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Also he didn't really call him out, he was pretty respectful and said that's a fighter he'd want to face. With Diaz vs Alvarez being rumored for the vacant EliteXC LW belt that pretty much puts the kibosh on Eddie/Hansen II so Thomson may very well get his wish. Pretty even fight but I'd give Hansen the advantage on the ground and Thomson a slight advantage (if that) standing.

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Also he didn't really call him out, he was pretty respectful and said that's a fighter he'd want to face. With Diaz vs Alvarez being rumored for the vacant EliteXC LW title, that pretty much puts the kibosh on Eddie/Hansen II so Thomson may very well get his wish. Pretty even fight but I'd give Hansen the advantage on the ground and Thomson a slight advantage (if that) standing.

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What happens in the sitaution of a no contest? Get your money back?


Hey did anybody else see Kimbo punch David Blaine in the stomach last night at full power... TWICE. Blain just stood there and took it without even flinching. I'm pretty sure it wasn't a magic trick and that David Blaine is just some kind of supernatural freak.

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What happens in the sitaution of a no contest? Get your money back?


Hey did anybody else see Kimbo punch David Blaine in the stomach last night at full power... TWICE. Blain just stood there and took it without even flinching. I'm pretty sure it wasn't a magic trick and that David Blaine is just some kind of supernatural freak.


He should let Ernesto Hoost hit him in the body

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What happens in the sitaution of a no contest? Get your money back?


Hey did anybody else see Kimbo punch David Blaine in the stomach last night at full power... TWICE. Blain just stood there and took it without even flinching. I'm pretty sure it wasn't a magic trick and that David Blaine is just some kind of supernatural freak.


He should let Ernesto Hoost hit him in the body


How about Mike Tyson punch him in the body?

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What happens in the sitaution of a no contest? Get your money back?


Hey did anybody else see Kimbo punch David Blaine in the stomach last night at full power... TWICE. Blain just stood there and took it without even flinching. I'm pretty sure it wasn't a magic trick and that David Blaine is just some kind of supernatural freak.


Yeah no action = money back

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I slave all day and I get nothing but repitition from you ungrateful slobs. All I ask is that when I come home from work my threads are in order and apparently that's too much to ask.


Seriously though, yeah that's a very nice fight. A lot of people (myself included) picked Tavares over Wiman and he pulled out the upset but sad as it is to say I'm betting against him again because he doesn't posses the takedown-d to stop Frankie from putting him on his back.

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Man, Kimbo Slice on PTI today was awwwkwaaard. I love Tony Kornheiser but he's probably the last guy in the world I want interviewing MMA fighters.

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Unrelated but there's rumblings around other boards that the Army still hasn't cleared the UFC event at Fort Bragg but there's an off-base location being held as a backup. Still, Dana would look like quite the fool if he couldn't clear it after announcing shit on live television.

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In what has to be one of the biggest letdowns EVER Phil Baroni somehow managed to take Olaf Alfonso to a goddamn decision. Okay, not ever but still, if there was ever a fight that had "Hospitalized due to brutal KO" written all over it this was one of them.

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YOU'RE flaming. *high five*


Anyways, I'll probably throw up the one about how me and my brother were worried the bar was going to get fire-bombed by bikers sometime tonight.

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K-1 Eliminations Results:


Ruslan Karaev over Challid Arrab (TKO, Round 2)

Jerome Le Banner over Junichi Sawayashiki (Unanimous Decision)

Gokhan Saki over Ray Sefo (Unanimous Decision, Extra Round)

Errol Zimmerman over Glaube Feitosa (Unanimous Decision)

Remy Bonjasky over Paul Slowinski (Majority Decision)

Ewerton Texeira over Musashi (Unanimous Decision)

Badr Hari over Hong Man-Choi (TKO, Round 3; extra round was called for but HMC's corner threw in the towel)

Peter Aerts over Semmy Schilt (Majority Decision)


Finals Match Ups:


A Block:

Aerts vs. Hari

Texeira vs. Zimmerman


B Block:

Bonjasky vs. Le Banner

Saki vs. Karaev


I watched the first two and the last two and fell asleep in between :D


Hari was delivering some hard body punches and kicks towards the end of round three, causing some serious welts on Choi's side. Don't know whether this caused the corner to throw in the towel or not, but it wouldn't surprise me if that was the case. Choi actually knocked Hari down in the second, but since Hari won the first and third rounds (at least according to the two who scored it a draw) it allowed him to break even.


Aerts did what he needed to do against Sem: Be aggressive and beat him to the punch. Sem wasn't able to utilize his front kick, jab, or knee (his three biggest weapons), and only connected with a couple stiff jabs and a decent knee. Aerts was moving forward the entire fight, getting inside Sem's defense before any attacks could be thrown. I could understand the draw called by one judge since Sem landed the harder shots, but they were few and far between, while Peter connected on a few of his own and was much more active and offensive minded. Fight wasn't a pretty one, but Aerts fought smart and now a new champ will be crowned for the first time in four years.


If I were you guys, I would actually try to catch the finals since it features a good mix of new blood and hungry vets with, get this, NO "FREAKS." As long as nobody gets hurt (keeping my fingers crossed) this could be the best grand prix in years.

