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King Cucaracha

ANGLEPALOOZA 2009 Booking Thread

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I thought we had a week more until the show than we do! D'oh. If you guys haven't gotten around to telling Alfdogg who you want in the Rumble by now, hurry up and do it.



OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship

Leon Rodez © vs. Mr. Dick

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Show of hands for who else didn't think this show was so damn close! Real talk about that lethal rumble, ya'll hoes better tell alf know if you haven't.


Malaysia's Dungeon Match

Malaysia Vs Krista Isadora Duncan


Send everything to Patty O', yo.

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Climax 2005 must've had either 3 or 4. That was that super insane show with like 14 or 15 matches that had Tony and I wondering if we should not so gently tell motherfuckers to back their shit on up to HD and quit putting all these secondary characters on PPV.




Zaaaaaack, who is Candie and who is Allison in the pic base department?

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So far I've heard from Patty, KC and Ed regarding Rumble participants (and me, obv.) If anyone else wants people in the Rumble, they need to let me know ASAP.

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If you heard from Patty, then you've heard from me to. He tends to handle that kind of thing for me. Don't know why but I appreciate it. Less work for me! I guess because we've developed a number of characters together he has a good idea as to how I'd like something to go. But in the event he didn't speak for my guys, the BHB, THR, Baron Windels and VICE are available. Or should be. Patty can correct me if I'm wrong.

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So far I've heard from Patty, KC and Ed regarding Rumble participants (and me, obv.) If anyone else wants people in the Rumble, they need to let me know ASAP.


I PM'd you about DJ Giant Jesus. Did you get it or should I resend?

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If there's room, throw Phoenix in there, but not Hule. Phoenix would never pass up that opportunity, even if he does have other machinations going on in the show.


Barbed Wire on Spools Match

Hule "The Name" Bartowski vs

"Die Hard" Ricky Danger


Spoiler'd because it'll be announced on hD.

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