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WWE Raw (7/28/2008)

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I'll give them credit for something different... for a moment, I thought Shane was going to name himself GM.

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Hell, I like it. 100x better than Vince. Nobody thought Vickie would work (myself included). Adamle is going to be a heat magnet come next week. I don't think his screw ups were gimmicked though, but they could pretend that was the case. It would be brilliant if it was gimmicked and he could call a perfect match.


The zero pop/heat ending was perfect as well. Adamle there "Hey guys"...

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While I think the concept and the potential of Adamle being an evil genius all this time is a welcome change from the conventional WWE path, I'm hesitant because I'm not sure if I can see Adamle actually pulling off a good performance in this spot. Hopefully, he can succeed and avoid being the new version of The Coach.

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Well, I know I'm going to get a lot of heat for this, but...


Mike as GM is like CM as champ...


neither one deserve it, represent it well, or will last long.


There, I said it.


To reiterate...


THE FUCKIN' BELT IS TOO BIG ON CM. He hardly wears it well. Apparently, the bookers agree with me, since he can't beat anyone other than Regal (which is simply "paying dues" on the heels of his suspension). He and Adamlee will be just a footnote in WWE history...




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You know, the Adamle thing barely crossed my mind for about 5 seconds when he replaced Cole after Cole was beaten up in the tag match. I couldn't help but think of the movie My Fellow Americans where John Heard played a Dan Quayle type of inept VP, but it turned out that he was a sinister mastermind behind everything. I didn't really put it together though, since Ross came out there and all and it came off like Adamle was so incompetent that they needed a real announcer.


This thing could go a couple of ways: 1. Adamle could be the evil mastermind who has been acting like a fool all this time. 2. He could simply be inept and the chaos continues on Raw. Either way I have to give them credit for thinking outside the box on this one and not having Shane make himself the GM like I feared might happen.

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All I can think is that Mike's "character" has been playing dumb all this time, and that he's actually some manipulative evil genius. Otherwise this will be horrible and a huge waste of time. Which it probably will be.


I think this is Vince's way of making fun of Bischoff.


Bischoff was a shitty announcer in WCW one day and running the company the next.


I don't know if its making fun of Bischoff as much as it's just creating an exaggerated Bischoff-inspired type role for Adamle, based off his WCW storyline situation there that led to him going heel and being with the NWO. Same shit, a bad announcer who wasn't getting the respect from anyone in the storylines, and he goes mad with power. For what it's worth, I think its a great idea and worth a shot since I can't stand him calling matches and I think he'd make a much more heel character anyway with his unintentional blunders, etc. I don't know if that was planned ahead of time, but when Adamle mistook Jillian for Lillian, that was some great shit, and how JR started really jabbing at Adamle, followed by Adamle saying some heelish things towards JR, that I thought was just Adamle being stupid and not knowing any better. And of course the Michael Cole beatdown makes total sense too, was a fun show built around that stuff. It still doesn't fully explain WHY Jim Ross was out there though, I'm assuming at orders of Adamle himself, but still, wtf? Before knowing it was Adamle as GM, I thought someone in the back just told Ross to get his ass out there in a shoot and save the commentary, since Adamle wasn't carrying it well.


Top to bottom, really thought that was a strong show that kept me hooked for most of it, Regal/Punk was solid stuff with some stiff shit from Regal, Cena/Batista interaction was good, but still thinking they are going to turn Cena v. Batista into Cena/Batista/JBL/Punk four way (which Observer says is in the current books as of this weekend) or they may do a six pack elimination match (or whatever the fuck WWE calls these) and add Kane and Jericho into the mix. I just can't see them really doing Cena/Batista at SummerSlam, not yet. Oh and a HELL of a promo by Jericho, that segment was excellent.

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Well, I know I'm going to get a lot of heat for this, but...


Mike as GM is like CM as champ...


neither one deserve it, represent it well, or will last long.


There, I said it.


To reiterate...


THE FUCKIN' BELT IS TOO BIG ON CM. He hardly wears it well. Apparently, the bookers agree with me, since he can't beat anyone other than Regal (which is simply "paying dues" on the heels of his suspension). He and Adamlee will be just a footnote in WWE history...








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That was the perfect ending to that show. Seriously.


It was unexpected and creates a really good reason to tune in next week.


I agree, I honestly didn't see it coming at all, one of the few times in awhile I've been legitimately surprised at an ending of Raw.


So we either got Josh Matthews, Todd Grisham, or maybe Joey Styles taking over ECW announcing, thank god. I say just bring Styles back.

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neither one deserve it,


So how does CM Punk not deserve it? He has the reactions, a large number of matches under his belt and, while no really great matches while in WWE, a handful of good ones. Otherwise we have a bunch of also rans who shouldn't be carrying the title right now, but will get their chance again or JBL who can't carry the belt and argubaly shouldn't have in the first place.


So we either got Josh Matthews, Todd Grisham, or maybe Joey Styles taking over ECW announcing, thank god. I say just bring Styles back.


Styles may not even want to come back. Given how good Matthews and Tazz were, I vote him.

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How about Dok Hendrix?


Michael Hayes and Tazz would be interesting as hell, at least for a few weeks.


Honestly, I doubt they will do it, but I'd love it if Tazz just tried to carry different announcers for awhile each as tryouts for the new ECW sidekick job. Bring out Hayes, Dusty Rhodes, Ricky Steamboat, etc, do that for a few weeks, change up announcers every segment/match, just to see how they would work with Tazz.

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neither one deserve it,


So how does CM Punk not deserve it? He has the reactions, a large number of matches under his belt and, while no really great matches while in WWE, a handful of good ones. Otherwise we have a bunch of also rans who shouldn't be carrying the title right now, but will get their chance again or JBL who can't carry the belt right now and argubaly shouldn't have in the first place.


