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Guys who you KNEW sucked

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As a kid I always knew Mongo McMichaels sucked, and always wondered why he was apart of the Horsemen...


I always knew Shawn Staisak/Meat sucked horribly.

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It may have been the gimmick. Meltz gave their Crockett Cup match against the Fantastics *****.


I remember as a kid, my pops use to tell me he remembered The Bushwhackers when he was in his teenage years from Stampede Wrestling(then known as the Kiwi's)... He said they were great heels and were a lot better wrestlers before they became mainstream.

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I was always a huge Nash mark.


Guys I always knew sucked when i was younger:



Barbarian, unless he was with Meng as the Faces of Fear against a good team, or doin a total squash.

Larry Zybisco - I never liked this guy.

Hillbilly Jim

Crush/Orange Crush/Bian Adams

Brutus Beefcake - the only time I liked him was as the Disciple. He didn't talk and just hit a decent stunner on mofuckers for Hogan sometimes.


Sgt. Slaughter - I'm the biggest G.I. Joe fan in the world, always have been, and I love Sarge as a Joe, but I never liked his matches except for when he was doin' his Iraqi heel stuff.

Jim Duggan - He'd suprise me every once in a while, but even his WCW Satuday Night 2 minute squashes were boring most of the time.

Virgil - Except for when he finally turned on Dibiase. I still love that entire angle.

Glacier - I was fucking HYPED for his debut, then after the light show, it was all down hill. Except for when he went heel and was oblivious to the fans hating him, then realising and being a major prick all the time.

King Kong Bundy and pretty much any of the dudes that were just there because they were big fat dudes.


The Bushwackers and The Nasty Boys most of the time.


Kevin Green

Jim Niedhart most of the time, especially as a singles wrestler.



I did buy into the whole "WCW and WWF are the absolute best, no matter what" mantra as well, Kamala.


If you weren't in one of the big 2 companies, then to me you didn't matter. Unless it was older dudes my ex-stepdad would introduce me to on old SMW and NWA reruns and shit.

Wait, what? I always thought that Barbarian was one of the better big men of the late 80s... you thought he sucked? :huh:

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I was always a huge Nash mark.


Guys I always knew sucked when i was younger:



Barbarian, unless he was with Meng as the Faces of Fear against a good team, or doin a total squash.

Larry Zybisco - I never liked this guy.

Hillbilly Jim

Crush/Orange Crush/Bian Adams

Brutus Beefcake - the only time I liked him was as the Disciple. He didn't talk and just hit a decent stunner on mofuckers for Hogan sometimes.


Sgt. Slaughter - I'm the biggest G.I. Joe fan in the world, always have been, and I love Sarge as a Joe, but I never liked his matches except for when he was doin' his Iraqi heel stuff.

Jim Duggan - He'd suprise me every once in a while, but even his WCW Satuday Night 2 minute squashes were boring most of the time.

Virgil - Except for when he finally turned on Dibiase. I still love that entire angle.

Glacier - I was fucking HYPED for his debut, then after the light show, it was all down hill. Except for when he went heel and was oblivious to the fans hating him, then realising and being a major prick all the time.

King Kong Bundy and pretty much any of the dudes that were just there because they were big fat dudes.


The Bushwackers and The Nasty Boys most of the time.


Kevin Green

Jim Niedhart most of the time, especially as a singles wrestler.



I did buy into the whole "WCW and WWF are the absolute best, no matter what" mantra as well, Kamala.


If you weren't in one of the big 2 companies, then to me you didn't matter. Unless it was older dudes my ex-stepdad would introduce me to on old SMW and NWA reruns and shit.

Wait, what? I always thought that Barbarian was one of the better big men of the late 80s... you thought he sucked? :huh:


I always liked the Barbarian too. Duggan and the Sheepherders had some good matches and brawls especially in Watts mid-south territory. The Nasty Boys in the early 90s had good brawls in WCW. WWF runs of guys like Duggan, Bushwhackers, Skinner/Steve Keirn, others, ruined them in the eyes of a lot of fans.


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WWF runs of guys like Duggan, Bushwhackers, Skinner/Steve Keirn, others, ruined them in the eyes of a lot of fans.


I think that runs that some of the talents had during and withing the vicinity of the boom period in WCW hurt guys like Duggan, the Nastys, etc. even more. But, then again, I missed out out their reported "heydays" so its all subjective.

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I like all of those old time guys like Duggan, DiBiase, Slaughter etc. The fact that people still talk about them speaks volumes for them. I personally always hated Scotty Too Hotty. One thing in wrestling that I can't stand are all these gimmicky ground attacks. You have The Peoples Elbow, The Worm, The 5 Knuckle Shuffle, the Road Dogg knee drop thing and now Kofi Kingston has one..ugh.

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I like all of those old time guys like Duggan, DiBiase, Slaughter etc. The fact that people still talk about them speaks volumes for them. I personally always hated Scotty Too Hotty. One thing in wrestling that I can't stand are all these gimmicky ground attacks. You have The Peoples Elbow, The Worm, The 5 Knuckle Shuffle, the Road Dogg knee drop thing and now Kofi Kingston has one..ugh.


Truth is though.. those talents got those simple moves over.


Every time I hear someone knock The Rock and say he wasn't a great worker, I point to the fact he made a simple elbow drop the most anticipated move of the match. It takes skill and talent to be able to do that.

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There were a lot of wrestlers who I knew were terrible when I was a kid. Here's a short list.



