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Guest The Elements of Style

Internet Darling Comedy Showdown

You can only pick one.  

55 members have voted

  1. 1. The laughs are only at home.

    • Arrested Development
    • The Office

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Guest The Elements of Style

So did I. I enjoy The Office quite a bit, of course, but it seems like they're kind of losing their direction vis-a-vis the BBC iteration every now and then, devolving into unrealistic broad physical comedy, to the long-term detriment of the show. Whether that's a cause or an effect of the show's enormous popularity, I can't tell. Not that David Cross jumping off a staircase into a glass coffee table wasn't unrealistic broad physical comedy, but I don't care enough to tell you why That's Different You See.

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I voted The Office but for rather silly reasons:


1. I was in Scranton on Monday and enjoyed taking pictures of things like the Penn Paper building. I don't think I'll be touring wherever in California that model home was anytime soon.


2. I've been watching The Office for 3 years, I only discovered AD's greatness (after quickly dismissing it during it's initial airing) earlier this year when I decided, after really enjoying an episode on CBCHD, to go buy all the DVDs.

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Arrested Development. I love the Office (and I'll be in Scranton, too, in a few weeks, for non-Office related reasons), but yeah, AD is better.

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Why are all you outsiders going to Scranton lately? I grew up there but meh... I can take it or leave it.

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Arrested Development for me, too. I love both of the them to death, but it seems like I quote AD much more. Also, I think GOB and Tobias > the Office cast.


Speaking of AD, a few weeks ago, I managed to pick up Season 2 new at Target for only $9.99. Now that's a steal.

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'arrested development' all the way. it was never uneven the way 'the office' is, and 'the office' at its best still doesn't come close to stuff like, "they're not cops, look how hot they are!"


i'd like to see a match-up between 'arrested development' and mst3k.

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Guest The Elements of Style

MST would win that one in a walkover. Arrested Development was a comedy supernova, it came and went, but Mystery Science Theater 3000 is like a cornerstone of what it means to be a dork on the Internet with a sense of humor. Arrested Development entertained, MST3K shaped for life. All the same can be said for The Simpsons as well, and maybe that's the worthy opponent you're looking for.

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MST would win that one in a walkover. Arrested Development was a comedy supernova, it came and went, but Mystery Science Theater 3000 is like a cornerstone of what it means to be a dork on the Internet with a sense of humor. Arrested Development entertained, MST3K shaped for life. All the same can be said for The Simpsons as well, and maybe that's the worthy opponent you're looking for.



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Guest Vitamin X
I don't think I'll be touring wherever in California that model home was anytime soon.


I'm 99.99999% sure that was in my hometown of Santa Clarita, CA, about 30 minutes north of Hollywood. I know this because the SCV is FULL of housing development tracts and they're all streets and streets of identical houses- very easy to get lost. And also because IMDB lists it as one of the filming locations.


Pretty much anytime a film or television show- particularly the latter- need to be shot in "the suburbs", Santa Clarita is almost always where they do it. My friend's house was down the street from where they shot "Next Friday", in where Santa Clarita turned into "Rancho Cucamonga" for that film. And the TV show, Weeds? That was actually shot IN my friend's house. They moved for a while to San Francisco, and while he was gone, the people who his parents had subletted the place to had gone and let Showtime film there.

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Are we voting on which is better (which we like more) or are we voting on which one is the definitive "internet darling comedy"?


Because if it's the former, I'm voting The Office.


And if it's the latter, I'm voting AD.


I don't want to mis-vote, so ....................

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Are we voting on which is better (which we like more) or are we voting on which one is the definitive "internet darling comedy"?


Because if it's the former, I'm voting The Office.


And if it's the latter, I'm voting AD.


I don't want to mis-vote, so ....................



Vote None of the Above.

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MST would win that one in a walkover. Arrested Development was a comedy supernova, it came and went, but Mystery Science Theater 3000 is like a cornerstone of what it means to be a dork on the Internet with a sense of humor. Arrested Development entertained, MST3K shaped for life. All the same can be said for The Simpsons as well, and maybe that's the worthy opponent you're looking for.





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