That's a good start.


Also, I think Jericho hit the nail on the head when he said he deserved the shot (and the title, IMO). The only reason CM Punk is champ is because he's clean. He doesn't do 'roids or drugs. It looks good for the WWE.


But, one thing I learned when I was involved with the business...


You have to EARN your role in wrestling. I don't feel CM has. I don't think Regal thinks so, either, with the stiff ass shots he was dishing out!


Love him all you want, but CM is not championship material, and it pains me to see him wearing the belt Flair made so prominent.

Edited by Noah Fentz

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Yeah well dude David Arquette held that belt at one point, so I don't think Punk is all that worried about living up to some huge recent legacy.


That said, I would like to see Jericho/Punk eventually settle in for a 1 on 1 feud in this bizarre title scene with Jericho perhaps getting the belt if nothing else but for a transition title run to either Cena or Batista.

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Arquette was a fuckin' blight on the industry, and frankly, I don't recognize him as a champion in any plane of existence.


As far as Punk is concerned, he's the epitome of 60% of the workers that wanted to work for me...


...dressed in black and greasy.


NOT a good look for a champion by any stretch of the imagination.

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Yeah well dude David Arquette held that belt at one point, so I don't think Punk is all that worried about living up to some huge recent legacy.


That said, I would like to see Jericho/Punk eventually settle in for a 1 on 1 feud in this bizarre title scene with Jericho perhaps getting the belt if nothing else but for a transition title run to either Cena or Batista.


If they really are setting Cena/Batista for SummerSlam (I'm still not convinced), they still may do a four way for the title, just Jericho/JBL/Kane/Punk, which would make sense now with Adamle as GM for him to "stack the deck" against Punk by putting him in there with three heels. From there, Jericho against Punk could go, depending on how long they want to milk the Michaels injury angle out (which appears to be not very long, likely). Or you could even do Jericho and Punk after they blowoff Michaels and Jericho, probably after the Sept. ppv.


The way I figure is this feud with Michaels is putting over Jericho as a serious heel (and nice character work on him renouncing his old Y2J gimmick tonight) and as such, a title program is up ahead in the future for him once the Michaels feud is over, and honestly I dont see Punk losing the belt anytime soon, but yes, maybe to Jericho later in the year.

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neither one deserve it,


So how does CM Punk not deserve it? He has the reactions, a large number of matches under his belt and, while no really great matches while in WWE, a handful of good ones. Otherwise we have a bunch of also rans who shouldn't be carrying the title right now, but will get their chance again or JBL who can't carry the belt right now and argubaly shouldn't have in the first place.


That's a good start.


Also, I think Jericho hit the nail on the head when he said he deserved the shot (and the title, IMO). The only reason CM Punk is champ is because he's clean. He doesn't do 'roids or drugs. It looks good for the WWE.


But, one thing I learned when I was involved with the business...



What did you exactly do in the business?

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Jericho is the only one on Raw who should be holding the belt if not CM Punk.


I'm not even a huge fan of his, but I don't get how CM Punk hasn't earned his spot after years in the independents, a good while toiling in ECW and being clean and fairly responsible on top of it. The Regal thing doesn't hold much water, either, considering he always strikes hard and likes Punk from what I've heard.

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Quick thought from tonight too, it was kind of funny how little the crowd responded to the idea of Cena/Batista in any capacity.......Mania, Summerslam, or even booked as the main event of Raw (granted, they cheered, but it wasn't anything crazy). With that said, the issue there is "lack of issue" so to speak, that story between them is far from developed enough where them having that match yet is even worth it (I tend to think a similar thought in how they rushed Edge/HHH out of the gates too), they should tease mistrust and probably a major turn with one of them going heel on the other in due time, and THEN we can start suggesting the idea of Cena/Batista. So chances are we are still going to have the Cena/Batista/JBL/Punk SummerSlam match but we'll see.

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Jericho is the only one on Raw who should be holding the belt if not CM Punk.


I'm not even a huge fan of his, but I don't get how CM Punk hasn't earned his spot after years in the independents, a good while toiling in ECW and being clean and fairly responsible on top of it. The Regal thing doesn't hold much water, either, considering he always strikes hard and likes Punk from what I've heard.



It's really not about how long he's been doing it on the indy scene, that's irrelevant in the WWE's eyes. Once you join the WWE, you're more or less green. Everything is their way, since they've always acted like the only game in town.


As far as Regal is concerned, again, irrelevant. My point is Punk is not and will not be able to represent the WWE the way the "powers that be" expect to be represented.


I honestly suspect this is a way to cool some of the heat the press has been giving the WWE since the Benoit incident. Is it just coincidence he won the title around the one year anniversary? I think not.


There is a very political game behind promoting wrestling, and although I think it was a good move, Punk really is a political move on the WWE's part...sorry.



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I love when someone new joins the board to educate us on how things really work in the WWE and the buisness...cause up until reading this thread I had no idea that there was politics of any kind in wrestling, that WWE likes things done their way, or give the belt to someone to cool the heat on their company.


I, for one, thank you for your contribution to this thread!


































(end sarcasim)

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You and your sarcasm can blow me.


I may be new to the board, but I bring something to it. All I've seen is this amorous lean toward Punk, and I figured it was time for a reality check.


I would imagine I have about 20 years in life on you and about 15 years of wrestling business on you, so keep your sarcasm to yourself.


[Just to be straight...my apologies for being so brash. This is an "edit", but I will not delete mt preceding statement, since it is exactly how I feel.]

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