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So the aforementioned night was just another one of those bad, "full moon" nights, so to speak. On nights like that, there's really no way to avoid the drama and fights that're going to happen, so all you can really do is prepare yourself for a long night of bullshit. Exacerbating the situation was that one of my brother's 1% biker friends was there with his then-girlfriend. The way my brother explained it to me was that by this guy coming to "his" club, my brother was basically responsible to make sure that nothing bad happened to this guy. And if something WERE to happen and he gets jumped: "Then (all of us bouncers) better end up just as fucked up as him, or else the rest of his chapter are going to come by and wonder why we didn't do more to protect him." So yeah, added pressure.


I remember there was alot of hostility in the air throughout the night, but things (luckily) didn't come to a head until shortly before closing, about 1:20 or so. As was the usual modus operandi on this kind of night, one fight would quickly start a chain reaction, as succeptable patrons tend to have two thoughts going at the time: "Hey, I want to fight, too!" and "Hey, all the bouncers are busy breaking that scrap up over there. Guess this is as good of a time as any." The next thing you know, you're running back and forth, inside and outside the club, from fucked up situation to fucked up situation.


Anyways, the fights were mostly bitch-on-bitch, meaning that while we ourselves weren't in as much danger of collateral damage, you have a somewhat hard-to-read gray area as far as how to handle a female intent on fighting to the death. In general, my personal strategy usually consisted of solely wrestling with them, which included figure-four'ing their arms and prying their fingers off of another girl's hair. By the end of scuffles like this, you can usually expect to find clumps of hair on the ground, purse contents spilled all across the floor, and a stray shoe, usually with some other girl's blood on it.


Anyways, after getting the fights largely settled, we turned the lights on a few minutes early and tried to quickly empty the club, which we did by and large. However, one last remaining group of girls decides to get into it, and with the bouncers now spread out due to needing to secure the parking lot, this one took a bit more effort to breakup. We manage to get things squared away, but as we try to get one of the girls to leave, my brother's wife and his biker friend's girlfriend are sitting together at a booth, laughing amongst themselves over something or another. The amped up bitch of course assumes they're having a laugh at her expense, so with a quick "FUCK YOU, BITCH!" and throwing of a cup of water at the two, things go from bad to worse.


I swear to God, the biker's girl seemed to leap out of her seat, over the table and pounce on this bitch like a fucking cheetah. As those two start wrestling around on the floor, my brother's wife grabs a beer bottle and fastballs it towards the ground, narrowly missing both girls' heads as it shatters into a thousand pieces. Those of us around quickly tried to break it up, showing a bit more aggression in trying to protect a couple of our own, so to speak. I backed off rather than make the clusterfuck anymore confusing and dangerous, but only had a moment to try and gather myself before I had a bad inkling and turned around. Charging at me from the front door was some skinny, Indian-looking dude who, in retrospect, looks ALOT like Papa CJ.




So the guy comes charging at me, and instinctually thinking he's going to double leg me (because so many guys on the street know how to shoot a proper double, right?), I began changing levels to either sprawl or take him down myself. However, the guy instead manages to headlock me and we fall to the ground in an awkward sort of dog fight position. As soon as we hit the floor, the guy immediately starts digging his fingers around my face, trying to find his way to my eyes. Within a second, I start feeling the unmistakable vibrations of blows landing. Now, far be it for me to have a bleeding heart for a guy who just tried to pop my eyes out of their sockets, but the sheer volume and power of the blows I could feel traveling through this guy's body left me feeling a little sorry for anyone on the receiving end. My brother is stomping the side of his head; his biker friend kicking his head with his boots; another bouncer is more or less stabbing him in the ribs with a MagLite; asssorted other bouncers are kicking whatever empty space they can find on his body. One of the girls begins screaming and sobbing "STOP IT! YOU'RE HURTING MY BROTHER!" and trying to get herself involved physically. Yet through of all of this, the guy maintains a fucking death grip on my head, his thinking likely being "Man, if I let this guy go, they're going to kill me." I eventually manage to roll out from under him as a DJ's cousin tries to grovit the guy, and me and another bouncer drag the guy out the front door. My brother grabs his sobbing sister and walks her to the door, shoves her out and launches an NFL-style drop kick to her ass, later claiming "I probably smashed her taint into a third hole." However, after an initial fall and shock, she regroups and tries to rush inside the club again, with my brother barely able to close the door in time.


By now, we're all thinking/hoping that the bullshit is now over, me and a few other begin checking ourselves for cuts caused by broken glass all across the floor, when my brother asks "Hey, where's (my friend)?" Almost on cue, we hear a commotion outside, and my brother begins holding his friend back as a DJ is being restrained by friends a few feet away. At this point, the biker yells out "YOU WANT TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU FUCK WITH A (club name)?!," at which point me and my brother both let out inner bitch-yelps, as throwing out the club's name means that he intends to turn this into something much more serious. Luckily, my brother calms his friend down and takes responsibility for not introducing him to every staff member, and assures him that the DJ had no clue who he was and was simply trying to calm everyone down. He then related to said DJ just how close he was to getting stabbed, which led to profuse apologizing to the biker. I later asked my brother if it was really necessary to scare the DJ that badly (almost to the point of tears), to which he responded "Really, I toned it down for him. If that situation had escalated anymore, he would've been back next week with the brothers and fire-bombed the club."


By that point, it was almost anti-climactic that a group of regulars tried to come in through the back gate shortly after the biker/DJ encounter, presumably to try and help the DJ. At that point my brother, fed up with the night in general and wanting to protect his friend from anymore drama, threw the table blocking the gate away, and started stalking the guys, who immediately recognized him and backed down. My brother doesn't like these guys anyway, and so threatened to stab them if they didn't bounce right away, advice they quickly took to heart.


So yeah, that was fun.

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