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Misplaced Rage?

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Examine this thread. Is it right for me to hate this guy? I don't know, I just want to hate him as hard as I fucking can. He is stupid as all hell and I just want to be a total dick to him, but I guess we're supposed to help people in the Technology board? Is that a rule?

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ya gotta let it go. I work at Best Buy. In the PC department. I hear 30 questions a day about wireless routers that are on par if not worse than this. I'm sure it never dawned on him it was possible to pick up his neighbor's wireless signal. Patience is a virtue and all that.

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I sometimes steal accidentally. I noticed when I was TSMing it up in the basement, my IP was different. I guess my neighbours have the same router we do and the laptop automatically connected to it. Someone who knows who this wizadry works can probably tell me I'm completely wrong, but as soon as I brought the laptop upstairs it restored my connection to the correct network.

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Guest Israeli Mixed Wrestling

If you're filled with rage over a thread in the technology forum, it's misplaced.


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Millions are dying needlessly, and you get filled with rage at this? Fuck you.


Man, if we got really angry every time someone died, we'd all be very very tired.

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I initially read the title of this thread as "Misplaced Race?" That probably would have been more interesting.

I read it as "Misplaced Rape"

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Millions are dying needlessly, and you get filled with rage at this? Fuck you.


Man, if we got really angry every time someone died, we'd all be very very tired.


I don't want to be a part of a TSM that doesn't (or never had) a death pool. That's quintessential smartmarkery there.


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