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The Simpsons Character Draft

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My one-timer that I've been putting off can wait one more round. This one's too good too miss.


Remember when I was kicking around the idea of a special guest to pick for Rando in rounds 3 and 4? And I had a line that I didn't want to use for fear of name dropping?


"A special celebrity draftor has been lined up!"

"Well, my brother said he'd do it!"

"Sorry, but Ernest Borgnine's already been confirmed!"




That evil laugh when he's trying to convince the kid not to cry - gold.


Conan and Frank Grimes were excellent picks, and you couldn't have found a better picture for Grimey.

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My turn again? Well, since I get stuck in the middle of every round, most of my next top picks have been grabbed, so I'm pulling my ace.


Homer: What the hell are you reading books for?

Bart: I'm doing "The Conan O'Brien Show", and I want to have some

intelligent stuff to talk about.

Homer: Don't forget to say "I didn't do it."

Bart: Dad, there's more to me than just a catch-phrase.

Homer: How do you figure, boy?

Bart: Watch "The Conan O'Brien Show", you'll see.

Homer: All right, but after Leno I'm all laughed out, you know.




Bart: You know, Conan, I have a lot to say. I'm not just a one-line

wonder. Did you know that a section of rain forest the size of

Kansas is burned every single --

Conan: Just do the line.

Bart: [glum] I didn't do it.

[Everyone laughs and cheers]

Conan: [laughs] Great material. We'll be right back.

[Music starts, and Conan dances. Bart half-heartedly joins him]

Sit perfectly still: only I may dance!



I was really surprised Conan never brought this scene up when he was talking to Seth Green about being the "Cha-Ching!" boy the other night.

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Um, I'd like to hear from Sideshow Mel...


I'm surprised he wasn't taken yet. He taught us to never use a bone in attempting to get gum out of our hair.

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I wasn't aware my pick was up.


Sideshow Raheem!


I didn't notice my PM until late tonight, so I just went ahead and picked, conveniently after your time anyway. BUT, by the looks of it, CanadianGuitarist accidentally PM'd me instead of you.

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I wasn't aware my pick was up.


Sideshow Raheem!


I didn't notice my PM until late tonight, so I just went ahead and picked, conveniently after your time anyway. BUT, by the looks of it, CanadianGuitarist accidentally PM'd me instead of you.


Shit, that's right, I remember looking for your name in this thread to link to.


Sorry, Al. Unless you had planned on picking Mel, it all comes out in the wash. Just to confirm, Raheem's your pick?

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I have a top 12 list together. Some solid characters, and some I'm hoping have been forgotten about forever


I had a list of twelve too, that I began piecing together after I ordered the draft. I knew I wouldn't get Homer or Burns or Moe, so I ordered them realistically. I don't think this will be as backstabbing (for lack of a better word) as a sports draft, since we all have favourite episodes and forgotten characters. I've mentioned a few times a specific one-timer that I should have taken three rounds ago, but keep putting off since I don't think anyone will think of him.


The episode draft could result in some mutiny.

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So unless I read wrong (and by "read" I mean typed "/Martin" and got no results), even though I swear I saw the name pop-up, ol Martin Prince is still up for grabs.




Martin Prince: Care to make it a trio, Bart? You can brush and I can blow.

Bart Simpson: Well, I agree you blow.

Martin Prince: Then it's a plan!

Bart Simpson: A lot of people blow, but no one blows like you.

Martin Prince: High praise indeed.

Bart Simpson: If you looked up blow in the dictionary...

Lisa Simpson: Bart, he's not gonna get it.


Martin Prince: A bone? It could be from one of the major Homos!

Bart Simpson: You're one of the major...

Lisa Simpson: Forget it!

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Bleeding Gums Murphy




Just cause he plays the saxamaphone..... sax-a-ma-phoneeeeeee


Blind Willie: I've been playing jazz for thirty years and just can't seem to make a go at it. I want you to have my saxophone

Bleeding Gums: This isn't a saxophone! This is an umbrella!

Blind Willie: So I've been playing an umbrella for thirty years? Why didn't anybody tell me?

Bleeding Gums: We all thought it was funny!

Blind Willie: That ain't funny.

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[Deleted Scene from Grade School Confidential-Bart and Milhouse arrive at Martin's birthday party]

Martin's Parents: Oh, hello! You must be Bart. Martin's told us so much about you. He says you're best friends!

Bart: HA Hahahahaha! Oh my god!

Martin's Parents look at each other and Martin looks at the ground, sad.


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Herman: The key to Springfield has always been Elm Street. The Greeks knew it. The Carthaginians knew it. Now you know it.

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My two favorite guest stars...




John [... Waters. But the character was just John]


"Look, John, you seem like a perfectly nice guy and all, just stay the hell away from my family."


"Well, now you don't get any candy!


No, that's cruel. Take a teensy piece."






"Throw another one'a them photo albums on the far."


"Which one, Precious Moments or Treasured Memories?"


"Quit ye yappin'. Ah'm freezin'!




"Well, there's no shame in being beaten by the best."


"But he didn't seem all that-"


"We were beaten by the best, boy."

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