "real absinthe" was moonshine/ illegal booze & hence why it was so strong/ notorious. All these store bottles aren't "real absinthe" as it's legally processed & tested etc. It just has the old absinthe taste & a high alcohol content. It just won't cause blindness like the old stuff

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Guest Tzar Lysergic

I've thought about attempting to make absinthe before, but the botanicals seemed like they might be a little complicated. I also have always been very skeptical of its hallucinatory properties. The high of the day when absinthe is romanticized was more the dopey downer opium kind of buzz. Heroin, opium, morphine. I don't think people really wanted to trip back then. The world sucked and people wanted an escape, not an intense interaction.

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