  • Sgt. Craig Pittman
  • Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker
  • Cobra
  • The Red Rooster
  • Honkytonk Man
  • Andre the Giant



I see Brutus Beefcake popping up a lot here. I loved Brutus as a kid. Looking back on his career, he was much better before he adopted the Barber gimmick, although his promo did improve as time went by. He was a good heel, though.


Andre was a scary guy. But, by the time of WrestleMania 6 I had figured out that if you employed a "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee" strategy against him, you could beat him easily.


I thought that Rick Rude and Ted Dibease were terrible as well. I thought that it would be impossible for Rude to beat the Warrior at Mania 5. I switched the channel when Dibease was on. But, I have since changed my mind about both men and appreciate there work. They were definately two of the best. Rude was awesome in WCW.

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I always disliked all the members of the DOA (though I liked Chainz, AKA Brian Lee, the most, and Crush/Brian Adams the least), hated Los Boricuas, and thought that the only halfway decent people in the Nation were Rock and D'Lo (I'm not counting the month or two that Owen was in there).


Never cared for Glacier or Ernest Miller (but I loved Glacier's entrance, and Miller's "somebody call my momma" routine was entertaining, as was when he was WCW commish in late '00), and I always thought that Hugh Morrus could have been a better character for somebody more talented.

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I always knew Mideon sucked. And the other two members of Kientia.



Mideon..God, what memories. Did he win ANY matches, ever? Wasn't he in Southern Justice/The Godwins? What happened to the other guy?


I always thought Andre was pure shit in the ring, ditto to the Godfather, Skinner, and the ex-con wrestler who wrestled in a bright orange jumpsuit.

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I always thought Andre was pure shit in the ring, ditto to the Godfather, Skinner, and the ex-con wrestler who wrestled in a bright orange jumpsuit.


I'm going to guess that you have only seen Andre's last WWF run, when he was working though the excruciating pain that comes with latter years of acromegaly. The reality was that Andre was a very talented worker, who, in his younger years, could move quick, throw dropkicks, the whole nine. Andre was anything but pure shit.


The Godfather got by okay, and his character and mannerisms more than made up for his shortcomings in the ring. Not a bad worker by any means.


Steve Keirn was very good. Even when he was saddled with the Skinner gimmick he could still work a fine match


Oh, and Nailz. Never saw any of his work outside of the character, so I have no idea if he was that bad or if WWF wanted him to work that specific style.

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I always disliked all the members of the DOA (though I liked Chainz, AKA Brian Lee, the most, and Crush/Brian Adams the least), hated Los Boricuas, and thought that the only halfway decent people in the Nation were Rock and D'Lo (I'm not counting the month or two that Owen was in there).


Never cared for Glacier or Ernest Miller (but I loved Glacier's entrance, and Miller's "somebody call my momma" routine was entertaining, as was when he was WCW commish in late '00), and I always thought that Hugh Morrus could have been a better character for somebody more talented.


Actually I think DeMott got the Hugh Morris gimmick over better than anyone else really could. I think he was horribly underrated as a character and he was a good serviceable mid-card heel.


And calling Andre a bad worker? Factoring the era he worked in, and like Mellow said his endless pain you can't make that call. Andre was awesome.

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Bastion Booger. The guy could barely move around the ring, let alone perform simple moves. In other words, he represented the early 90's suck of The WWF.

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Bastion Booger. The guy could barely move around the ring, let alone perform simple moves. In other words, he represented the early 90's suck of The WWF.





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I've always found it bizarre that UT didn't feud with Papa Shango in 1992 but did feud with Kama in 1995. I would have given Wright a shot at UT as Shango since the voodoo MIGHT work, but Kama was just a boring big man gimmick that wasn't interesting.

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I've always found it bizarre that UT didn't feud with Papa Shango in 1992 but did feud with Kama in 1995. I would have given Wright a shot at UT as Shango since the voodoo MIGHT work, but Kama was just a boring big man gimmick that wasn't interesting.


They likely would have gone down that path, eventually, if the Warrior-Shango feud hadn't chased so many people away from the product.

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I think Shango and UT had some house show matches, but I too am surprised they didn't do an actual feud on TV.


At least when 'Taker feuded with Kama, they attempted to make it look like Kama could win by having him melt down the urn and take away some of Undertaker's "powers," for a while.

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Mideon..God, what memories. Did he win ANY matches, ever? Wasn't he in Southern Justice/The Godwins? What happened to the other guy?


Didn't he have his neck broken by a botched Doomsday Device? He was kind of running on fumes during the Southern Justice era, and after Phineas Godwin was kidnapped, crucified, and turned into Mideon by the Undertaker he was never heard from again.

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Yeah, Taker was supposed to feud with Nailz in late 92/early 93. After he got fired, Shango got inserted in Nailz's place in their house show matches. I kinda remember WWF magazine hyping a Shango/Taker feud as well; it just never played out on TV outside of the home video match.


As for people I knew sucked when I was little...Mantaur was REALLY bad. Though I haven't watched them in years, I remember the tag team Well Dunn being pretty bad too.


Also Kwang (I fucking LOVED Savio Vega though), Spark Plug Holly, Kamala (though that was probably more because of the stereotype than anything), and the Berserker (even though me and my friends used to love the "HUSS" thing).

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Mideon..God, what memories. Did he win ANY matches, ever? Wasn't he in Southern Justice/The Godwins? What happened to the other guy?


Didn't he have his neck broken by a botched Doomsday Device? He was kind of running on fumes during the Southern Justice era, and after Phineas Godwin was kidnapped, crucified, and turned into Mideon by the Undertaker he was never heard from again.


If memory serves it was his partner, Henry O, that was on the receiving end of the Doomsday Device. I can't remember if it was actually botched or if he just landed the wrong way.

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