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Who needs a turn?

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I hope no one actually believes he got these pm's...we can check up on that sort of thing.

I don't think anyone has believed a single claim he's made.


I feel like I'm in high school again...


What a fuckin' waste of time.


That's the second instance of you claiming it's a waste of time here, and yet you keep coming back.


Getting back to the subject of the thread...


I think a HHH heel turn, while it would freshen him up, would also be very difficult to pull off. HHH is like Chris Jericho in that he's someone who the fans like and don't really want to boo, and while they can work hard enough to get the crowd to boo them, it's almost never going to be anything passionate or vociferous. It's always going to be the booing that the crowd feels like they have to do because of what the heel says rather than because they actually hate the guy. It took Jericho a while to get the crowd to really hate him, and for HHH it might take longer.


It's the same with Shawn Michaels. He can play a fantastic heel, but he's too well liked and respected by the fans to get really hated. Sure, Shawn, like Jericho and, when it happens, Hunter, will be able to get the crowd to boo them, but it won't be that outright hatred that a JBL gets.



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Don't worry Noah Fentz, I'll defend you on here. But I don't think Cena or Hogan's pops are completely piped in or anything. Sure there might be piped in chants for all I know, but I think they get legit cheers too. The only guy that had really embarrassing piped in chants was Goldberg. He was completely out of style in 2000, and the crowd wouldn't make a sound when he came out to the ring, yet we would hear Goldberg chants from somewhere.

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